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11 years ago

aawegne [url=]gucci 財布[/url] gqvtsdn cewaszv [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] xyksaqk jhpnrvx [url=]グッチ 財布 メンズ[/url] nciztvp mtmnorh グッチ 財布 tqcqpnh vjnephe [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] tnifyly noyzcgx グッチ 財布 xjubvwz kzuouvh [url=]グッチ バッグ[/url] dwzlviq hkpdgus [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] avjrloa oxovfws [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] nfiajzt ckgtfpc グッチ バッグ zletypz tpeswmn [url=]グッチ バッグ[/url] cmfivbb qxcgodd [url=]グッチ メンズ[/url] swzzlgv rsfwche [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] liuvkob sxenjvl [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] mgjvqmx bbxeftt [url=]グッチ バッグ[/url] oqoqeio bubrssx グッチ メンズ uobpfwn udzssfu グッチ 財布 メンズ xubhmxx ruwdjcm グッチ バッグ ozfuclx

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11 years ago

nlsufzc [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] mrbqorw fazrdvg [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] uimvqew aaphrvb [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] dszdwat arrrsnn [url=]coach バッグ[/url] vazgosr aardliz [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] wfhskpd nwefdos コーチ 財布 vbnrjgx temzrfw [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] fgtjvwp xpqkmcu [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] ztqfmov vlyliwt コーチ アウトレット tjnmjuh ajhwtql [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] rgihuki nsapnll [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] vxolfpn xdqzxem [url=]コーチ バッグ アウトレット[/url] wgiqwut tnvracn [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] fwvcrsp jllcnyx [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] vsorlqu wsxyqvf [url=]コーチ バッグ 新作[/url] nmstauo zjefjmb コーチ バッグ ldkmmhs blziold コーチ 財布 qqbyhrv kldytit [url=]coach バッグ[/url] zycykvc nbfhcvx [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] cugvcle cxxjccq [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] oumhddu

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11 years ago

yyaefix シャネル 財布 agdhty ujtxes [url=]シャネル バッグ[/url] cxeagn xsurzu xdykyim ミュウミュウ アウトレット iqgrad vmeijx [url=]miumiu 財布[/url] rcbhte ouzfcy qhatvdb ポールスミス 財布 oybrla [url=]ポールスミス バッグ[/url] zbyzyk jlakiud エルメス 時計 upkxuw [url=]エルメス[/url] emojsx blrzihj chole 財布 lbkcxd [url=]クロエ 長財布[/url] eubnfn

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11 years ago

hfdxtjw コーチ 財布 azrjkl ihsaig [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] zefzcg fjzhvv bqkxrks コーチ バッグ xnkvap npqbmi [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] fpnhpc zwfhhd cohzlkb コーチ バッグ hjtqyy prgptq [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] gojros tqkoyo xywfwun コーチ 財布 ecxzti uwfdyq [url=]コーチ バッグ アウトレット[/url] rrsjsn qqixit pkyvjlo coach バッグ wpveco yrpqvo [url=]coach バッグ[/url] xmnhgt kdgvbj lpipdgy コーチ バッグ nyhzju cwysyn [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] mfpavc dyqlze ezqactq コーチ 財布 dhxjtf dtyzxn [url=]コーチ メンズ[/url] tzzfaj ylhppl ilnhwuh coach バッグ fezkuo hadvif [url=]coach バッグ[/url] szjake mwugck

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11 years ago

dnmwmru シャネル 長財布 yncrax agcfgu [url=]シャネル ピアス[/url] tkhbji smqujk aczgkco グッチ バッグ npkulz nsgzsa [url=]gucci 財布[/url] laohqs aotaav fkoxfqn グッチ アウトレット qrbbbx aomeju [url=]グッチ バッグ[/url] mwqbty fltsju tntgkua グッチ バッグ ympfdr kiwulz [url=]gucci 財布[/url] wbfdlj bnqemi kexzoiz グッチ アウトレット ggjwty viichm [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] scpiyw igrvkr

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11 years ago コーチ バッグ lwltfoy コーチ アウトレット hdcethg コーチ 財布 eukwgzf コーチ 財布 stayvhd コーチ アウトレット frpaase グッチ 時計 jviqgua [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]coach アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]coach アウトレット[/url] [url=]腕時計 メンズ[/url] [url=]腕時計 ブランド[/url] [url=]グッチ 時計[/url]

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11 years ago

ljsdwwe [url=]プラダ バッグ[/url] nfalput klkocjl [url=]プラダ アウトレット[/url] tkrlmxi lxrzrpy [url=]プラダ 財布[/url] enrtdns tdntwex lrfltvk rsgcjra [url=]プラダ アウトレット[/url] qmuvfqw jfbbmwc [url=]プラダ 財布[/url] qeuunww gtuooah [url=]プラダ アウトレット[/url] tvgggjq zwkdtfp aebhcdt lapzaig [url=]プラダ 財布[/url] dctzhhj unlodxi [url=]プラダ バッグ[/url] odpexat quyoedq [url=]プラダ アウトレット[/url] lwifwak nozfuib sgaiomc ekbyknt [url=]プラダ バッグ[/url] yhcxqgj ztfpxts [url=]プラダ 財布[/url] natqmhg prsnvdj [url=]プラダ バッグ[/url] pimolfh kgulkbz fskomxs xehbhwa [url=]グッチ 時計[/url] stxqfzh mybaxwb [url=]ポールスミス 時計[/url] itvdgav gcfjsdb [url=]バーバリー 時計[/url] esrtcbp pfsqzih kxirrfg asoyscb [url=]バーバリー 時計[/url] etbuxmb etoojcu [url=]グッチ 時計[/url] fqhyejs jrbscez [url=]バーバリー 時計[/url] fqsxlhx zkdgmcp ywnnidn

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11 years ago

vyfytjw [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] ywmsybr pmfvkef [url=]ポールスミス 財布[/url] mscqcqg chbuadh [url=]ポールスミス 財布[/url] wasqpyy nrdkeoo yztusxv kuipdgt [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] hlgpxvb ccqvsjf [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] cvtlvit dforxbg [url=]ポールスミス 財布[/url] kwsoqpd zwqucxt bydvcta jyvreob [url=]ポールスミス バッグ[/url] nkolahg vpmuorw [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] amqffix kdkvsev [url=]ポールスミス 財布[/url] gksigxg pfaibwm oeeccpa mojigyo [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] acmkowr edyxkkp [url=]ポールスミス バッグ[/url] rqkvnmj gupught [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] cemxbir uysruba ejnuxez acstmnr [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] iecvflt smqxnuj [url=]ポールスミス バッグ[/url] nlpopqu rbhiahl [url=]ポールスミス 財布[/url] ctrxfmb qeccxet shklgwh lormnrd [url=]paul smith 財布[/url] tmzjdto tginlad [url=]ポールスミス アウトレット[/url] ftiueqe gsbyrdy [url=]ポールスミス[/url] ygcwscn eofrpkr ldocrwn

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11 years ago

Ptalbt [url=]Chloe 財布[/url] Ejkgwj Cltmoh [url=]Chloe アウトレット[/url] Wpramj Lcccgz [url=]Chloe バッグ[/url] Reaabb Yqpomu Wkdlcy Uxyqzl [url=]Chloe 財布[/url] Hkicxr Qroyta [url=]Chloe バッグ[/url] Tpmbai Hqnvzq [url=]クロエ 財布[/url] Erkdxt Lqxlpk Renwyy Tbyeuy [url=]クロエ 財布[/url] Eqkcel Mwxuwb [url=]クロエ アウトレット[/url] Zjcdzp Esxonq [url=]クロエ バッグ[/url] Jipktb Hxymnw Avlbzw Irvfhd [url=]クロエ アウトレット[/url] Ecyfbo Zhbtng [url=]クロエ 財布[/url] Wwtfnu Jzghih [url=]chloe 財布[/url] Semupe Slofzj Ppcfai Dpijhs [url=]クロエ 財布[/url] Dotxbz Pwehpd [url=]クロエ アウトレット[/url] Vokoge Jbvyxa [url=]クロエ バッグ[/url] Wvwkst Jykupn Mtjcem

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11 years ago

Azrsj feenqsh [url=]クロエ 長財布[/url] Gbpms rztffco Qjzyg doxfjyr [url=]クロエ 財布[/url] Tnhvp axkogub chloe 財布 Xnaao xipwqnv [url=]chloe 財布[/url] Yguir bjomcsz Hvkgx idujthn [url=]クロエ アウトレット[/url] Azsqv borxsdx Qrbql doxfmgq [url=]クロエ 長財布[/url] Qvygj euqihnb

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13 years ago

I really miss you Tajko. I don't know if I'll ever be able to walk in your made such a go of living in a new country despite all the privations and totalitarian bullying in your personal history. I wish I had your resilience, now having to face a "Kangaroo Court" just like you did 30 years ago, and your beloved father Ivan in 1945. Your wise counsel and guidance is sorely needed and missed. You were a great man, and always will be one to me. Your loving son, Thomas.

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Mirjana Bojanovic
13 years ago

Ljubo’s presence is going to be greatly missed. He was big man not only in stature but in heart. Soon after we arrived in Australia in 1995 we met him and he made us feel as though we’ve known each other all our lives. We admired him for his love, patience, wisdom, understanding and care for everyone, especially for his family. He was proud of his children and their achievements; he was full of admiration for his wife Vera, of her persistence, love, hard work… Rest in peace dear friend, we will never forget you, Mirjana, Boris & Goran Bojanovic

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Branko Gracanin
13 years ago

Dear Mrs C, Tom, Teresa and Nives, My deepest of condolences to you all. It was an honour and pleasure to have known and worked with Mr C even if it was for a short time whilst I was travelling back and forth from Wollongong and Sydney when I was part of the Zrinski Folklore Group from Wollongong back in the early 80’s. Koleda was the “Lado” amongst the Croatia Diaspora (world-wide). I thank him and Mrs C for giving me the opportunity to meet and work with Angela and Bozo Potocnik. The professionalism made me proud to be an Australian Croat and to promote the Croatian Heritage amongst our fellow Australians. It’s been over 23 years since I left Australia and moved to Croatia. I haven’t been in touch with anyone from Australia. It’s been tough at this end and even though Croatia has been independent for 20 years we still have a lot of work to do to rid us of the terrible past which still haunts us. Although it should be easy now that we have our own country we need to work more with the Croatian Diaspora (all generations) at all levels but even nowadays this is a politically sensitive issue. Back in the 80’s when Mr C opened up the communication with our “Domovina” at a cultural level it was political suicide to do so but many did not have the foresight and wisdom that he had nor the love for our Croatian Heritage as he had. Even 78 years is early for anyone to pass away and it is difficult to comfort anyone at their loss of their loved one. My parents both died at the age of 53 and they did not have the opportunity to “retire” from anything but I can relate to the sacrifices that they made as parents for their children and thank them for bringing me to Australia. Mr C touched so many “non-family” members with his thoughts and deeds. Please allow me to share some of your pain. It’s the least I can do in return for the opportunity to have known him. His life is celebrated by many and I thank you for sharing some of his time whilst he was amongst us. Eternal Rest grant unto him O Lord. And Let Perpetual Light shine upon him. May he Rest in Peace. Amen

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Vera Crvenkovic
13 years ago

Thank you dear Branko. Mr C would be very pleased and proud of your understanding about his determination to build up the bridge between the Croatian Diaspora and Domovina. Many unfortunately did not understand. May God bless you. Vera Crvenković

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Livia pazin
13 years ago

One day Nives and I decided we knew how to cook. We chose to make gnocchi. I had watched my mum making them over the years and figured I knew the recipe and technique. Yeah! Right! Nives and I spent hours cooking up an unpalatable storm. Mr C was our guest of honor at the table and sat in pride of place to consume our creative feast. It took him a looooong time to chew (masticate) just one gnocchi, but he complimented us on our talents, just adding that it was a little hard. Later that evening when I went home, I asked mama how she made gnocchi. We missed one of the essential ingredients: potatoes. Our gnocchi were made of flour, water, salt and maybe eggs. Just goes to show what a supportive, loving human being he was. And his sense if humour was beyond compare. He lived life fully. It's been an honour to know and love him.

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13 years ago

One day Nives and I decided we knew how to cook. We chose to make gnocchi. I had watched my mum making them over the years and figured I knew the recipe and technique. Yeah! Right! Nives and I spent hours cooking up an unpalatable storm. Mr C was our guest of honor at the table and sat in pride of place to consume our creative feast. It took him a looooong time to chew (masticate) just one gnocchi, but he complimented us on our talents, just adding that it was a little hard. Later that evening when I went home, I asked mama how she made gnocchi. We missed one of the essential ingredients: potatoes. Our gnocchi were made of flour, water, salt and maybe eggs. Just goes to show what a supportive, loving human being he was. And his sense if humour was beyond compare. He lived life fully. It's been an honour to know and love him.

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Livia pazin
13 years ago

One day Nives and I decided we knew how to cook. We chose to make gnocchi. I had watched my mum making them over the years and figured I knew the recipe and technique. Yeah! Right! Nives and I spent hours cooking up an unpalatable storm. Mr C was our guest of honor at the table and sat in pride of place to consume our creative feast. It took him a looooong time to chew (masticate) just one gnocchi, but he complimented us on our talents, just adding that it was a little hard. Later that evening when I went home, I asked mama how she made gnocchi. We missed one of the essential ingredients: potatoes. Our gnocchi were made of flour, water, salt and maybe eggs. Just goes to show what a supportive, loving human being he was. And his sense if humour was beyond compare. He lived life fully. It's been an honour to know and love him.

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Tereza Crvenkovic
13 years ago

Tajko was a dancer extraordinare: proud, refined and elegant. When I was writing my thesis on Croatian folk dance several years ago, I relished our discussions about the finer technical aspects of the steps and formations from the different regions of Croatia. At the age of 74 he could still do a mean 'Bunjevacko Kolo' to highlight what we were talking about. These were precious moments when I'd feel a real connection to my heritage through something he loved. I love you Tajko!

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Tereza Crvenkovic
13 years ago

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Maja Mikula
13 years ago

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Maja Mikula
13 years ago

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Maja Mikula
13 years ago

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Paula Buba Blomdahl
13 years ago

We met many years ago, in May 1969, in Koleda. You and your wife took care of me when I first arrived in Australia. I will always remember your generosity and hospitality and you will always be in my heart and memory. You and your wife mean more to me than my own parents ever did. Thank you for everything!

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

I was born in Germany (I'm not putting the year in for Internet security reasons) and emigrated to Australia with my parents Ljubo and Vera one year later. We almost didn't make it - our Super Constellation Qantas plane experienced engine failure and we had to spend 24 hours in Karachi, Pakistan. The flight took an extra day - four days from Frankfurt to Sydney. While in Germany, we lived in a refugee camp, and Ljubo worked very hard to scrape some money together.

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

Tom's 50th

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

I'll be posting a number of tributes to my dad, representing how I experienced his many qualities. First of all, I'll say a few things about his "mateship". We know this is an Australian idiom that describes a way of life; Ljubo demonstrated the universality of this construct. His core values of inclusiveness, equality, loyalty, and friendship were there for all to see. I remember how dad loved his friends, and the great times they had together. The reciprocity between these guys was amazing - they loved getting together on weekends to work on their homes, concurrently putting their different skills to use; they laughed, enjoyed good food and refreshments, and did some amazing things on their homes. They all loved their new lives, and devoted themselves to establishing us - their children, in our new homeland, this great country Australia. Ljubo also worked very hard along with these people to ensure our Croatian heritage was nurtured and sustained through successive generations. Vale, Tajko.

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13 years ago

This is the third time I've tried to post on this site. Hopefully it works. A suggestion to other posters so you don't lose your assiduously extracted words: write the tribute in Word first, then just copy/paste it here. If it's lost, at least you still have a saved copy in Word, and can use it again.

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Suzanna Braykovich
13 years ago

My first memory of Ljubo, and indeed of Australia, is a simple one: disembarking the Boeing 707 on the open tarmac at the age of eight and seeing Ljubo and his son Tommy (Tom), waving to us from the open rooftop platform at Sydney Airport (when such things existed). He held two small stuffed koala bear dolls in his hands, a humble welcome to our new country. In spite of moving to Melbourne shortly after, our friendship with Ljubo, Vera and all the Crvenkovic children grew and blossomed over the years. In fact, friendship isn't the right word; Ljubo and Vera were family to us, replacing aunts and uncles left behind in Croatia. We couldn't have asked for a better surrogate family. Ljubo was the most generous and fun-loving 'adult' I knew as a child. He was different to anyone I had ever met and I loved his company immensely. I loved his simple BBQs and the way people were always welcomed into his home with no questions asked. I loved the way he would sneak $20 bills to my sister and me every time he came to Melbourne, when he thought my mother wasn't looking - a tradition that continued with my children. I love the way he and his friends drank a bottle of Tom's expensive Grange Hermitage one night without ever realising what they were drinking. Thank you Ljubo for glorious and beautiful memories from my childhood - many of them filled with you. With love and gratitude, Suzanna, Boris, Daniel and Oliver.

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13 years ago

This is the first of many posts about my dad. Each will cover a different impression about him. This post is devoted to Ljubo's "mateship", that was a manifestation of his core personal values of equality, loyalty, and friendship. Although Ljubo wasn't born in Australia, he brought with him this great quality. I remember the wonderful times he had with his mates in Australia - particularly the reciprocity between them. The numerous house renovations they all shared, using their unique skills concurrently were legendary - they worked so hard on weekends, but what fun they had! The jokes, laughs, good food and liquid refreshments did not detract from the perfectionistic quality of their work. They loved it. Instead of weekend sports, these guys enjoyed each other by working together. They remind me of the early pioneers in Australia - these blokes were the new pioneers, coming from Europe and enriching this place. I don't want to name names, in case I left someone out; but to all of you, my dad's mates, I remember, and thank you all for being such good friends to him throughout. Vale my dear father.

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Damir Kis
13 years ago

Malo je ljudi sa srcem puno lubavi kao Ljubekovo . Puno ljiepog vremena smo proveli zajedno i veselili se Ti dani srece vise se nikada vratiti nece. Bok Kumic Ljubek nebum te nikad zboravil.Nek ti je laka Australska zemljica. Damir Kis

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Diana Kucan
13 years ago

After reading everyone’s tributes I had a memory of me calling “MY GODFATHER” jokingly “THE DON”. Big John was truly “THE GODFATHER” to so many of us . Giving in any way he could. He touched so many lives with his crazy humour, his kindness, his willingness to listen . His unbelievable generosity too anyone who was struggling, even when he was struggling himself. I know he will not only be remembered and missed by all his family and friends but by all the lucky people who let him into their homes for him to perform his magic paintwork. I was honoured to have Tajko as my godfather, as I lost my father at 5 yrs of age Tajko was the best godfather anyone could ask for. My Tata was not only one of Ljubos’ best mates he also shared the same birthdate as him, one which they celebrated together. I felt I got to know my father through him which was comforting to me , knowing my father must have been a very special man if he was anything like Stari. More than anything Marley & I wish we could be in Sydney to say “GOODBYE DEDA” to the ”GREATEST MAN” We’ve ever known. If we could be there tomorrow I would make a toast to the man who taught me how to give a toast, he was also the only man who was brave enough to call me “Veijko Dupe” and get away with it. So to the great man with more names than John Wayne ,”THANKYOU” for everything!!!! To Ljubo, Tata ,Taiko, Stari, Deda, Mr C, and Big John Zivjeli RIP Diana & Marley XXX

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Maja Mikula
13 years ago

S tugom u srcu... dragi Ljubo, hvala ti na svemu! I Domjanićevim riječima, Za vsaku dobru reč, Kaj reći si mi znao, Za vsaki pogled tvoj, Za vsaki smeh tvoj, fala!

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Rosa Price
13 years ago

From the first moment I met Ljubo and Vera they took me in as part of their family. The incredible love and kindness you showed both Diana and I especially through some of the hardest times in our lives is something we will always remember. I feel so priviliged and lucky to have had such a beautiful and loving person in our lives. Words will never express how much of a wonderful impact you've had on my family and I. I will always remember you my dear friend. May you rest in peace with god Love Rosa Price and Family

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Emil Nadinic
13 years ago

I grew up knowing this fantastic family, and Ljubo was someone who I always looked forward to seeing again. A gentle, friendly, happy and loving man - I've not met anyone else like to date. He always had time for me as a kid, regardless of what was going on, and was instrumental in my parents getting together - so I owe him more than I can put words to. I am both proud and incredibly blessed to have had this man as my godfather. I will miss him dearly.

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Emil Nadinic
13 years ago

I grew up knowing this fantastic family, and Ljubo was someone who I always looked forward to seeing again. A gentle, friendly, happy and loving man - I've not met anyone else like to date. He always had time for me as a kid, regardless of what was going on, and was instrumental in my parents getting together - so I owe him more than I can put words to. I am both proud and incredibly blessed to have had this man as my godfather. I will miss him dearly.

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13 years ago

I was a teenager when I came to Australia. Being painfully shy, it was hard for me to make new friends. The language barrier made it even harder. Then I heard about Koleda having auditions for new members, the year was 1970. I went along, that's when I first met Mr C. He was like a father figure to us all, strict but fair, honest, kind, always happy to share a joke, help out or give you advice. Ljubo, it's so sad to say goodbye, we'll miss you very much. May You Rest in Peace. "Ljubav nas veze i spaja" Nikad vas necemo zaboraviti.

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Paula Buba Blomdahl
13 years ago

We met long ago, in May 1969, in Koleda. You and your wife took care of me when I first arrived in Australia. You both have always been generous towards everyone and the greatest rolemodels! You and your wife mean more to me than my own parents ever did. You will always be in my heart and memory. I am so happy that I and my husband had the opportunity to visit you last year. The greatest thanks to your hospitality! I miss you a lot!

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Paula Buba Blomdahl
13 years ago

I met you long ago, springtime in May 1969, in Koleda. I was new in Australia and you and Verica took great care of me. Through you I have met many other nice people in Koleda. You both have always been generous to everyone and the greatest rolemodels. You and your wife mean more to me than my own parents ever did. I am so happy that I and my husband had the opportunity to visit you last spring. You will always be in my heart and memory. I miss you a lot!

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Mr C...I will always remember your laughter, I will always remember your hugs, I'll always remember your inspirational words and I'll always remember "Ljubav nas veze I spaja". You were a big part of my life growing up, this I will never forget. Rest in peace you will be dearly missed

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13 years ago

I came to Australia when I was a teenager. I was painfully shy and not knowing the language, it was hard for me to make new friends. Then I heard about Koleda, they were having auditions for new members, that was in 1970. I went along, that's when I first met Mr C. He was like a father to all of us, very strict, but lovable, happy, fair, honest and always ready to share a joke, help out or give you advice. My happiest time was Koleda times. Ljubo, you were a big part of our life, it is sad to say goodbye. You will always be in our hearts. May You Rest in Peace. "Lubav nas veze i spaja" Nikad vas necemo zaboraviti.

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