"I ain't justifying nothing," a friend told CNN affiliate WOIO. "I ain't saying he did the right thing, but I am saying he got pushed for a long time and asked them people to help, help, help, help, but nobody helped."

My heart goes out to the families of the shooting victims. School violence is here to stay until we can change our cultural values - gun control and higher ratings for violent video games/films would help. Our American culture seems saturated in violence.

I want to show love to the families of the victims. I apologize that we had to go through this. Keep the faith.

Anyone notice the number of school shootings at both the high school and college level going on? There is a reason for that and its not fully the shooters fault.
This is what happens when you bully and oppress people. They break and push back. Sometimes in explosive and destructive ways. People will say the shooter was crazy, or how could this happen, but those that have been to the gates of hell and back know the people who question these things have never been there and have no experiance in such reality. In fact some of those types of people are probably the very ones who pushed the shooter to take such action and cause such events.

My heart goes out to this community. I am so sorry this has happened.

I've read the articles about this troubled young man and I am so sorry to hear that such a horrible thing has happened both to the students and family members of SuccessTech, as well as to the family of the young gunman. I thought that Columbine would have taught us so much, but I feel as if there is so much we need to do to help our kids.

What in the world would cause a young man to be so angry as to take his own life and attempt to take others' lives? This is an incredibly sad day and I hope we can come up with solutions to this type of gun violence.

Terrible, will it never stop? May prayers go out to all families involved. May they be safe.