I cant believe that Jonny is dead...I always thought he would be the one person who could literally do anything and could live through it all...it took the wind out of my sails to find out he was gone.

Maybe I'm one of the few characters that Shale didn't kill. But he was always fun to be around. You will be missed.
Debi (aka Rayne)

I knew Johnny as a friend out of the rp world and in. He was a true friend and a wonderful person to hang out with. He never said anything bad or hurtful to me, and he always put a smile on my face. He will be truely missed by me and I will never forget him. My prays and hopes go out to his family and love ones. I am sorry for your lose and know that I will never leave him out of my prays.
Tawdra aka Jennifer Buckland

I'm Vaxia's SH Heron, and back in the day Jonny was a ubiquitous presence. I loved running sessions for Shale or with Shale in them, and later I worked closely with Jonny when I took over responsibilities for the Mage Guild with his help. Salariem was a Jonny's vision; I just watched him play the NPC enough to take it over eventually. The Mage Guild would not be what it is without Jonny. Nor would Vaxia itself, or the lives of all the players who knew him. You will be missed, Jonny.

I'm really sad to hear about Jonny being gone... he's someone that I just always expected to be a part of Vaxia. He still is, and will be, but not the way I had imagined.
I will definitely miss him, I loved joking around with him in Limbo. It's just not going to be the same, knowing that we'll never have the Jonny of Mass Destruction hanging around again.
Be well, man.

I'm Devin, Jon's cousin. I played Vaxia for a little bit as a horrible human sorcerer (horrible as in I was horrible at roleplaying). Anyways, Jon has always been more than a cousin to me, he is like a brother. But everyone in the family knows that he is with his heavenly Father now, waiting for us to join him.
Also, if you guys are interested in some more pictures, songs written and recorded for Jon, and a video that I put together for his memorial service, visit <a href="http://www.jondevin.com">www.jondevin.com</a>.

Jonny was one of the first people in vaxia I had met when I first joined the site. I remeber a great many im convo's we used to have and he had a kind of blunt and brute honesty that I rather appreciated. I never got to speak to him over the phone or real life, but none the less I could go and talk to him over im's at any moment. I will surely miss him, even though I never knew him irl, I appreciated the online friendship we had none the less.

Jonny loved Vaxia more then anyone else I knew. He loved it more then myself or even Moon. I will not be a hypocrite and say that Jonny and I always saw eye to eye, but he deeply loved many of the players in Vaxia. Jonny taught me a lot about myself, some things I would rather not have known but is hardly his fault. Oddly enough if you type in Jonny and Vaxia in Google the first response is him commenting on one of my art work. Jonny wrote "Comments: I hate to admit it... but I LOVE this bird!" I can only say having spoken on the phone with him, that who he was in real life, was very different then the person he was in limbo.

Jonny was a very good friend in and out of the game. I giggled along with him when Yoku did the things he did, or when Shale kidnapped people in the mountains and locked them in cages. (Sorry NM, it was funny though.) But there was a lot more to it all then just some characters in a game. Jonny and I were close friends. Like Naomi, he also built my first computer. Happy to do it for me, and never really asked for anything in return. When I hit a rough spot in life and needed help, he offered it without any questions asked. I got to know Jonny well, even flew up to Seattle a few times. First time I drank liquor, I was up in Seattle with Jonny and his friends, Ben and Justin. He took me to Pike's Market. Showed me the absolute beauty that is Seattle.
One of the best memories I have with him, was when he visisted me and Bryan (Bahamut) in Boise. I'd been talking for months about getting a tattoo, so the three of us went to the tattoo parlor and Jonny and I each got a tattoo. I have a celtic cross with roses on my right shoulder blade. Jonny got a tattoo of a dove, he said it was surrounded by fire, I still say it's the sunset. Bryan watched in glee as we each got them.
The last time I saw Jonny in person was a couple of years ago. My parents were taking a trip to Seattle, and I asked to go with them to see him. I spent the weekend with Jonny, hell he went out to dinner with me, my parents, and my parents friends. He was good guy, a good egg, and fun to be around. In the real world, he wasn't anything like the characters that he portrayed in Vaxia. He was a kind, fun, good man. I'll miss him a lot, but will always have the memories of the fun we had together.

I remember a guy who I owed twenty dollars to, cause he guessed something which was apperantly a secret funny thing between a close friend of mine. But somehow I didn't pay him. Which was good. Cause who wants to give twenty bucks to someone? Anyway, Jonny was interesting, and from what I hear an asshat. It matters not cause love him or hate him, damn that boy was unique. I'm just sorry I never got to know him more.

Jonny was one of my favorite people in Vaxia because he had the guts to play shady and twisted characters. I think we all have the habit of creating the tortured past hero, whose parents and/or partner died and who wants to make things right in the world. But Jonny had the guts to create truely sinister characters that had depth of character and had a real place in Vaxia as the darkness to balance the light. Its been so long now that I cant remember the characters name, but he had an evil mage that was beyond deep, I admired him for that because no matter how hard I tried I just couldnt play true evil. Its a rare talent in RPGs that I respect and admire.
On a personal note, Jonny was a giving and loving man whome I cared about deeply, but lost contact with. He made me my first computer, and it served me so well. He didnt even ask for money for it, just wanted to give me a comp so that I could keep playing.
I will miss you Jonny, I wish we could have kept in touch over the past few years.

I will cherish my memories of having so much fun with Jonny..playing hide and go seek in his office via IM's...or simply sitting on his head in Limbo. He was a comfy seat....God..I will definitely miss that man.
May your sails be full, brother, and the wind always at your back.

Yet another first character killed by Shale... But that's okay, I do think there was reason behind the madness. You'll be missed, I'll always remember once upon there was someone else who would seriously attempt to drink and RP, occasionally at the same time.
Seriously though, who kills someone with a door? That had to be one of the most unique ways to go, and one of the most unique minds to see that sort of thing.

I tended to rp with Jonny because for some weird reason our character seemed to get a long, well after one of them tried to kill the other and failed of course. It's kind of how i got to know jonny behind the scenes. Me and him didnt always agree on everything, which two people never do. I state this because when we argued, it got heated and by god it could make a sailor blush. Yet after we both calmed down we talkedagain and everything was cool. He actually cared about people and was upfront. If he didnt like you, you knew it. He entertained me for endless hours and was a good friend. That much makes his impact on my life immeasurable. Kick jesus in the balls for me, then buy him a beer.

Jonny was a charming devil in Vaxia, and we needed him just like that. I choose my words very carefully: we needed him. Not just devil as in "devil's advocate", but as in.... trying out devilish things and making us see new perspectives, opening our heads to truths both obvious and complex. I was honored to call him a friend. He truly "saw" things, as the saying goes in Vaxia, and he had a fiery heart, but a large one too. A happy person, a good friend and worthy foe, often at the same time, magnificent storyteller; so fun to be around, so bright, quick witted, daring, so free. One of the finest individuals I had the honor of meeting in Vaxia. May he rest in peace, although knowing Jonny, and if heaven is real, he's likely causing some mischievous chaos right now and having a heck of a time at it.
I wish I could say more.

I'll always associate Jonny with RP. Perhaps my most fond memory of that RP is between his character Shale and mine, Otho. The two were in Shale's club knocking back a few, when Otho produced a bottle of his own magically distilled brew. Shale took it, and threw back a large mouthful, right as Otho began to explain that halfling liquor could hold its own against the strongest dwarvish brews. In typical comedic banter, Shale began to flail around and knock patrons over and gasp for air... which sent me into fits of laughter in real life.
Jonny had that way of looking at ordinary circumstances like that, and through a little imagination, could breathe life and humor into them like few others I've known. In private conversation he revealed himself to be a man of deep faith and unwavering conviction, and I greatly admired that in him.
With a tip of the hat and a wry smile... Jonny, I'll be seeing ya.

I remember when Jon first joined with Yoku and the rp between him and my C Quellthalu. I watched his characters evolve as he did. I remember running sessions with him while talking with him on icq. He was a good man and I'm sure where ever he is now he knows how much we cared for him and still do.

I can honestly say that Shale did NOT kill my first character. I didn't see much of Jonny, mostly because he left before I got back into Vax. He had an awesome sense of humor, and he was truly a wonderful guy we'll miss tremendously.
Gods be with you.

"Vaxia has always been a very spiritual place in my opinion, people from every region of earth, with every type of belief band together and support eachother. ...I need you guys and your faith/prayers/hopes/good vibes/whatever now more then ever. I guess it's selfish to do this but I really don't want to die yet and the power of positive energy is real to me and I know it can't hurt. " --Jonny Devin 6/6/07

"I miss you guys and it seems every time I think about 'coming back' something gets in the way, probably because I let it but that doesn't mean the desire to return isn't there :)" --Jonny Devin 6/6/07

"I miss you guys and it seems every time I think about 'coming back' something gets in the way, probably because I let it but that doesn't mean the desire to return isn't there :)" --Jonny Devin 6/6/07

It was not often I as able to get time to RP. Seems the most I was able to do was log in to Limbo and chat a bit, then head off to another job or duty.
Chaos was always there with a greeting, most of which caused me to laugh and feel better. Knowing that the dry twisted sort of humor was usually enough to brighten my day or week.
My family will mourn the loss of a fellow player. I will miss seeing his chipper face, and reading his quick witted remarks.. Vaxia will be forever changed..
Kar, aka.. Sage, Pheobe,

Shale, last and probably greatest

You killed my first character, asshat. You were, like, the laud back, awesome guy that people wanted to be around in Vaxia. You were always cool to me, on a real level. You gave me the best advice for playing my characters, and I still remember that every time I got IC. You were always witty and clever, and I remember trying my hardest to emulate your dumb ass. You're the fucking man, and I'll miss you. Love you, bro.

I know I don't have as close a bond with Jonny as many other Vaxians do, and in a big way I'm very regretful of that. I guess you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, huh? But I am still very grateful for Jonny for one very big reason, one that has been supremely important to me and has in fact formed an important basis for the rest of my life since I've joined Vaxia. I know it sounds corny, but it's true.
Back in 2001 is when I joined Vaxia. I was really new to RPing at the time, having only done a few HORRIBLE RPs on other websites. At the time, it was just something that was "eh, kinda fun" to do after school or something. My first-ever RP was with Caelen, Demetyr, and Morpheas, and Elrundir made friends with their characters. The very next day, my second-ever *real* RP, Elrundir went up into the mountains to look for the three of them because he heard they had gone up there. Who should they run into but Shale, Jonny's character, who the three of them had been looking for? He ambushed them, and ended up taking them prisoner. Yep, on my very second day, Elrundir was taken prisoner by the evil Shale and Zephon. But the point is, that RP got me hooked. Things only ballooned from there.
Now, six years later, that ground zero has had a huge impact on the rest of my life. I've met some of the most amazing people as a result of sticking around Vaxia, and make no mistake, Jonny was one of them. I really don't think my life would be what it is now without some of those very first RPs with Shale and Zephon, and frankly, I'm not sure I want to know what it *would* be like.
I guess I always took it for granted before, but now I realize it enough to say: thanks, Jonny. We'll miss you, but there's no chance that we'll ever forget you.

I didn't know Jonny all that well. Didn't talk much beyond Vax. Still, Shale broke my Vax cherry when he beat up my first character and robbed him of all he's worth. I really didn't like you for that. And yet as time went on, I got to know you're rp, and you're humor. I liked that you played an honestly bad dude. You made it cool. I'm sorry you left us so soon. I wish I couldn't have gotten to known you better. - I can only hope Jack can live up to the bad dude rep you laid out.

I remember Jon, and am sorry that I lost contact with him over the recent years. He was a good person with a great sense of humor. This really got put on display with his list of Vaxia quotes. He was damn smart and talented as well (especially with computers, i.e. hacking Diablo II). He will be dearly missed by those that knew him...his time was too soon. Rest well.

Johnny, what can I say now that you are gone. Well for starters, WHY did Shale kill my 2nd character in Vaxia? Huh? What was the deal with that? *sniffles* He was just a little Gnome a happy gnome and Shale killed him lol. Seriously though, Jon was a funny guy and he made history with us all. I feel so lost right now that a piece of our history is gone.

Johnny was a great friend he always had a great sense of humor and we had long conversations whenever he was online. I was sad the day he left Vaxia but now i understand why. I was able to catch back up with him through his my space account briefly and i was shocked to see what had happened. Now at least the pain is gone for him. Rest well friend..you will be remembered