I was lucky enough to get to meet Kurt, and be a part of his life for a short while. I
first met Kurt when I was 19 yrs old, and I asked him to sign my shirt ( but not in a perverted way!) And he said " Well, I will do as you wish, but I have to get a hug first, it's in the rule book" ROFLOL, I about died! So, I gave him a huge hug, and kissed his cheek, and told him that I thought the world of him, and I got to see Kurt turn red! It was awesome!! I will never forget the day I found out he passed, and folk's, I am sorry, but I still am questioning his cause of death, because he sure loved that baby of his! I cried, and cried, and cried....
Kurt, I know that your happy where you are, but I will never forget...LOVE YA MAN...R I P

i love kurt cobain and always will he is # 1in my herat best singer and guitarist ever i know so much about him and wont to know more r.i.p. youll always be in my heart!!!! i love you

you change my out look on music since you nothing has been the same your the only real one who put down his feelings your rock will be alive for ever! all be there someday maybe i can even sit by you! Rest In Peace!

Kurt Cobain is so efin hot!I wish he was still alive R.I.P Kurt.He will forever be missed.

I wasn't alive before Kurt died, but when i was old enough to understand that music was basically life, i found Nirvana, and i loved the story about and the way he enjoyed life his own, yet he didn't really enjoy i guess. but his love and care for the ones he stood for will be greatly idoled and i will never change the way i fell about Kurt Cobain and the love he had for his family, and friends...
R.I.P. Kurt, i will always keep you in my heart...

we will never forget what the beloved kurt cobain has done for us , he has not only entertained us , he has taught us the way of good pure music , he loved his fans as much as his own family , he was a friend to us all and we will never forget him.. ...or the legacy he has left behind for us

i love kurt. i think i'd rather have him alive than John Bonahm or Jimi Hendrix.and that just shows you how drugs can mess up your life so much. Rest In Peace Kurt

Oh, Kurt, i love you. I love your music. Your music made me the girl I am right now. And if I could, I wouldn't change it. My life maybe isn't that great, but your music makes it great. Your lyrics and melodies are my elixir to live. Without you, I would be gone right now. You're everything I ever want. Your my life-long dream. I love everyone of your songs. I hardly listen to any other music than yours. Every one is a great composition. People who don't like your music, don't understand it. So, I don't know what to say. Just the greatest thank you, I'm able to give to you.
I'll never love any other man, like I love you.
In love, Min.

hey kurt i was very young when you died but i remember my big sister cried for days. i wish you could of stuck around a little longer b/c you rocked. i love your music.
p.s. i am doing a school paper on you
love always, jennifer

i remember it like it was yesterday . i was sitting in my 8th grade science class when the news come on the tv we were watching that morning befor class started that was one of the saddest days in my life he was my hero. i will allways love him and his music. god i think im going to cry just thinking about it . you will all ways be loved and greatly missed and you will allways be in our hearts and your words in or souls rest in peace kurt


You were very talented, and you died too young.
You seemed good hearted and honest, and you were too good for Courtney Love who used you for her own selfish purposes.
She will never be as talented as you were. I just wish you could have gotten away from her like you wanted to.
You should have snuck away from her. She is such a cruel person.
Rest in peace, and may the good lord bring justice to your name someday.

What is social patheic ? But RIP anyway KC

Kurt is all i liesten to i find confort in his words until i realize that he no longer is with us and that his life was ended so quickly by some social patheic bitch(Courtney Love) and that he'll never get to enjoy the life as a father which we all should know he would. I honor you every day Kurt and i miss you. You live on through us, RIP Kurt we love you!!!

Why??? why there are still no answers about your death...i dont believe you killed yourself...i dont believe you are gone...I think of you every day since i heard your first song...we will meet one day, you are an angel now...singing from above...love always from a fanatic friend.....NEVER NEVER FORGET YOU...

i loved kurt alot and he is my hero but he did not kill his self courtney fucking love killed him so dont anyone think he killed his self because he didnt

As an untreated bipolar I have come to see this world is ever so ignorant towards those in community that are so burdened and troubled but because of this are teeming with creativity that no one else can even match up to. Kurt has always been a real human to respect, despite drug abuse, and I feel like I will be seeing him sometime soon..

i miss u soooo much. ur an inspiration to me, i love all ur music, its so easy 4 me 2 relate to and it helps me thru alot of miserable days. ill always love and miss u till the day i leave this crazy miserable earth

Kurt is My Hero....He's My Everything...He's My Angel In This Unfair World...I Loved Him And I Will Love Him Until I Die...

The lyrics and expression gave me something to relate to during an extremely hard time. His music was my only connection and the only thing that kept me going. I will always hold those lyrics, sounds and expressions close to my heart, they saved me.

I wish Kurt was still alive. He spoke about the confusion people like myself experience in everyday life.

You were an unbelievably talented, yet troubled soul. We were all incredibly saddened to hear of your early departure from this world nearly 14 years ago, and though everyone wishes it would have turned out differently, I think we "understand" as much as we ever will. Thanks for the music, it is timeless and will continue to entertain and inspire generations long after our passing. You may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten.

the first time I heard Kurt's voice I knew he was something special. hardly a week goes by that somehow I don't hear a riff or a phrase that reminds me of something he would have composed. he was a talented muscian and great person. the world has lost a icon

He was the BEST!!!!! It is really sad that he's gone.But even he is dead He'll live in our hearts because He was a really important person in music!!!

My boyfriend worships Kurt! He misses him so much and he died on my boyfriends birthday. He has learned every song...every note. Kurt you are his hero. And you help him get through every problem. Thank you, you are missed.

my music => my live

my music => my live

i all kurt so much when i fell like dyeing i listen to his music and it make me real lies that lifeis so more then what every body make itto be and pluse kurt was going so much more then whatpeople thoung will i got one thing to say we allknow he was muder by the whore courtney love if u think so then make more of this

rest in peace...

he was my friend...

I love your music...I love grunge...(*)



kurt cobain is rocking the heavens right now and he'll never be forgetten.
he will always be in my heart and soul.

Dude...You friggin inspired me to start writing my own music, and start my band.Thanks for the awesome music, you were an inspiration for our generation....It's better to burn out than to fade away <3

Kurt Cobain is highest earning dead celebrity Nirvana star made fortune last year Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was the highest earning dead celebrity last year. The grunge icon's earnings amounted to $50 million between October 2005 and October 2006. He topped the list published by business website Forbes.com. It was Cobain's first time on the list in its six years of publication, reports CNN. His top ranking is due to his widow Courtney Love selling a 25 per cent stake in the star's song catalogue to New York music publishing company PrimeWave. The Top Five of the morbid list looks like this: 1. Kurt Cobain 2. Elvis Presley 3. Charles Schulz 4. John Lennon 5. Albert Einstein

kurt died a year after i was born,but nirvana changed my life. taught me that im not alone,and to be catious of humanity. he pacifyed his mind,to escape his cocoon of tainted innocence. to be purposely naive is the peak of which we all seek.

Kurt Cobain, has written songs like ther has never been, and never will be, he changed many poeples lives, and will continue to do so, as long as his music lives on. Kurt has made a huge impact on my life and i will always ironically keep him as my motivation through life, that no matter how bad things are, you can always come out on top, like he did during his times in seattle. Don't remember Kurt Cobain for being the man who shot himself, remember Kurt Cobain for giving us music, inspirational music for life. RIP.

i recently got in to your music and i wish that i could see u live and i wish that u were still here

I was a normal teen who drew trust and faith in the music and words of a man who did not care what the hip was but keep all real. I will never forget that day when I heard my voice and millions more heard that shoot world wide.

the reason for life and music. what an amazing creation

hey you died right after i was born but i really got into NIRVANA and collect everything so....Rock In Piece KURT you are missed

kurt cobain's music inspired me but i really dont understand why he committed suicide. he left so manny great memorys behind.may he rest in peace. R.I.P KURT COBAIN. NIRVANA.

this ismy favorite rockstar of all time i always have room in my heart for him

kurt cobain has brought about a great deal of happiness in my life and also alot of questions. his influence is uncanny and will always remain a mystery to us. kurt cobain you son of a gun.you made us all realise that the world is a cruel place and we must all live life to the fullest ansd never give in to main stream and normal living.peace love empathy

This guy will remain in my memories for all mylife




15 years agoOMG!!! You are the luckiest girl ever.Can you please tell me more? I'm obsessed with him. If you could I would love to know when and where you met him and did he sign your shirt?That is the sweetest thing ever.I know I sound kind of a creepo but that is a realyl cool story to tell.Best
15 years agoOMG YOU ARE SO LUCKY! I too am obsessed with him he was so hot!!!!!!!! I wish I was able to meet him but I'm only 13 so I couldn't have been able to meet him anyway.
15 years agoHaha thats a great story he meant it was in the rule book of rock! I saw Nirvana play in a pub in Sydney. The atmosphere was electric I can promise you that. They played awful but it didnt matter, it was the sentiment that counted. By the way, I understand you question the death, but I can promise you mental illness is real. People who have not known someone close who has it do not understand, even those close do not really understand. It is a curse on humanity I wish they would put the cancer funds to healing it.