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9 years ago

So, it's been a little over 7 years since you guys were taken from us and about 3 years since I last posted. I'm in college now and still think about you two every day. I've even cried to my roommate about you two, which you probably don't want to hear. There's not a second that goes by that I don't wish you were here with me, enjoying this experience, but I'm sure you're having a blast in heaven. There are times that I think about joining you two. It's been a rough 7 years for me. Honestly, the only thing that has kept me going is the good memories I have of you. Taylor, you'll be happy to hear that I've saved a few turtles here and there. And Skyla, when I was moving out I found some of the rings we got from incredible pizza. It made me laugh. Like I said last time, it's still hard for me to drive down that road, but when I do I always make sure to say hi. I think sometime soon when I go home, I'm going to fix up the memorial. It's starting to look really run down and not really like a memorial anymore. I wanna make it look nice again. You guys would appreciate that huh? I know we were young and it was a long time ago, but I still consider you two to be my best friends and I always will. I'll never forget you guys and the memories we made. Talk to you later. Love you.

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Miss you
12 years ago

It's been a little over 4 years now and I still miss you deeply. You were my bestfriends and it still feels like a horrible nightmare. Skyla, I remember I stayed the night at your house for your bithday and we stayed up all night watching all of the Chuckie movies and then got up early and went to Incredible Pizza. Taylor, I remember the time that we left you out on the playground at recess and hid from you inside the room and when you realized we were gone you got really scared. Then the whole class started cracking up. I miss you two so much. I still cry a lot and I still don't like driving down that road. I'm just glad you're in a better place now. Be watching over me please, I'm sure you are:)

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Rich Abrams
13 years ago

See this KOTV link for the latest news on this recently breaking story!

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Best Friend
13 years ago

Hey Skyla and Taylor. Its been 3 years since we lost you two and to this day, I still sob when I talk about it. You two were my best friends. I still remember the night I heard the news. I can't think about it without losing it. Even though you're not here with us on Earth, I know you're always watching over us. You are loved and missed deeply<3

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14 years ago


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Taylor n Skyla
15 years ago

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Taylor n Skyla
15 years ago

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monica g
16 years ago

I cannot stop thinking about these two little girls. It is not right that the person who did this is still out there. Someone knows who did this. Someone always knows. The family deserves to get their justice in this life. As for these little girls, they are in Peace in Heaven with God, it is those left behind that suffer and mourn. May God Bless their families and friends.

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16 years ago

It's a shame that our kids can't go walking any longer because of instances like this. I wish I could heal the pain!!!!!!! With Love From Tallassee, Alabama

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16 years ago

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16 years ago

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Robin Johnson
16 years ago

God bless the families of these two angels. You have my deepest sympathy. No words can be spoken to take away your heavy hearts and all the pain . Losing a child is the worst thing in this world that can happen to anybody. I too, lost my 24 year old son on June 8, 2008. I pray that God will be with you everyday and give you strength to make it day at a time.

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Rich Abrams
16 years ago

Here's a link to the KOTV report about the prayer service that was held on the site where Taylor and Skyla lost their lives this afternoon. Many Weleetkans turned-out for the open prayer service. you may have to copy and paste the URL above into a new browser window.

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Maggie Vanherzele
16 years ago

thanks for this. God bless these children.

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Ernie Sheltry
16 years ago

Just a quick note to let you know that the girls and all those that love them continue to be lifted up in prayer. May earthly justice find those who are responsible for this unimaginable sin, as well as the Lords justice that awaits them.

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16 years ago

Has the police considered the pastor who was arrested for being a child predator over the last eight years in Weeleka? He may have an accomplice considering he has gotten away with asulting children for the last eight years in Weeleka. Where was he before this? He must have been doing this long before now. What if they were two of the children? What if they knew of another person doing it with the pastor? I know they are in heaven now. God Bless!!!! I wonder if the police have looked back at other murders along a railroad area. It just makes no sense to me that there is nothing, no leads.

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I was watching The Amber Story last night and for some reason it made me think of these two little girls...i was wondering if the killer or killers were ever i got on-line this morning and checked it out and i found this memorial. I just wanted to let the families of these 2 girls that my heart and prayers are with them.

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16 years ago

May the Angels lead you into paradise

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16 years ago

God Bless those two little girls and their families. I want so badly to see justice served. I wonder if Carol Pate, a famous psychic from Arkansas, can help with the case. She has helped solve numerous cold cases from murders and kidnappings. At this point, even though there are skeptics, anything that could bring clues to solve this case would be wonderful.

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16 years ago

We live pretty close to where these two beautiful little girls were killed, still no answers. I go to bed everynight praying that justice will be served, I know justice isn't going to bring them back and it won't even give the families closure, there's a hole in their hearts now that will always be. I didn't know the families but everyone in the town and community has grown to love these two innocent girls. RIP Skyla and Taylor, you are missed and loved until the end of time................

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Aaliyah Ogletree
16 years ago

I don't know why horrible events happen, but I do know that you are with GOD and in peace. Parents please know that you will be reunited with them again.

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16 years ago

I wonder every day why someone would do something like this. Taylor and Skyla, you have touched the lives of many people all over the world, and you will be in my heart forever. I continue to pray for you, your friends and families, and for swift justice to whatever could possibly snuff out the life of two beautiful, innocent girls. Rest in peace, sweet little angels, nothing can ever harm you again. Until we meet someday...

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16 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. May justice be served.

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Mrs. Ivy Tanvishut
16 years ago

I've been devastated and drawn to your story since it first broke. My husband and I live in North Carolina, and want you to know that prayers are being sent up on the behalf of your families from us, and from all over the world. May God send you the Comfort you need and May God's Justice come quickly for whomever did these horrific things. Know that the Lord knows and that will be the worst judgement these monsters will have to face. With sincere sympathy - Dr. and Mrs. Mac Tanvishut,

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Kathryn Schutz
16 years ago

I am praying several times a day for the capture and repentance of whoever did this monstrous thing to your girls and to the community. I lived through 18 months of a child killer killing kids identical to my son, woke with screaming nightmares,as did thousands of other parents. You have my deepest condolences and most earnest prayers. Kathryn Schutz

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

I thought today I should send this to you. I run an ebay drop off store and took this project on for KREK 104.9 FM Radio in Bristow after they called me and asked if I was interested. I had a heart for this fundraiser because I have 5 children, the two oldest are girls 12 & 13, and I really feel for the parents of the two little girls that were killed. Please pass this email on and tell everyone to post this on their "About Me" Part of your myspace or blog or website if you have one.. Then pass it on to all artists and celebrities and anyone else you know that has a heart! This is the pink guitar auction for the two weleetka oklahoma girls families of Taylor Placker 13 and Skyla Whitaker 11, they were murdered in rural Weleetka, OK. It runs for 10 days. Thanks! - And Pass it on to all you know!!! Ebay Auction Item # 250263965120 or go to and just type in weleetka. Also you can now go to and type weleetka and the top first listing is for the benefit auction! Also you can go to my website or or Thanks to all are apart of this! Thanks for your love & Compassion Chris M. Warwick 918.407.5436 Cell Phone Want to help? You have a myspace or blog or website? Put the following code on your about me section of myspace or into your blog or on the front page of your website or copy and paste it into your emails! COPY & PASTE THE FOLLOWING CODE!!!!! <object width="355" height="300"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="base=" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="355" height="300" flashvars="base="></embed></object> HELP GET THE WORD OUT, LETS MAKE THIS AUCTION GO BIG FOR THE FAMILIES OF SKYLA & TAYLOR!!!

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

I thought today I should send this to you. I work run an ebay drop off store and took this project on for KREK 104.9 FM Radio in Bristow after they called me and asked if I was interested. I had a heart for this fundraiser because I have 5 children, the two oldest are girls 12 & 13, and I really feel for the parents of the two little girls that were killed. Please pass this email on and tell everyone to post this on their "About Me" Part of your myspace or blog or website if you have one.. Then pass it on to all artists and celebrities and anyone else you know that has a heart! This is the pink guitar auction for the two weleetka oklahoma girls families of Taylor Placker 13 and Skyla Whitaker 11, they were murdered in rural Weleetka, OK. It runs for 10 days. Thanks! - And Pass it on to all you know!!! Thanks for your love * Compassion Chris M. Warwick 918.407.5436 Cell Phone <object width="355" height="300"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="base=" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="355" height="300" flashvars="base="></embed></object>

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16 years ago

May God bless these two beautiful little girls and hold them in his arms and my God bless you all and keep you in his heart. I'm sorry for your loss.

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16 years ago

May the families of Skyla and Taylor take comfort in knowing that these two beautiful angels are together in heaven. I think about these two precious girls every day. I pray for them and for their families, that they may find peace and justice. Know that we share in your grief. May God bless you all.

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

Here are a few pictures I found on the internet of the two girls Taylor & Skyla that were murdered in Weleetka, OK.

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

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16 years ago

What beautiful angels you girls must be. I didn't personally know either of you but your story has shocked me and the rest of America. I now imagine 2 best friends, dressed in white, in heaven, walking down a long dirt road surrounded by angels, trees, and beautiful flowers with no monsters to hurt you. I am so sorry ya'll were taken from this world too soon. RIP

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

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Chris M. Warwick
16 years ago

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shirley scull
16 years ago

It shocked me to hear something like this comeing from a small town that I once grew up in.about 20 years ago i lived out about 2 miles from there and me my cusion and our friends allways took walks,rode bikes and played.everybody knew one another country people never met a stranger.thats what the country is for to have fun enjoy the wild life not to be locked in your own home like prisoners.but it sounds like theres to many sick i mean sick people in this world that keeps you locked in your home so nothing like this happens to you or your loved ones.i'd never thought anything like this could happen i a small town i once called home.the whole world is praying for the familys and praying that justice gets done for the 2 young girls.God Bless The Familys Of The 2 Young Girls .

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Katie - Toronto, ON
16 years ago

Two lives taken too soon....this seems so senseless....Skyla & Taylor, you have no idea how much you've affected people around the world. We're all praying that you are in a better place, and that your killer(s) is/are apprehended soon..... RIP angels.

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This is a sad time in our community. God give us patience and tenacity.

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Tom and Ruth
16 years ago

This tragedy must bring unbearable grief. I pray for God to give you all strength. Yet the only way I can imagine that anyone can live through anything this tragic, is to just keep breathing. Even as hard as that must be to do in such pain.

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Tilda K Martin
16 years ago

God grant you peace and strength to bear this senseless act of man as only God can. I pray that justice is swift and just as quick to the Sis Till K

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16 years ago

My thoughts and prayers are with the families of these angles. I hurt daily myself when I think of this tragic event. I know that they are now basking in the arms of Jesus and nothing will ever harm them again. I know that with the loving God we have you will find comfort in his arms and peace in his spirit.

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16 years ago

The state of Oklahoma is heartbroken by your story. Myself and other people I know will not rest until your killer is brought to justice. Your families are in my thoughts and prayers.

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16 years ago

My heart goes out to everyone who knew these precious little girls. I hope that justice comes quickly for these girls and their families. Nothing anyone can say will take away the pain you're going through, I just hope that some comfort can be taken in knowing that your girls are in God's precious arms now and that no harm will ever come to them again. May God comfort you in your time of need.

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16 years ago

We little knew that morning that God would call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same It broke our hearts to lose you. You did not go alone, for part of us went with you the day God called you home. You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide. And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same. But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. Author unknown You both will be missed.

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16 years ago

This world will be a greyer place for the Grandparents and parents...This is so senseless behavior..The 2 sweet girls in the story should be enjoying the summer as the BFF's they words can console the family but know people grieve with You..RIP Girls.

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J Cannon
16 years ago

Skyla and Taylor Gone from body to spirit Eternal beauty.

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16 years ago

This is so heart breaking..My heart goes out to these families, may God guide you through this trying time..I pray this will be solved soon. This was such a heartless crime.

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Fred Benson
16 years ago

My thoughts and prayers are with Taylor and Skyla's families. I lost my brother at a young age. In 1978,my 8-year old brother Jeff died of electrocution. I still miss him every day. We must know that our kids are important to us,and when we lose our kids,as a parent or a sibling,it really hurts. It hurt me when my brother died,and it will hurt a lot when someone you love dies. I wish I could help you with your grief. Is there any way I can help to keep Taylor and Skyla's memory alive? If there is,feel free to email me at Go with God,Taylor and Skyla,you are best friends forever!

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16 years ago

No words can express how deeply sorry I am for your tragic loss.

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16 years ago

I am sorry to hear about such a tragedy and my heart goes out to these girls and their families. God be with you all and help you through the pain and loss. Im sorry.

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