I was shocked to read the news.May my hero's soul rest in peace.My God unbelievable...Dirty Dancing is so beautiful!!
Sandy Aujla
From India

Patrick was a truly amazing dancer actor and husband .My thoughts and love go to his wife who he adored.She will be missing her other half.

My thoughts are with the family. He's at peace now, with Jesus.

RIP Patric.... i am very miss him....
(from Hungary)

u're like a wind that never dies, u're like a sun that always shine's....with u I had the time of my life ...u're lost is just unexpectable...RIP...Patrick ...and may u're heart shine 4 ever :X

A legjobb színész voltál!De most az angyaloknak játszol tovább!Soha nem felejtelek el!

You need such courage to beat the big C and so many courageous people have tried and failed my heart goes out to all at the time of the sad loss of yet another great icon. Patrick your dancing will live on forever, rest in peace. xx

Good Bye Patrick and thank you for some of my favorite shows ie: Dirty Dancing, Ghost and my Favorite - Road House!

Although i will never forget the craze in my teens with Dirty Dancing there seemed to be so much more to Patrick. As an actor he excelled but to me he was one of these rare celebs that was human. He seemed a great family man, shielding his family from the limelight. I wish his family peace from intruding eyes at this time and i hope they are allowed the peace to grieve. He was a very brave man fighting this awful disease with the support of his family.. to keep working at that time must have been very hard for him and his family...

i remwmver patrick in movie dirty dancing
i love the song she like the wind
i am very miss him so much
ronit israel

Why did this have to happen to such a lovely person as patrick. to put him through such pain he really did not deserve this when there are so many cruel and wicked people on this earth why him. He was so brave . what a great loss he has so much more he wanted to do my thoughts are with his wife now

So sorry to hear it ,gone too soon yet you will never be forgoten. Dirty Dancing and Ghost were the Top movies that we all loved and felt every word in it . my you rest in peace, we going to miss you.
Zina .H. Albarony
woman from Baghdad

First off I have to say that I am at a loss for words in regards to the passing of a wonderful actor and man. I also do not want to say that I know what you are feeling but that I sympathize with the pain, the battle, and the loss.My father was diagnosed just 4 months after patrick and is reaching his end stages with no more options so my family's time is approaching. My greatest condolences. Patrick was a wonderfully talented actor and although he is most often remembered for "Ghost" and for "Dirty Dancing" I will never forget his performance in "The Outsiders" and the action packed "Black Dog". This illness that claimed him is a dreadful thing. I am so extremely sorry that somebody as loving as him had to suffer that way. I only hope that his pain was not great near the end and that your family is being very supportive. My prayers are with you and May God bless the rest of your family with good health and happiness from here on. I will never forget patrick as long as I live. Thank you for allowing him and your family to touch me the way you have with sharing your story to the public.

I've known Patrick's name since the world's craze about Dirty dancing,I watched it in Eastern Germany in1989,and all this time flashes of those memories have given me a warm feeling of true romance and passion for life...Looking at Patrick's face during his interview to Barbara Walters one felt almost sure of the happy end, but... His time has come, as it will everybody else's... May he rest in peace now.

A Person who touched many people with his films, music & battle he was an inspiration to us all especially to those of us who are fighting cancer, Patrick still did what he wanted to do good or bad he didn't let life get him down.
God Bless Patrick, & my love & prayers goes out to his family.

Patrick; you were a very wonderful actor and I always love all of your movies. Even though I never met you in person; I know you were a wonderful and loving person. I will miss you. May You Rest In Peace; and in memory of you I will always watch your movies; which i love. Sleep in peace. Susan; your fan forever....

Dear Swayze Family & Lisa
I am so sadend by his death. I couldn't believe it. He was my hero & i always loved him. If it is this sad for me i cant imagine how sad it is for you.
We love you patrick. RIP & until we meet again have a fab dancing time in heaven
Love you & miss you with all my heart & body

Dear Swayze Family & Lisa
I am so sadend by his death. I couldn't believe it. He was my hero & i always loved him. If it is this sad for me i cant imagine how sad it is for you.
We love you patrick. RIP & until we meet again have a fab dancing time in heaven
Love you & miss you with all my heart & body

An unforgettble actor, but more importantly a wonderful human being. He lived by his high standards, and died with diginity. God Bless you Patrick, and may your family continue to face the future with the same courage you have shown.

I first became a fan of Patrick when i watched him in the Outsiders. He is truly a icon in the movie industry and he showed such dignity in his illness and was truly a inspiration. We will never forget you and i wish his wife Lisa and family my deepest sympathy i this sad time. This has been another terrible year with my favourite people passing away so young.
god bless you
Jane from solihull in the united kingdom

Nyugodj Békében Patrick... :(
Kriszti / Hungary

Dear Swayze Family,
A Great loss in the entertaiment world! Patrick was one of my heroes, I will watch ghost and Dirty Dancing for many years to come, and will show it to my 3 year old daughter as well. We will pray for you and keep you in our thoughts through this tough time.
May God keep you close and carry you through this time

Patrick,I had fall in love with you since I was a young girl. You are my favourite actor,I always dreamt to meet you... I am sure you were a great person and I will miss you. I am crying next to your family...Sleep in peace. Alina,your fan for ever...

Patrick Swayze, A hard working man utilized almost every health and management technique ever learned in school, studied hard worked and achieved far beyond most will ever dream. If Patrick acquired a goal, you can bet he there for the accomplishment and it was successful. To think someone would carry out his goal of putting back into society all that he has. I have not been able to find and individual anywhere like Him Damn Its Shame He has meet his request to the Heavens Above, May You Rest In Peace Patrick Swayze, You deserve so Much Better.

My heart goes out to his beautiful wife, I know how she feels as I lost my husban to cancer in april he was 53. Sharon UK

Where you are now, no more pain and suffering, God be with Patrick's wife and family.
God Bless

a man who could dance as elegantly as he,with such sensuality, but lightness and grace, will be a welcome addition to the big band dancers in the sky. He made me believe in love the afterlife after watching Ghost. Loved him. Lift up his grieving wife.

I Will Never For Get You,You Will Be Always My Favorite Actor Where Ever You Be,I Love You For Forever

I can not beleive yet that you are not any more with us,you teached me a lot in your film Dirty dancing,I Will Always Love you!!! Rest in peace!!! I miss you so Much!!!

so sad we r goin to miss u . u r my hero and now u r a bright star in the sky just like my mun RIP Patrick

Thaks Patrick for the movies and for the song. I will remember you for everything. Only the good die young and that's your case. R.I.P.
You're gone, but you're still here. You're like the wind.
Hasta luego amigo, todos nos iremos tarde o temprano.

God bless you . i pray for you

even in denmark your still a great and shiny star... we will always remember what you gave us.

most beautiful, best actor and now and ghost ... let him eternal glory...

Words cannot express how sad I am to learn of the passing of one of Hollywood's finest and greatest heroes. I have loved Patrick right from the beginning, so much that my husband knows there will always be two men in my heart... and Patrick and him! My girlfriends and I celebrate your birthday every year, we get together and watch Dirty Dancing for literally the 100th time and remind ourselves again that he gave us "The time of our lives"! It is the highlight of our year! We will continue to do this for years to come.
I want to honour a true Hollywood Hero who was such an incredible example to all of us on the value of marriage and how sacred it is and a true gentleman in every respect. There is no denying that Patrick and Lisa were true soul mates. How blessed they were to find each other and cherish each other. I thank God for lending us to you for this short time here on earth and know that that we will meet again in eternity. My prayers are for Lisa and the immediate family - that you will be strengthened in the comfort of God at this sad time.
Thanks Patrick for been willing to show us the real deal and for allowing us all the have "The time of our lives". Can't wait to meet again.
Anne - Australia

Patrick what a remarkable person you are, someone to look up to you took your illness the best you could. May god pour an abandant amount of blessings and love on your family on very sad occation. RIP Patrick youll never be forgotten.
Shannon Wilkinson
South Africa

You will be in our hearts and minds forever..... miss you already! Heaven is a better place with you in it ..I'm jealous of the angels! Rest in peace...

Patrick Des la 1ere fois ou je t ai vue al ecran, je suis tombee sur ton charme, j ai tout tes films, et je tellement inquietee m pour toi, mais cette putain de Maladie à Gagnee, tu es partis avec les anges tu voiture fr 1.mais Etais tu seras toujours dans ma vie, mon coeur, je ne pourrais jamais t oubliais, depuis que j ai vu Ghost, tu en ai 1. Toutes mes sincères condoleenses a ta femme Lisa Qui s en toi sera perdue et al ton frère Don et toute la famille,. Je t'aime pour toujours patrick

my dear patrick
every time i see your film gost i must cry nou your gone for ever
for me you are alive but i miss you r.i.p

I've admired you from the start. R.I.P

you are a great actor... rest in Peace Patrick. God Bless...

Fab dancer fab actor, - brought joy to masses, your legacy lives on - sad to hear of this loss, and condolensces to his family. - such a shame

Thanks for gave to us you art .You are going to live forever in my family heart.
Pedro J. Bulgado
San Juan,Puerto Rico

bun actor, bun dansator...pacat ca nu a facut mai multe filme...dar rolurile pe care le-a interpretat vor ramine in memoria celor care le-au vizionat. o figura deosebita de rebel, si poate ca nici nu a fost...

just so sad

Merci Patrick pour ces merveilleux moments de bonheur au cinema.
Nous ne t'oublierons jamais.
Bon voyage.


Unforgettable especially with the Ghost movie and Dirty Dancing. May Patrick's soul is eternally resting now.

i just love that movie, it was amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You haven`t been gone for long, but I sure can tell you that all of us miss you so much. You were a great actor. I can`t tell how much growing up with your movies has affected my life and wiew at so many things. You will always be in our hearts. Gone, but not forgotten. All of my thoughts goes to you Lisa. You had an incredible husband. I hope you get through this together with you family. The world will not be the same without you Patrick.
Vi savner deg så utrolig. Du blir aldri glemt.
With love XxErinxX
15 years agothis is how i will remember
Nina Hendricks
15 years agoI think it is a great photo of Patrick.He looked very happy in this photo.Ihave always been one of his biggest fans. He was truely talented .He was one of god's greatest creation and a star. He will be missed.My heart goes out to his family and my condolences.Nina M.Hendricks