just checking in to say morning,the page looks great and sounds good ;) not a bad nites work.Be back soon again love nad hugs x x x

You always waited for the call,Anxious if i was late
Waiting by the telephone or even by the gate,
Your thoughts were always for me,not once did you forget.
I know from heaven up above you,ll be waiting for me yet,
To think i did not say goodbye will always bring regret
It was a sudden parting too bitter to forget.
Thoose who really loved you Dad are the ones who wont forget
Rose and family x x x

just stopping by to say hi and we love and miss you lots.the lads at home did your mass last week and i did it 2 wks ago in chicago ..i know still here Dad hope ill be home soon with gods help.all is well at home the lads are all doin well getting on with life god love em.Caroline put you pieces in da paper god love her shes a great ould soul.dats all here ill check in again soon love in hugs rose x xx