On May 20th of this year, I graduated from college, less than a month before my mother would later pass away. Although she was not in the best health, she made it a point and prayed to GOD for strength to be able to make it to this event....And she DID.
She surprised me with a limo, and thru the pain and fighting she was doing for each bit of energy, I saw her pride, joy and sheer bliss at the realization and gift of being able to witness her babygirl graduate from college. Im glad I was able to give that to her. My degree is for you Mommy, its a symbolic and literal dedication of and to you and your commitment to education and us furthering ourselves. I will never let you down, and if I can become even half of the person you taught me to be over the course of these past 22 years...theres nothing more I can ask for. I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU. Rest now. We'll be OK.