Hi dad hope your well ,all good here were over the christmas and it was too quiet altogether.hope yee had peace where your at :) The kids had fun and two weeks of school and all the crew at home .....well you know yourself x x x

Just stopping by to say hi and God Bless....were all grand here im still on my own Thomas and his family are still at home at yeer place
Poor Carrie is crippled the past few mths with artritis but im sure you know all this Dad
God Bless till i check in again

Just stopping by to say hi and thanks for the new baby ya sent to us hes goin to be called kevin in your honor x x x
Mam had her knee done and is doin great will be home sat
Noreen is 27today but shes busy holding the fort at home till mam and colleen get outta hosp dats all new here dad chat soon talk to ya always x x x

Hey dad were in the new house but things are goin from bad to worse...
1st- no water
2nd-flooded basement
3rd-broken dryer from water in basement
4th-broken dishwasher
but all in all were doin well candel still burning dad drop by soon x x
loved and hugs always x x x

Just checking in dad to say hi and all well here were in the process of moving house so ill check in again soon bye love and hugs rose

since you,ve been gone x x x
13 years agoDelete please