From my first memories of my daddy he was to me my everything! Me being the eldest of 6 children, I can say that he loved us all equally! I remember mostly times with him and I after we moved to Orange County. My father was very intellectual, as a matter of fact kind of person. He was logical and I did not understand that until my udulthood. He would always say to me..."Cindy always think before you speak and alway look at everything from all angles before you speak, make sure you KNOW what your saying is the truth.. Although as a typical teenager I did not make the right choices, my father, no matter what was there for me at the same time teaching a good lesson of thought. The older I got the more I appreciated him and he always came through. Both him and my mother worked very hard for the benefit of ALL their children. When I became a mother I finally realized what him and my mother were trying to teach us!! One by one with his grandchildren he peaked!! Unfortunatly my fathers life ended way too early!! The greatest memory of my Father is his compassion, loyalty and Love for us all, especially for our Mother! What they both endured is beyond words. He came to accept me for who I was and never lost his feel for what I could become even when I did. My Father was my God, but I do realize now that he is Gods child too, we all are. i know that our earth father, Roy Miller is looking over his family and I cant wait to celebrate the day that I can be reunited with him again!!

I was reminded this morning of a few memories of my dad. As my husband was getting breakfast for my daughter, he found that all the cereal boxes, only were about a quarter full. Mike then thought of the next best thing, as my father did, by mixing ALL the different cereals together in a box and serving Kimberly her bowl of cereal. I then started to remember a couple more fond memories of my dad. When my dad would mix together all the left-overs from the following couple days to make "Goulash" for dinner (YUM) or when he use to pay me $20 to mow the front lawn. I loved helping my dad around the house and of course I LOVED the money he would give me for doing it but I just remember the smile it gave him for me to help him, that infectious smile I can NEVER forget!!

I had so much respect for my brother, he loved his wife Darlene so much, his high school sweetheart and all his children, he always had a gleam in his eye and smile on his face when he was around his family, his wife Darlene has always been like a sister to me for many years, Roy was very close to our other brother Dale, me and our sister Maxine (now deceased almost 4 years, May 13, 2005) were unable to see each other very often due to distance, but we were all close.
My brother Roy will be missed by every single one of us the rest of our days, he was a wonderful person and loved by many.
Rest in Peace my Dear Brother, your little sister loved you very much and I miss you, your now with our Mother and our oldest Sister Maxine, and your brother-in-law, my husband Bob Duncan.

I have many many memories of the man I met when I was only 17, still in high school. when we went to get our marriage lic. his mother had to come as he was only 20 and in California he had to be 21. When I got pregnant he was thrilled. He wanted a boy I wanted a girl. After our daughter was born, he came in the room with a huge bunch of flowers and said happybirthday honey, we have a beauttiful daughter. Cindy was born on my 19th birthday, and she was the apple of her daddy's eye. We went on to have 3 girls & 3 boys. I retired early to spend time with Roy in Boulder city, Nv over looking Lake Mead. We were married 43 years when he passed away suddenly. I still wear my wedding rings because Roy was the love of my life and always will.

A tribute to my father who passed away on September 19, 2000 @ 10:15am.

Wow Cathy alot of these pictures especially the B/W photos, I've never seen before, I love the one of my brother and your Mom in the carnation truck. I miss my brother, I'm so glad I got to come visit your parents at their home in Boulder City, not too long before we lost him. I didn't get to visit too often due to distance from each other, and Uncle Bob was always working for somebody here in Bullhead before I lost him Aug 30, 1997, just 1 day before Princess Diana. What a beautiful website, I will be visiting it often. Love you & Thank You Aunt Bonnie
Bonnie Duncan
16 years agoLook at all those "Happy Smiles" I love this picture!