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Virginia Crouch
12 years ago

Hello Monique, I know it has been a few years now for sure, but I just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear of your loss. I hope that life is treating you kindly and keeping you well. Best wishes and regards always, Your Old Student, Virginia Crouch

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Richard Wheeldon
13 years ago

Dear Monique Just a note to say how sorry I was to hear of your loss, and that my thoughts are with you and your family. I am forever in Jon's debt as someone who showed such wonderful passion for life and music. He was a glorious teacher and made an enormous impact on me as a young man. I will always remember him with real affection; his glorious sense of humour, his terrible piano playing, his beautiful voice and his many wonderful stories. I know that Jon was much loved by many of my friends who were lucky enough to be taught by him as well. He was a wonderful, wonderful man and will be remembered very fondly by us all. Much love Richard

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Keith Carr
13 years ago

Dear Monique, Sorry for all the typos in my earlier message - doing so without glasses ceratinly shows up my poor keyboard skills. We hope that you are coping okay during these early days without Jonny. As always our loving thoughts are with you. Keith and Judy

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Louise Barton
13 years ago

How terribly saddened I was to hear of Jon's passing. A Mentor and A Friend - I was fortunate enough to be a student of Jon's for a number of years... I remember the first time I met him, and the myriads of compliments and elephant stamps he would congratulate and encourage me with from the very first lesson! I treasure the birthday and Christmas cards I would receive from He & Monique... and the gorgeous baby outfit & presents when I fell pregnant, and had my son! I recall him saying to me on a number of occasions, that if ever he could leave a legacy - "shlank" would be it! haha - And so it is! In every one of Jon's students! He lives on in the hearts of those who knew him... I will forever cherish the memories, and what I learned from him... I loved how he and Monique would bicker and joke in the midst of my lessons, and I would often compliment them on their marital union - To be Married as long as you, you must be doing something right! What Great Friends <3 Rest in Peace Jon - you are greatly missed! Monique, my heart is truly saddened by your loss & I can only hope and pray that you will know a Love and Comfort that surpasses all understanding in this season. May God Bless you all! With all my heart! You are very much loved, valued and forever appreciated!

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Margaret Knight
13 years ago

Events in Melbourne followed by Resterod, Ljungskile, Uddevalla and a trip to South Koster Island, Sweden in July 2011.

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Margaret Knight
13 years ago

For better quality images, go to the photos. MK

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Margaret Knight
13 years ago

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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
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Margaret Knight
13 years ago

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Margaret Knight
13 years ago

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Margaret Fildes
13 years ago

Jon, you became such a special friend through singing lessons and we are here to celebrate your amazing life - a man who gave so much joy to so many. Jon had so many attributes that endeared him to those whose lives he touched. He had a wonderful voice both in speaking and singing. He was so passionate about his teaching and in the midst of me singing a phrase over and over and Jon really getting serious about improving my voice, he would stop to give me a break and tell humerous stories of his life experiences in opera, remember and sing old songs and ditties that my father sang,and then had me laughing at his latest joke. I remember happy times after class having coffee at a local cafe when we were often joined by Monique.. Jon loved life, he was a great host, loved to cook and entertain, and with such a quick wit and agile mind was never lost for words and was able to bring to others the great joy of laughing together often at Jon's antics. We will miss you Jon and remember especialy your loving caring heart for family and friends. Also your love of animals, your gentle way with Lucky the cat.. Thank you Jon for teachiing me, and your gift which is THE JOY OF SINGING . Farewell dear friend and thanks for such treasured memories. WE REMEMBER YOU ALWAYS WITH LOVE IN OUR HEARTS Margaret and Terry

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Tony Goldring
13 years ago

Dear Monique, Jack and Nicole, I was so saddened to hear of Jon's illness and subsequent passing, it just seems so unfair. Nothing can really ease your feelings of loss and grief but certainly the loving concern of your friends gives support, comfort and strength to cope a little better. I will miss the jokes, the banter, the stories, just the jolly good company and fun and of course the Christmas parties with certain "Weaving Cocktail Concoctions" talk about "ducking and weaving" after a few of those!! Keep well and warm the smiles will return in time. Much love, Tony

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Jo-Anne Albert
13 years ago

I was saddened to hear of Jon’s passing, as he was the man responsible for engendering in me a life long love of opera and the theatre. To this day I carry in my minds eye a vivid memory of my first night at the opera (or more correctly ... operetta). I was seven years old, it was 1962 and Jon had given my father tickets to Orpheus in the Underworld at the Princess Theatre. (If I recall correctly, Jon and his aunt ? were customers who regularly came into my parents white goods store in Whitehorse Road, Balwyn. Jon was singing the role of Pluto. At the conclusion of the performance, having taken his curtain call Jon stepped forward, looked up to the front row of the dress circle where I was seated between my parents and signalled to me to stand up. He then blew me a kiss and bowed deeply. I was already mesmerised by the music, singing and staging and this warm and wonderful gesture was overwhelming to a shy little girl who managed only a small wave in acknowledgement. The entire occasion has remained with me and set a precedent that I travel far and wide to enjoy productions of Orphee and Euridice; Orpheus in the Underworld. The most recent a production of Hadyn's version of the myth performed by Pinchgut Opera in Sydney in December 2010. Every time I enter the theatre - be it opera, drama or music - I take a little piece of Jon with me and have done so all these years. If I may borrow a little poetic licence from the Jesuits ... give me a child 'til the age of 7 and I will show you the adult - Jon planted that very seed in me and I have enjoyed a lifetime of memorable theatre experiences because of it. My heartfelt thanks Jon. To Monique and Jack my sincere condolences on your loss.

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Jo-Anne Albert
13 years ago

I was saddened to hear of Jon’s passing, as he was the man responsible for engendering in me a life long love of opera and the theatre. To this day I carry in my minds eye a vivid memory of my first night at the opera (or more correctly ... operetta). I was seven years old, it was 1962 and Jon had given my father tickets to Orpheus in the Underworld at the Princess Theatre. (If I recall correctly, Jon and his aunt ? were customers who regularly came into my parents white goods store in Whitehorse Road, Balwyn. Jon was singing the role of Pluto. At the conclusion of the performance, having taken his curtain call Jon stepped forward, looked up to the front row of the dress circle where I was seated between my parents and signalled to me to stand up. He then blew me a kiss and bowed deeply. I was already mesmerised by the music, singing and staging and this warm and wonderful gesture was overwhelming to a shy little girl who managed only a small wave in acknowledgement. The entire occasion has remained with me and set a precedent that I travel far and wide to enjoy productions of Orphee and Euridice; Orpheus in the Underworld. The most recent a production of Hadyn's version of the myth performed by Pinchgut Opera in Sydney in December 2010. Every time I enter the theatre - be it opera, drama or music - I take a little piece of Jon with me and have done so all these years. If I may borrow a little poetic licence from the Jesuits ... give me a child 'til the age of 7 and I will show you the adult - Jon planted that very seed in me and I have enjoyed a lifetime of memorable theatre experiences because of it. My heartfelt thanks Jon. To Monique and Jack my sincere condolences on your loss.

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Sarah Somers
13 years ago

After learning from Monique for 6 months, she sent me to learn from Jon. I studied with Jon for almost 5 years. In that time I learned so much, about singing and about myself. Jon and Monique (and Lucky) were like my second family. I left my day job to work harder and learn more and just generally soak up everything that I could. I loved that before every audition we would "toi, toi, toi" and have a sing through and I could call and debrief. I loved listening and discovering new singers (for me!) together and hearing new music for the first time. I loved getting to borrow DVDs and CDs of singers and performances I never would have seen or heard without Jon. He expanded my love of music while helping me discover my voice. When I couldn't learn from him anymore I was so very sad. I felt like I had lost my family and my most trusted sounding board. My thoughts go to Monique and Jack. I am thinking of your loss, your pain and knowing that while time will diminish the ache, your memories will always be with you. We have lost a rare spirit, a beloved teacher and a mentor.

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pixie jones
13 years ago

I first served Jon a coffee at Maggie's cafe "Tarts" in Mornington about 20 or so years ago. Jon started coming into the cafe regularly for a chat and to share his "daily joke" and witticisms. We loved Jon and looked forward to his dropping in. He really made our day. Then he announced he and Monique would be opening "Weavings" Opera Restaurant (quite a venture for Mornington) .. and the crazy fun really started!! Maggie & I were "hijacked" (helped by the Weaving's charm) to join the mayhem.. but what an absolute privilege it was to listen to Monique and Jon singing saturday nights in Mornington! "WOW" and listen to Jon's extremely entertaining & humorous opera & theatre anecdotes (in between our serving Monique's Swedish delights to patrons) told in a way only Jon could tell a story. Later I became one of the lucky" Swedish Xmas eve" revellers and our friendship from small beginnings grew to great affection.. Rest in Peace Jon, Auf Wiedersehen

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Jodie Lockyer
13 years ago

I first met Jon at the singing studio in Kew having first met Monique at the VCA in the early 90's. Monique learnt that I had a keen interest in accompanying singers and this resulted in visiting their house countless times to record accompaniments on their Disklavier for their students. I will always treasure the many stories and endless advice Jon gave freely about his life in the world of opera. At first I found him slightly intimidating and was also slightly shy due to him being so very handsome! I'm so glad he invited me to accompany him at his 80th birthday just prior to returning to Sweden. Jon, it has been wonderful to know you and your legacy will not be forgotten.

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Monique Le Bas
13 years ago

I was very lucky to have 3 years with Jon as my singing teacher. During that time he taught me as much about life as he did about singing. He was a good man with a great heart. He was an unforgettable person with a wealth of wisdom. There will not be a day that goes by when I won't hear Jon's voice in my head giving me guidance. He has changed my life. He changed all our lives for the better. Thank you Jon. We your students love you and miss you very much. We will make you proud.

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Monique Le Bas
13 years ago

I was very lucky to have 3 years with Jon as my singing teacher. During that time he taught me as much about life as he did about singing. He was a good man with a great heart. He was an unforgettable person with a wealth of wisdom. There will not be a day that goes by when I won't hear Jon's voice in my head giving me guidance. He has changed my life. He changed all our lives for the better. Thank you Jon. We your students love you and miss you very much. We will make you proud.

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Keith Carr
13 years ago

Jon and I met in 1947 watching our respective mothers play tennis and we have shared much time and pleasure together over these many memorable years. As a young boy I remember listening on the radio John singing on musical competitions such as the P&A Parade with great success. We played tennis together and played against each other with our respective church teams, Barkers Road Methodist and Rathmines Road Methodist. I was with friends and family waving goodbye when he and Margarte salied off to England to persue their dreams. Jon regularly wrote to let us know how things were progreesing for him and he carved out a wonderful career as those who know Jon well would know. In the 70's I spent many months with Jon, Moniqoe and young Jack at their home in Holviksnas, Sweden. I did a tour with Jon when he was performing Wagnerian roles and one in particular in Leipzic was memorable not only for his performance but the 'pressure' of doing so behind the Iron Curtain We played a lot of squash together both on this vistit and particularly when returned to Australia to live in 1978. And of course we went off together to watch our mighty Hawks as they became a force to be reckoned with in the VFL/AFL. Before coming back to live he returned many times to perform both on stage and television. One of his great loves was to sing at the Myer Mucic Bowl having done this many times and in later years singing there with Monique. My wife Judy and I have shared holidays, visits to resturants and each others homes over these many great years with Jon, Monique and Jack. Monique and Jack we share your loss of a wonderful man and he will be sadly missed but always remembered.. Keith & Judy Carr

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13 years ago

We met Jon through the Rotary of Mt Martha and spent many great moments over the years, through the Club, in our Photo studio and at their home/s and other venues. Both Moniique and Jon added to ourl ives immensley. Jon will be missed greatly by all who met him. Our hearts and wishes go out to Monique, Jack and all the extended family and friends. "Flash" and Cata

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Brian Castles-Onion
13 years ago

Sending much love to Monique and Jack. So sorry to hear of your loss. Brian & Geraldine

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Nick Braithwaite
13 years ago

Jon was Siegfried in the first Ring Cycle I conducted with the English National Opera. We met for a piano rehearsal and a few minutes after we started he turned to the pianist and said "He's talking to me as if I were a tenor!" Big lesson. It was the beginning of a life long friendship with him, and with Monique. A great hearted man, generous of himself, and with a sharp sense of humour. A fine performer, with a penetrating intelligence. We are all the better for having him as a part of our lives. Thank you, Jon, for sharing yourself with us.

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Pam Stevens
13 years ago

At first in Mount Martha, then later on in Kew, I was taught to sing by Monique and by Jon. From them I learned how much music can enter one's life and alter it dramatically. I will always remember Jon for his zest and his passion, for his wonderful Christmas parties, for the quiet evenings out on the patio with the sound of the sea breaking, and for his uncompromising attitude toward developing the voice. He stood large in our lives, and my husband John and I will miss him. No doubt he is up there with Odin having a cracking good time. Pam.

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Margaret Knight
13 years ago

Strangers In Paradise

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Gina Sanders
13 years ago

How magnificent - such beauty of line, stunning diction, vocal control. The quality og the video and sound is wonderful, guessing that it is a few decades ago! Thanks Marg, for creating this site so we can share this and be inspired. Even though I did not know Jon very well, his singing of this song in particular brings special memories...Gina in NZ

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Margaret Knight
13 years ago

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Monique, Jon with David at our wedding in Kew - November 2007.

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