I miss you :'( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Its almost been 4 years, where has the time gone? It hasn't got any easy you know, i still miss you and think about you everyday. I still want those cuddles from you telling me that everything is going to be alright but most of all, i still want to hear your voice, your laughter and your witty jokes <3! I will never forget our memories, they're so special to me, just like you <3! I hope your happy where ever you are Granny, I love you <3 xxxxxxxxxx

I can hear you laugh, i can hear you cry, with these little wings behind my ear, i can hear you sigh. Pictures in my memory, remind me of you smile, my 'camera' even captured the twinkle in your eye. In my heart you'll always be, never far away, every night i think of you and i miss you everyday <3. Love you granny, sweet dreams <3 xxxxxx

These past few days, I've been thinking of you a lot more than usual .. I didn't get on to say happy birthday as you well know, but better late than never, huh? So happy birthday Granny dear :)! I've been hugging you a lot lately too, did you feel them :(? I really do miss you so much Granny, i just wish i could give you a kiss, rather than your necklace although for that (your necklace), I am very grateful <3! I honestly don't know what i would have done without you around my neck some days :(<3! I got a new tattoo by the way hehe .. Angel wings behind my left ear .. You whispering into my ear, above my heart <3! Granny, I feel really horrible, I keep meaning to go up to visit you, but I cant bring myself to do it. I'm sorry I've been taking so long but don't you worry though, I'll keep encouraging myself lol .. Hopefully I'll see you soon .. Sleep tight beautiful angel, I love you so so much <3 xxxxxxxxx P.S. I'm sure you already know but just in case .. That's my boyfriend Ciaran in the picture with me, I only wish you have the chance to meet him, he feels like he knows you because of all the memories we've all told him! He would have loved you just as much as we do <3 .. Sweet dreams <3 xxxxxxxxxx

Aww granny, i miss you soo much :( .. Daddy was cleaning out the shed last week and we found pictures from when you took me and Kadie to Scotland .. I'll never forget that :( ! I love you soo soo much Granny, i hope your pain free and happy looking down at us now .. I'd say your more than happy now with Daddy and Bill <3 !! Well Granny, i have to go again, me and Ciarans going to portugal in the next few days so we're getting everything finished up today <3!! Sleep tight my angel, i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Your 3rd years anniversary has come and gone Granny, its no secret that i miss you! I woke up today thinking of you as i have done most days and well now i want a cuddle from you .. Maybe some day ehh? I love you so much Granny and i hope you are much happier where ever you are now! Sweet dreams my angel, i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I miss you in every way and think of you always i was at chapel today and prayed for those in my family that have pass away.I miss you loads and play lots of your favourite game Mario and yoshi.I miss you and every time I go to chapel I will pray for you and my friends and family

Hello granny dear, how are you doing :) ? I miss you so much you know, im sure you do <3 ! I just wanted to pop in and say i quick hello, so here it goes <3 ! There are very few things that make my first thoughts for the day or my last thoughts of the night, but granny, your up there in the top 3! I love you miss you soo much, although it may be selfish, i wish you were here for one last hug <3! Sweet dreams our precious angel, keep smiling down! I love you <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello granny dear, hows you? I hope your smiling as i tell you, I passed my driving test today :D!! To be honest granny, i dont think i cud have done it without you hugging me the whole way through .. Yes, of course i mean that i was wearing your necklace <3!! I dont think anyone knows just how special that is to me, words just can not describe it! Anytime im thinking of you, i put your necklace on and your there. I would wear it all day everyday but when i am wearing your necklace, im too afraid it might nip and i'd lose it forever. I few weeks ago i was thinking about you and i just wanted a hug so i went to get your necklace from its usual place and well granny, me being me, i almost broke down into tears because i couldnt find it :( ! I remembered having it in the room last so i searched the whole room and wouldnt leave the house until i found it, thankfully though, i did find it. You must have pointed me in the right direction!! I have very few prized possessions granny, but your necklace is and always will be, one of them!! I miss you so much granny, really i do! Most days i wish you were here, and today of all days i wanted to share my excitement with you once i had passed my test, just not like this. I wish you were here to tell me that you were proud, well done and give me a hug in the process .. Good job i have your necklace, that covered the hug. As I'm typing this, i can actually see you face smiling at me, telling me those things and yet still i just wish you were here! As selfish as that sounds, it isn't just for me, i would love for you to be here for everyone because i know I'm not the only one missing you :( ! Well I just wanted to talk to you because i couldnt sleep, but I'd better go and atleast try to sleep! I love you soo much granny, sleep tight my guardian angel <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Granny, was just thinking about you so i decided to come on and say hello! As you probably already know Granny, i have been well at all :(. Could you keep a wee eye on me please Granny and make sure I be okay, I'm scared.. I miss you soo much Granny, we all do, you will never be forgotten! I love you soo much too Granny, I will always love you and nothing will ever take that away from me! Its been hard accepting that you're in a better place, but it's been even harder trying to let go. I'll never be able to actually say goodbye Granny and its good job I'll never have to because you are always in my heart and never to far from my thoughts.. So on that note.. I'll speak to you soon Granny dear! Sweet dreams my angel, i love you soo much! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello Granny, just in to say hello! Its been a while from I've been in but your never too far away in my thoughts! I think about you everyday Granny and i always will, it's been hard trying to let go but we all know we have to! I love and miss you so much Granny, keep smiling down on us as you know you have been! Love you loads <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well mum, its Tony... I hope you haven't knocked poor Pearly over when you fell with the shock! I know i haven't been on but you're never out of my thought's, as is Pearly 2... b sure to tell her... Sundays r the worst 4 me,but u know that & why! I still miss you so so much, but have great memories that i'll never be without. I'll bet the whole place is in stitches up there, because our loss, is heavens gain. Little did we know nor expect we'd lose u both in such a short space of time. I pray u got 2 the place u truly deserve, coz u truly were a SAINT..! Gone but never 4gotten! Bye 4 now mum, i'll b bk again soon. xXx

Been thinking about you a lot lately Granny and its been really hard. I had a wee cry tonight telling Ciaran all about you and about how much i missed you! I wrote a poem for you on your birthday so I thought i'd come on and tell you it .. If there were stairs to heaven, I'd go up to say hello, I'd ask how have you been and why you had to go. If there were stairs to heaven, I'd see you at the top, I'd see your wings unfolding and the gates without a lock. If there were stairs to heaven, I'd visit every day, I'd tell you how much I missed you and try to keep my tears at bay. If there were stairs to heaven, I'd go up to say hello, I'd bring you back down with me and never let you go! I miss you so much Granny, you really were something special and you mean so much to all of us. I think about you every day and to be honest Granny, it isn't really getting any easier. I love you so much and tonight i had a selfish moment, I wanted you back with us, I wanted a hug and a kiss but most of all, i wanted you to just be there. Then I got my hug and kiss and you were there, I put your necklace on! Thank you so much for everything you ever taught me and for just being my Granny, you most certainly will never be forgotten!! Sweet dreams my angel, I love you <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well granny, another year older :) . 75 this year i believe :) ! I remember, your 65th birthday, the party we have for you, i just had to get up and sing "When im 64" because it was the song i was learning in school at the time haha ! The only difference was i chances 64 to 65 haha ! That was a good night :) . Have a birthday drink with auntie Pearl <3 ! I miss you and love you loads .. Sleep tight out angels <3 xxxxxxxxxx

Hello granny dear. Just sitting here thinking of you, as always. Was reading through everyone's memories and i can not help but smile, laugh and cry all at the same time haha. Granny i miss you so much, but at the same time, i'm so happy your not suffering anymore! This past while, iv been forgetting, forgetting how long its been since you left us? I keep thinking its only been 1 year, then i remember its almost been 2, my memory of it is just so fresh and that makes it all the harder. I love you so much granny, sleep tight our angel xxxxxxxxx

Hello granny dear. Just sitting here thinking of you, as always. Was reading through everyone's memories and i can not help but smile, laugh and cry all at the same time haha. Granny i miss you so much, but at the same time, i'm so happy your not suffering anymore! This past while, iv been forgetting, forgetting how long its been since you left us? I keep thinking its only been 1 year, then i remember its almost been 2, my memory of it is just so fresh and that makes it all the harder. I love you so much granny, sleep tight our angel xxxxxxxxx

Hello granny dear. Just sitting here thinking off you, as always. Was reading through everyone's memories and i can not help but smile, laugh and cry all at the same time haha. Granny i miss you so much, but at the same time, i'm so happy your not suffering anymore! This past while, iv been forgetting, forgetting how long its been since you left us? I keep thinking its only been 1 year, then i remember its almost been 2, my memory of it is just so fresh and that makes it all the harder. I love you so much granny, sleep tight our angel xxxxxxxxx

Hello Granny, been thinking of you a lot lately and thought i would just pop in and say hello. Hope your doing okay up there with Aunty Pearl. Granny i still miss you so much, not a day goes by when im not thinking about you, honestly! I was thinking about that day in my kitchen again .. Dead Or Destruction .. Remember haha? That was soo funny!! Everyone misses you so much granny, its just been so hard! Ano its been a while from i was last here but i havent stopped thinking about you. Can you believe it granny, were all grown up in my house now, im still the baby though haha. Mammy's 50th this year, and she still looks about 30, dont tell her i said that though, i still get my kicks out of saying shes a year older every year on here birthday, so this year she's really 51 hahaha. We all miss you so much and love you with all our hearts granny, as much as your not really here, apart of you still is. I was out with ciaran (my boyfriend by the way, we'll leave that for another while haha) playing pool in Downeys, and i kept smelling your perfume, did you walk past me a few times missus? Well granny, i must go, its 01:35 haha. I love you so much and you will forever be in my mind and my heart ! Sweet dreams granny dear <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Mum please look after our Tony. Send him love/strength and maybe a half of stone of weight!!! No seriousy Mum help him he is really struggling.
I'll check back in when I can.
I guess you know what's going on with me too and while I'm sure I'll be fine a wee extra prayer wouldn't do any harm now would it!!
Love and miss you every day Mum.
Sleep well
Martina xoxoxoxo

normally a happy day filled with alot of laughter and plenty of vodka and coke with maybe a few baileys chucked in for good measure!!
not so happy anymore, though still remembered. hope you and aunt pearly celebrated in style!! wherever you are i hope your happy miss and love you loads xxx

Well Mammy; Simon Cowel,s back on the telly and I really miss you ringing me during the adds to have a laugh at the state of the contestants or to barge about Simon being cheeky!! Haven,t been here in ages Mum cos I have no internet at the min; I,ll get it back on when I get on my feet a bit.
Can't believe how much I still miss you every day; a few of us are struggling so watch over us. Be back when I can; using Leannes computer.
Love and miss you so so much every day.
Martina xoxo

your wee dog lost the back of its ear!! lilly took a liking to him a few days before your anniversary, carrying him around and planting him beside me on the sofa!! something strange in that since he'd been at the door for a year and she never touched him!! thought she was picking up on how i was feeling and letting me know in a way that your still there... you wouldn't happen to know anything about that??!! xxx

hi ya wee woman! any chance of a buttons easter egg on sunday?!
ryan got me one last year but its not the same :-( that was always your treat to me you were the only one that made sure it was buttons and not just any old egg!!
buttons just don't taste the same, life just isn't the same with you gone:-(
i know your with me in my heart and always never far from my mind but i really miss you love you always xxx

when my mum left us we not only lost OUR mum we lost a great friend 2 xXx

Hey Granny ! How are you, good i hope . I'm guessing your glad to be reunited with your bestfriend .. Tell aunty pearl i was asking or her ! Guess what ? I got a job !!! Finally haha . It's in mc donalds, haha i know lol, but its money !! Granny i still think of you every day and i always will, now i have pearl to think about too .. Having you laughing, playing bingo and getting drunk up there haha . It will never be a dull moment with you two together again haha, PARTY lol . Well i was just in for a quick hello . Sleep tight, iloveyou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Granny your gone now a few months and i just wanted to let you know that i havent forgotten you, no one has ! You are still sadly missed and i dont think thats goin to change . I miss you and i love you soo much . Ciara <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Gods’ Plan…
By 11th February 2008 you’d been ill for over a week and we were worried. There was more going on than a simple tummy bug; your colour was awful; you were in a lot of pain and none of the usual remedies seemed to be doing you any good. Speaking to your doctors on the phone we realized they didn’t seem too concerned with your condition; but three changes in your routine told us that something was terribly wrong; Firstly you hadn’t gone to bingo the previous Friday; Secondly you missed Mass on the Saturday night and lastly you’d taken to your bed.
Three doctors later we managed to get one to come to your house to see you; two days and several panicked phone calls later you were finally admitted to hospital on 15th February; and so began what would be the hardest year we’d live through as a family and what would be your final year with us.
You were rushed to theatre the next day; February 16th. “A collapsed and ruptured bowel” the Consultant finally told us; 5 days later; can you imagine having to wait 5 days after your Mum has had major surgery to find out what was wrong; and all the while looking at you getting worse; not better? “The operation was a success” the Consultant said while adding that it was a good job it had been as you would not survive a second.
Only…one hour later you were rushed to theatre again; speaking to the Doctor in charge of Intensive Care some hours later we are told your “Mums bowel self-perforated and she’s on life support” we should send for the family.
The next 12 months are spent visiting you in hospital; the Nursing home you had to move into and countless nights fearing you would not pull through. You were so brave Mum all through your illness; we on the other hand fell apart. It consumed our whole lives; days came when we thought we couldn’t bear another visit to the Nursing Home nor another admission into hospital. My sisters traveled back and forth from Scotland and France to be with you and to support those of us who lived here and were dealing with it every day; we were under so much pressure and filled with such fear that we couldn’t see what was unfolding between each of us.
Circumstances had taken us in different directions and though we kept in touch we had in some respect lost sight of each other; a realization also came which showed us to some extent we really didn’t know each other.
Over the year you were ill we’d often question why God had spared you after either surgery when your quality of life was so poor; we could still see the fight in your eyes; but you were fading; what we didn’t see was the bond which was reforming between ourselves.
You had 10 kids in all; 1 Son; 7 Daughters and 2 Step-daughters.
On February 2nd 2009; almost a year from you got ill; all of us; along with your surviving Sisters and Brother stood round your hospital bed as you slipped away.
Only after your funeral and as things slowly start to go back to normal can we now see that the year you suffered Mum; reunited us as a family; the bond we now share will always be with us regardless of how far apart we live from each other.
Your final ‘Gift’ to us is each other
I feel it was Gods plan…and you accepted your illness bravely to help Him achieve it…

sorry for your loss martina was looking you up didnt expect to find this if there is anything i can do let me know colm colmcrampsie@googlemail.com

Hi Mum; was over at Ronas' today; she's made a great DVD of all the pics that were taken that time Deirdre was over at mine; do you remember? It was 3weeks before you got ill. You look so happy ( and drunk..! ) We had to get Rachaels friend Shane to drive you home; Rachael went with him to help you into your wee bungalow; we couldn't send you home in a taxi that night..! We didn't know then just how special the memory and the pics of that night would be; Rona added the pics from your 72nd party too and the pics we took the night we celebrated when you were moved from intensive care into the high dependancy unit; we truely thought you'd turned a corner and you'd make a full recovery; how wrong we were. Anyway she's going to make a copy for each of us. I'm going to Scotland tomorrow for Aunty Kathleens funeral; Rachael's going with me; I know if you'd still have been with us you'd have wanted to go; and likely asked me to go with you; so I'm going in your place; I hope you are happy and that you and Uncle Bobby were there to meet Aunty Kathleen when she got there; Easter Sunday was so sad without you Mum; I tried to go up to visit you but there was a march on; I'll be up when I get back; watch over us on our journey tomorrow; Rachael's afraid of sailing; Good night Mum; I miss you so; so much; Love you forever. I long for the day when I will see you again; my only regret will be that Laura and Rachael will be feeling then the way I feel now; I'll be back soon. Love and miss you always; Martina xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Granny i remember when i first recorded my 1st song, you couldn't stop smiling and you couldn't wait to hear it, you were always so proud of all of us ! I remember waiting up every Friday night for you and mammy to get in from bingo, just so Kadie and i could walk to your house with you to stay over, unless it was a rainy night, we got a taxi instead haha ! Playing the Super Nintendo, always up late playing it and when the phone rang, "Ciara be quiet, it might be your mammy and your supposed to be sleeping!" Haha, and i never was in bed early, i always waited until you were going to bed :) ! Kadie was the early bird haha ! "Now you have 2 choice's, death or destruction?" Haha i remember you always saying the to me, i can never remember the reason lol. Watching jaws, how that scared us haha, n you were frightened too, no matter how many times you told me you weren't, i always knew you were haha ! Granny i have ton's of memories and i will never forget them ! I want you to no i'm always thinking of you and you will never be forgotten ! I love you so much <3 xxxxxxxxxxxx

death was her left elbow destruction was the other!!! x

i was just thinking of you today easter you allways new what egg to get everyone you always new there like i though you would like to know this miara fella brought her in a buttons egg you allways got it for her so he new you did that so he did it for you witch i though was lovey of him so now you know that we are all thinking of you every day x x x

The last two days have been awful without you,i'm really missing you and i haven't been able to stop thinking of you, all i can do is call out your name and hope you hear my pleas, i know you had to go to a better place were pain was no more, and you look down on us now and see our pain, but all i ask is can you take good care of mum (kathleen) who now has gone to join you, can you please take her under your wing and guide her on her way. Your family miss you dreadfully, you've left a gap that can never be filled!!!!!!!!!! Missing You xxxxxxx love Pauline xxxxxxxxx

i hope your happy now i called down to your we house to see if someone got it and they did just hope it some one nice ill go down again just to see please please please look after your kid there not doing to good right now just let them know your there love and miss you xx

A memory springs to mind, Sunday's visit, for dinner, banana sandwiches or meat & tomatoe but best of all your chicken chasseur lol and Kathleen (mum) would bring scones and coconut buns coz they were your favourites along with the cakes,lol and the tv programme i remember was catchphrase we would watch while having dinner. Funny how silly memories make you smile. x

Well i got so many memories, i remember me and mum would get all settled in front of the t.v and watch a good old movie. Mum loved musicals and i did to, the Jolson Story was her all time favourite. We would sing all the songs in fact we could have played every part in the film lol! The glenn Miller Story was another favourite as well as The story of Mario Lanzo, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, there's just too many to mention. I can honestly all these movies hold a memory for me, and when they are on i'm that little girl again sitting with my mammy singing all the wee songs together. This is 1 of many memories i have all of which i treasure and am so grateful to have!!!!Love you mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dancing on ice; CSI Vegas; Dancing with the stars; XFactor; Mum and I watched them together (even tho sometimes we were not even in the same house.!) Phone calls during the breaks to compare notes or moan about the judges; Mum used to get so mad if any judge was unfair or overly critical..!! It's hard to watch those shows now without picking up the phone to call her during the breaks; Sad how we don't always realise just how much someone is in our lives - until they aren't.....

bingo thats what i remember my mum and aunty kit loved it they went together often and that meant poor christine had to babysit my sister and i. we lost touch with a lot of people when we left scotland but not aunty kit her and my parents kept in touch. goodnight and god bless you xx

I just checked by to say hello...............

hello wee women just on to say hello and hope your okay up there, thinking about all the time hope you are lookin over use all love you today and every other day after xxxxx

i,ve just read your poem doll it was lovely.... but believe me i.m not as strong now. i.ll do my best tho..... 4all of US. luv U as i do them all. xXx
14 years agosorry 2 hear that i bet it was hard for the familey aswell