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Nestor Benavides
12 years ago

July 15th was Michael Logsdon's Birthday! Everyone who knew him remembers him as a very special and inspired soul. I had the pleasure of knowing Michael briefly, but know that his energy is alive and well at EMG, in the hearts of those who knew him, and those who carry his dream forward. Thank you Michael - for sharing your dream with all of us. We humbly embrace your dream and are working hard to move it forward... On the 15th of July, in your memory, we will celebrate by toasting to your memory with lots of smiles and with ice cream. which we are told was one of your very favorite treats. Living and working strong... in your memory!

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14 years ago

We're thinking about Mike. Although it is coming up on two years, it seems like we just spoke to him yesterday. We miss you !!!.......The D'Ambrosia Family

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15 years ago

You are missed with each one that passes. But I know you are watching over us all and mastering the Art of being an Angel. Thank you Uncle Mickey!

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Evie Logsdon
15 years ago

To have known Michael was too love him. He was a light that shinned so brightly where ever he was. He accepted everyone for just who they were not for their stature in life, wealth, faith or color. Once you met him for some reason you never forgot him. You know how sometimes you meet a person and they just trigger something in you that makes you immediately think that person is special? You always knew when you saw him next; his smile would be there to welcome you. Most of all "I miss his smile". I do truly believe that there are angles among us and he was one of God's angels sent into this world to share his special gift of love, kindness, support and concern for others. A teacher to show us the way we should be living life. Staying positive even when things seem so dark, staying strong even when we feel so weak. He was a leader in the family to show strength in an even brighter tomorrow. He used every moment of his life here on earth to help us hear strive to see life’s positives. I pray everyday that I can become a stronger person, better and more giving and that I too can show by example. I talk to him everyday and ask him to help guide me in the right direction. I am thankful for Patti for all her love and support and the happiness she gave too Michael during their life together. I am thankful for her strength in continuing to keep family tradition alive and I am thankful for all my wonderful memories of the times we’ve shared. His humor, his big kid in a candy store attitude and his positive ways influenced many of us and our lives are so much better because of him. Memories of Michael always bring a smile to my face and I will carry them with me in my heart forever.

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Karey Logsdon
15 years ago

I think I miss his smile most of all too. Your daughter gave me a wonderful gift the last time I was home, a framed medley of pictures and the top right is one of my favorite ones of dad smiling. I have it in my kitchen so he can smile at my daily. It really lifts my spirit when I'm down. You can feel the warmth coming from him even tho it's a picture <3

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Karey Logsdon
16 years ago

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Karey Logsdon
16 years ago

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Karey Logsdon
16 years ago

I am so grateful to Kristen for creating this page for my dad. And to everyone sharing thoughts and memories, it's hard to describe the warmth all of your kind words bring to my heart. My dad once called me his rogue child and since he has passed I have come to realize that he was my compass, always there to help point me in the right direction. It has been tough living life without him...without my compass I have been a bit out of sync. But I know if I let his death stop me from living a full and happy life I would be dishonoring everything that he stood for and all that he was. When I search for strength in moments of great sadness, I find myself realizing over and over how grateful I am to be his daughter and that his strength is part of what makes me who I am. It's the part of him that's in me that is getting me through this very very painful loss. There will never be a day when I will be able to say that my heart won't ache for him, but in honor of his spirit I will always try my hardest to live as happily and as graciously as he did. Dad, You were one in a trillion, made of stuff that is very rare and truly amazing. I will always miss you. Love...Karey

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Maria Pippin
13 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear of Mike's passing. I knew Mike and Patti back in the mid 80's when Patti and I worked together at Hughes Network Systems. I haven't seen them in over 17 years and with the social mediate boom, I often try to look them up. Sadly, I found this website but a beautiful tribute to Mike. Patti, if you are out there contact me some time. I'm so very sorry. Mike was a wonderful person. Maria (Beazell) Pippin ( Would love to catch up with you. God Bless, Maria

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Roy and Phyllis
16 years ago

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16 years ago

I love this picture...i hated that he didnt win. Who's in the background?

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Jasper Stanford
16 years ago

Michael Logsdon, uncle Micky or just plain Mick. I am a marry-in to the Logsdon family. My wife Heather is Mick's niece, daughter of his oldest brother Joe. I have been in this family for 10 years now, Wow! Has It really has been 10 years? Well you know the saying "Time flies when you are having fun." As a born-in,marry-in or hugged-in family member there was always that day when you had to meet the whole family and this was a day to remember. For me it was the summer of 1998 at Piney Run Park for a Fourth of July celebration. We arrived early, as a matter of fact we were the first ones there. My girlfriend at the time Heather had said to me It will be fun for you to meet my family. Fun! Well, with her grandparents Joe and Edna then Michael, Dave, Bruce, Ron, and Tim as my wife's set of Uncles and Tina has her aunt, their spouses, children, grandchildren. In laws and out laws, cousins, their extended family and friends it sure it was fun. Fun for her to watch my mind crumble under the confusion of all of the names. But, as I look back with 20/20 vision of hindsight I can remember some really key moments. That day as I was introduced to the family it went pretty much like this, hi, I'm Dave, hi, I am Bruce, hi I Ron, and thats Timmy. Then there was a man carrying a bushel of Crabs out of the corner of my eye. He was smiling the whole time walking from the car to the gazebo. It was a really hot day so I wanted some thing cold to drink, I walk over the row of 100 coolers and was overwhelmed again. Wow! What do I do? Should I have brought my own? I was hot, thirsty and very confused. Then the man who was carrying the crabs, an obvious brother to Heather's dad, must have been so aware to notice this new person to the clan wandering aimless around the coolers said, Hey Man! How ya doin'? You look hot, are you thirsty? Take your pick. He proceeded to open up every cooler 1,2,3,4,5.. Take your pick. Huh? You wanna a beer? Here have one of these and handed me an iced cold bottled Budweiser. Then he stuck out his hand and said, "who are you with?" Huh. I'm with Heather. He smiled even bigger, then said, "Well if you are with Heather then I am your uncle Mick." He said he was my uncle Mick. Wow! Now that is acceptance. To be continued...

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A real Gentleman who loved his family, the world has lost a wonderful man. I knew Michael growing up and through high school and will never forget his smile and kind heart. My deepest sympathy to all of his family and I hope in time you'll find comfort in all of the wonderful memories he's left behind.

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Michael was my brother-in-law. I have known him and the family since 1964. I have so many memories many to mention them all. I will never forget the first letter he wrote to Ron and I when he was in the Navy back in 1974. He was sorry he could not be at our wedding, because he was out at sea. I don't remember everything in the letter but one thing I will never forget is when he said "Welcome to the family Theresa Ann". Ron and I both cried when we read his letter. I was lucky enough to share the same Birthday with Mike, July 15th, I will always remember those special birthday times. Everytime I have a birthday I will always think of him. He was truly an amazing person. Always giving and never wanting anything in return. And He will be in my heart forever.....

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He was Mickey to me growing up, my playmate through adolesents and then Mick as we reached our teenage years, someone I looked up to and admired as we became young adults. I called him Michael in my 30's when he became a successfull business man. My brother who was always there for me. I remember after I started my own business how things were tight, Michael without asking would show up at my door step with bags of groceries. He just always knew how and when to help. Throughout the years he always helped me with advise on business decisions. I think back on all the years we spent together and all the wonderful things he included me in and I thank God for letting me have those years. I thought of Michael as my Guardian Angel then and now I know he is. Michael will never be forgotten in my life and I know as I walk through everyday life when I need advise or help he will still show up just at the right time. Michael I will always love you and I am so proud to call you my brother and friend. Love you forever..... Ron

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Mindi Menedis
16 years ago

As Father’s Day approaches, I cannot fathom the idea that I won’t be able to pick up the phone and call my Dad. I won’t be able to stop by to see him or meet for brunch as we’ve so often done. He; however, would not want me to be sad or lonely but would expect me to surround my family with love and the cherished memories of the good times we’ve shared; countless holidays and family gatherings, as well as those quiet times at home. I am blessed to have had Michael as my father, my friend, my confidant, my conscience. It would be pointless for me to stand up here and tell you what a wonderful person my father was. You are all here to honor his life because he was special to each of you in some way. To know him was to love him. He was the most courageous person I have ever known. He fought valiantly and with passion; not only for himself, but for other cancer victims, our family and friends. He never complained or wanted anyone inconvenienced by his illness. He was thankful for every day he woke up and for God’s grace allowing him to do so. There are many words which could be used to describe my father but I will leave you with just this one: Hero – which has the following definition: A man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. No one word describes him better. Michael Ernest Logsdon, you are my hero and as I tell my children daily, “I will love you more than the whole world EVERY DAY!!!!!” I’ll miss you Superman!

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Linda Mullen
16 years ago

I was fortunate to meet Michael 12 years ago when I came to work for him at EMG. I have never met a man more passionate for life and family. As many noticed he always had a smile on his face. No matter what life dealt him and life wasn’t always fair to him and Patti. However he never felt that way. For many of us the early years at EMG were unforgettable, because of him, and will never be repeated or replaced no matter where we may go. It didn’t matter if we were toasting a large contract, having a pot luck lunch (boy did we eat a lot) or doing our Secret Santa Exchange. He made sure it was always fun. He treated everyone with respect and as an equal. May Patti, Ryane, Mindi, Karey and all his family find love and peace in the memories of all whose lives were touched by Michael. And believe me by the service there were many. May Michael and Mary Z be at peace now.

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Amy L.
16 years ago

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Amy L.
16 years ago

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Amy L.
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Amy L.
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Amy L.
16 years ago

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Amy L.
16 years ago

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Amy L.
16 years ago

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Amy L.
16 years ago

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Steve Logsdon
16 years ago

Mick (as I always referred to him) is my cousin. I carry many memories of him from the time when he was a youngster in Louisville and celebrating our birthdays together, to visiting him and all the Joe Logsdon family on summer vacations in Baltimore, to his visits to San Diego on business. The last time I saw Mick was in San Diego a few years ago. He had dinner with myself and my two sons. Since he didn’t know the city, I took him around to see some of the sights and one place we went was the Kansas City Bar-B-Q; where scenes from the movie “Top Gun” were filmed. We sat on the patio enjoying the cool San Diego evening and just chatted away; he talked about his loving wife and daughter quite a bit although I never had the pleasure of meeting them. Mick was such an engaging man. He could strike up a conversation with anyone and make them feel as though they had been friends their whole lives. In recent times, I had spoken with him by phone and asked for guidance on many things. He was always willing to help in any way he could; putting me in touch with people that he knew that could help. I know that he was probably the most loving, generous, and kind human being I will ever know. He was liked and loved by all whom were fortunate enough to have met and known him. I admired and respected him for his courage and compassion. Once, when he had been approached about selling EMG, he shared with me his concerns and asked my opinion about whether to sell or not. Mick’s only concern about selling his company was what impact it may have on his employees. He truly loved and cared about those that worked for EMG. He didn’t look at the proposition from the perspective of what was in it for him, but instead, he cared about what was in it for those that he worked with. He said that his employees were like family to him and I could tell from the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice that he truly meant it. Mick was, in my eyes, invincible. I never once heard him complain. His smile embraced you. I am still amazed at his inner strength, his positive attitude, and his ability to make you feel special. I could go on and on about what a special man he was, but I’ll just have to sum it up like this; Michael (Mick) Logsdon was and is the example of what men are supposed to be like. I am blessed that he was part of my family and my friend. My deepest sympathy goes to Patti, Ryane, Uncle Joe , Aunt Edna, Joe, Ron, Dave, Bruce, Tina, and Sam. You are all in our prayers and thoughts.

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Norbert Logsdon
16 years ago

Mickey was our fourth nephew. He was a very inquisitive kid and was always asking me "Why, Uncle Norb?", "Why Uncle Norb?". He was a very happy young boy and we weren't too happy about his dad picking up and moving to Maryland. He was born just 5 months before our first child and we had some good times together at his family's home on Browns Lane and here at 4630 Riverview Ave. As an adult Mickey was a very generous and loving person. He would always be interested in what you were doing and how you were feeling. He will be missed by all who knew him and loved him. God certainly got a good one when He called Mickey home. I feel he is already making music with the heavenly chorus. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. We will miss him greatly. Aunt Shirley and Uncle Norb.

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Kevin Keller
16 years ago

Never in my lifetime have I crossed paths with someone who battled adversity as if it didn't even exist. As a neighbor of the Logsdon family, I believe half of the time I have known them, Mike had been faced with some medical condition. From the first time I met him, the warm smile that graced his face made you feel like you were family-like you had known him a lifetime. Patti and Mike had invited us to their Christmas party, and had never even met us! We hit it off that night ,after we actually met each other in person, and ever since then, that same warm smile greeted me every single time I saw him. You never knew that Mike was suffering from any ailment-any time. He was truly a warrior in every sense of the word. I will (as will my family and every neighbor in Glyndon Meadows) always remember the excitement he brought to the neighborhood at Halloween. You could always count on a great costume and a cold beer when you rang the door bell with the kids! It was my favorite stop every single year-a stop that every adult and every child talked about when we passed each other in the street or got back to our houses. "Hey, you been to the Logsdon's yet?" I am not sure if I have ever been in Reter's for a beer or dinner, and not crossed paths with Mike! I thought he lived there for a while, but he swore that he still lived in Glyndon but just enjoyed the menu. And the holiday party...what great times and memories from the past 10+ years (although Mike usually went to bed before I left, so he missed quite a bit of that fun!). We will all miss the great friend, husband and father that Mike was and will continue to be in our hearts and memories. Our most sincere sympathy goes out to the entire family-we will all be here for you through this.

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Norb Logsdon, Jr.
16 years ago

Mickey was my first cousin that I am closest to in age. I am few months younger than him. He entered the Navy about the same time I joined the Marines. I hadn't seen him in many years, and now I regret that. My dad maintained contact with him and Uncle Joe and Aunt Edna and visited him during his illness. Reading all the wonderful memories of him here on this site makes me so proud of my cousin's humanity. I can only hope people could think half as much of me when I pass on. I know all his family will miss him so much, but he will always be together with us.

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Brandon Kidd
16 years ago

I will always remember Michael as one of the most trusting and compassionate people that I have ever known. It showed in all aspects of his Life. I am blessed to have known him and was thankful that he allowed me to work for him. He served his Country with Honor and I am grateful for that as well. Michael gave opportunity to so many and did not ask for too much in return. His compassion was sincere, his generosity was impressive, and his bravery to fight through adversity is admirable and humbling. My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to his Family and Friends. I will miss him too.

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Al Cunniff
16 years ago

I met Mickey Logsdon 41 years ago when we played in a rock music band together... so I know he'd smile when he heard me include Elton John in this brief reflection on his life. Elton John--actually Bernie Taupin, who wrote his lyrics--pondered the meaning of life in one of his songs. He describes a life interrupted so early as being like a candle in the wind. Elton was on the right track, but I think he got one thing wrong. Before it burns out, a candle can light many other candles. There's a real sense in which the original flame can keep burning in other people for a very long time. For Patti, Ryane, Mindi, Karey, Mr. and Mrs. Logsdon, Mickey's siblings, relatives, friends, coworkers, former employees and's hard to take comfort in this now, but I think I've found one way to make some sense of what's happened. With apologies to Elton, Mickey's life isn't about a candle in the wind. It's not even about the candle. I think it's about the Flame.

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Joe Bucco
16 years ago

I served with Mike on board the USS Tinosa SSN 606 from February 1974, until Mike reenlisted and went to recruiting duty in Hagerstown, MD. That was back around July 1976. We served together on the Supply Operation Assustance Program detail in Groton, and I spent almost every night over his house for dinner. Mike was like a brother to me. He ws by far the closest friend I had when I was in the Navy. I even babysat Mindy and Carey when Carey was just a few weeks old. We used to go snorkeling for blue claw crabs in Long Island sound and then go over his place and steam them with old bay and then sit back and enjoy some crabs and beer. These are just some of the fond memories I will always have of Mike. I loved him like a brother and I will miss him deeply, but I know that good people like Mike Logsdon go to heaven.

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Shawn Drinan
16 years ago

My name is Shawn & I worked for Michael at EMG as his Corporate Recruiter from 2001 to 2004. Having personally witnessed his passion for the business, clients, employees and his extended network, I believe I am a better person for having known him. Michael is one of the few people I've ever met who spoke to everyone the same whether it be a fellow CEO or the janitor at the company next door. For three short years, I was fortunate enough to serve under his leadership I thank God every day for it. Michael was a kind, gracious, patient and diligent man who never took a second for granted. God bless you Michael, and thank you for making my life better!

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Les Arengo
16 years ago

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Les Arengo
16 years ago

I met Mick (as I knew him)as a kid. His musical talent led us to form bands in the mid 60's, The Soundbreakers and The HIgh Tyde. He was a real "American Idol". His stage presence, affable personality and strong leadership made us very popular. Playing music with Mick was like being with a rock star. He exuded confidence and determination on and off the stage. Mick was always smart, quick witted and fun to be around. He also displayed amazing athletic abilities playing baseball, football and swimming. I will always remember him for his kindness and generosity. I will miss his smile, his laughter, and love of life and family.

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16 years ago

I met Michael informally as the founder of EMG and the eternal free spirit when he rode into the office one day in the Spring of 2006 on a short visit. After hearing the EMG history and the story of Michael's journey, I am in awe of the magnitude of his spirit and count it a blessing to have been affected by that spirit. Michael by all accounts exemplifies the words, life, love and unity. I send out my condolence and love to his family and pray for healing in the time to come. We hold on to the wonderful memories of his life and the great example he set as a standard. God bless Michael, his family, friends and all the people he has touched.

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16 years ago

To read these posts just confirms more what I knew of my Uncle. He will always be an amazing and gracious man. His warmth and generosity extended to every person he met. Within our family he was our rock, our center and beyond all else our Superman. We all know all to well that there was nothing Uncle Mick couldn't take on. Some things may seemed a bit out of his realm (I'm struct by an image of him wearing a toolbelt when building my grandparents house) but he dove in whole heartedly. He showed us all that to enjoy life you have to share it with others. You give and you ask for nothing in return. You smile and enjoy each day...that is living.

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