I visit your concerts in The Netherlands a lot of times and now you're not here anymore I can only play your cd's and see you life on You Tube. LUCKY thank You for YOUR music. I miss YOU and I will NEVER forget YOU!

Its painful just to think that another year year came to pass without you.If you were here with us we would be singing along with you on your new lyrics.The lyrics you left bring tears of joy and sorrow at the same time especially on the songs you prognosticated your deaths I'm sleeping with my one eye open 'Cause I think you gonna come for me You're sleeping with your gun in hand 'Cause you think I'm gonna make Me move Rest in peace

mAY jUSTICE pREVAILS. Thank you for inspiring us


Quelqu'un envoie Lucky-nous d'autres comme toi pour Occuper mes instants de solitude et de joie, car tu es l'unique Resté en ton style et en genre tonne. Donné tu as quelques choses à ma vie. J'en ferai bon usage. vit éternellement!

Hola Hola to Jah Rasta fari..fe de life of the legend!Great tings have been said,done to for your existance on modaa earth Lucky Dube!Lucky indeed is not been said tho..coz am one of the luckiest in Uganda, to welcome you at entebbe airport,shake hands wit you and share IRIE Vibes wit you whenever you came to kampala!I remember when you told us'rastafarian youths about de true concept of a rasta at Pan African Mov't Secrtt,muyenga!
I can't forget planting a tree at freedom square wit ini, hey what about the superB concerts that ever left Ugandans want for more!
Its upon this inspirations that me and OPHA KAYRA KIRABO,did a tribute song a few hours,BBC announced that brutal scene that took your life!
Our mission is to keep up the Vision, Wisdom and Fulfill JAH WORKS Him gave you ,to accomplish what you always wanted mankind to be in this CRAZY WORLD WE LIVING..and RESPECT for one another as you said in de last album is our tool to move on!!!!!
To the lucky Dube fans,log on to www.youtube.com....opha kayra kirabo videos
To the Lucky Dube Family link up:Email:mubras@yahoo.com ,Tel:256-782 012 611/256-712 551291for more vibes on our project plans down
here,Uganda. ALL WE GOTTA SAY IS SUMMARISED IN THE LUCKY DUBE HERO TRIBUTE VIDEO, we made.......Tommorrow 18 oct 2009 we gonna have amemo tribute live jam at club volts,Kampala to honour AFRICA'S GREAT REGGAE STAR...ONE LOVE TO ALL PEOPLE,FROM RAS MUBIRU LASTUS..Keep fire burn weakness!Big up to VISION VOICE FM CREW FOR ALL THE MEKIN IT REAL.

i know i will never see u again but rest in peace. see u in the next life.IRIE PRAISE JAH

Love . never will forget you. you live on brother. RIP . Peace come to Bawku too

You will be will us always with your music. You are in our hearts!!!
From Costa Rica
Central America

it has happened and there is no going back but my consollation lies in the fact that you will never be forgotten by me and all that hard your songs. we miss you.

Dube, I wish you were still alive... Your musics comfort me every time i listen to them. I feel you are still alife...I pray for your soul to rest in perfect peace wherever you are. No one expected this is how life woud have ended with you. Whatever it is... you remained to be our king of regae and comforter as your voice never died in my heart... Dube!

and have loved you ever since..your haunting melodies and deep content have moved me...so shocked when you left us! rest in peace, lucky....sooz

indeed we are born to suffer,let your saul rest in peace

Every time your music brightens my life, I realize what a loss it is you had to leave us so early. But you will always live on through the wonderful music you left behind. I hope you are in a better place now. THANK YOU for being an inspirator!

....forever you will always live in our Hearts..

lucky i miss u BIG i never so u live it hurts me deep down my soul,GOD has received u may u rest in peace,my will always be in your great messages you gave us OUR AFRICA BOB MARLEY.

i ve said be4 good people dont live long, we love dube but God love u most, u have done ur part. r i p.

My heart is still bleeding. Rest peacefully in God's arms. Foerver and always, you will be remembered.

by the murder of my brother lucky, i understand why jesus said "dad forgive them cause they don't know what they do". i'll pray for you
rest in peace of jah.

lucky you achieved your dreams while on earth which is the most important thing everyone prays for as human. I believe you was sent to deliver messages which you did and i also believe that your works on earth will continue to live till the end of time.

Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow is a Mystery,
Today is a GIFT,
That is why it is called the Present.
R.I.P Lucky- The memories still live on

Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow is a Mystery,
Today is a GIFT,
That is why it is called the Present

in this world today we need more good men like our late brother lucky dube..........you willl be misss but not forgotten you are a true hero, a hero that wuld live for ever....may GOD bless your soul, rest in peace....

you were a great artist.you shone on that continent.sad that you were robbed of your family and funs in that way.Hope you will meet my other on the other side who passed on a year later.God bless.

the world hae lost a man call Lucky. We always think about the SON OF MAN `JESUS`.Thus we keep thinking of you LUCKY DUBE. No man will replace you on this world. May the Almighty GOD open the door for HIM, May your soul rest in peace, Amen

Gone but never forgotten ..........Love Peace and Understanding

i will never forget u, for the mesages u brought to us was full of love and unity, that is what i remember most. Let the most high God keep u safe till we meet again.

Hey Lucky!
Was just passing "tru da copper wires mon" and hope the postman delivers! We miss ya brother! It be one year since we 'eard the lyrical and musical magishon of reggae.
A voice, gone but not silenced.
A father, gone but not forgotten.
A husband, loved now and forever,
A musician, playing to a higher audience now...
R.I.P. Lucky

I was your fan. I loved all of the music and the vedio clips. Your songs are very interesting and also heart breaking. May your soul rest in peace. I was planning to come and see in person but then i heard that you died. I will still remeber you down in the bottom of my haert. Your song will make me remeber you.I will always remeber you.

A man with sweet words full of meaning.A legend is lost and we wonder who else can be like him.RIP

Lucky you were my role model. I loved you,your music en everything abt you.You may be gone but you will always live in my heart and mind. No one can replace the vacuum you left but May God give us the heart to go on.
Tears may flow down my face when i listen to your music but i will still go on. You were a true ital,good message that knew no limits in their richness.
May God Rest Your Soul In Peace.
Anthony Nderitu-Kenya

Lucky,Ik luister na 1 jaar nog steeds met tranen in mijn ogen naar je nummers
Vind het zo jammer je was zo goeie artiest,mooie muziek ,mooie teksten en je zag er ook nog eens leuk uit.Ik mis vooral je concerten,waar ik elk jaar heen ging met mijn broer die jouw muziek ook heel mooi vind

Lucky,Ik luister na 1 jaar nog steeds met tranen in mijn ogen naar je nummers
Vind het zo jammer je was zo goeie artiest,mooie muziek,mooie teksten en je zag er ook nog eens leuk uit,Ik mis vooral je concerten waar ik elk jaar heen ging met mijn broer

Jah Rastafaria, i take this moment to give praise to the Lord of lords, the Lion of Juda for the bessing He gave us through the live of our African Rasta Man Lucky Dube. Lucky will alway be on our heart, we still feel his message in our heart. with those words I would like to say ONE LOVE to the people.
15 years agoby lucky, i saw your picture on the Net and i kept happy to see beauty and happy faces like what i am seeng right now and i would like to get in touch with you, am i going to?cheers.