What a good man Mac was. As a colleauge, he was indispensible, as a friend, irreplacable.
He will be remembered for many many things, his accomplishments, his ethics, his friendship, but most of all, his ability to find a way to laugh in even the worst of situations...and oh what a laugh he had.
For a time, I was involved in a weekly meeting with Mac and a few others. At the end of the meeting, Mac would always share a joke or a funny memory with the group. It was the highlight of the week.
Mac, my friend, may you rest well knowing that you touched the lifes of many, including myself, and that our lifes are better having known you. You have my never ending friendship and the upmost respect.
Farewell my friend.
Danny Buetow

I can only fail to express the loss felt. He was a dear friend to Danny and I both. The last call I had with him was one that touched my heart. HIs advise I always cherished and his willing ear a rarity.
Bob said it best - what a loss for us all.
My prayers to his family.
Life is eternal, and love is immortal,
and death is only a horizon;
and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
~Rossiter Worthington Raymond

My deepest condolences to the family at the passing such a wonderful person. Mac was a teacher and mentor to so many including me. He was always willing to lend a hand, share and explore ideas. He had a brilliant mind and he was just so generous with his council, I will miss him very much.
He surprised me with a call on New Years Eve to say hello and simply wish me a happy and healthy 2010. He advised me to enjoy my children - something he often said to me.
What a loss for us all.
Rest in peace my friend.
Bob & Anne English
Jacksonville, FL

Mac was a good and honest man. He was a great team leader and wonderful to work with, he will be sorely missed by many!
Mike Burks