Well, its so hardest for me... I can't belive in everythings that happened! I hope you know that still in my heart, between my favorites actors and forever you'll an exemple to follow!
You was the bigger and magnific man! Still forever in our minds. Miss you...

Cara, eu sei que você neste exato momento está em um lugar melhor, quero que saiba que sempre terá um lugar aqui, em nossos corações... Chorei assistindo 10 coisas que eu odeio em você, e chorei ainda mais quando soube da tragédia, uma tragédio que abalou à todos... Saudades eternas... Paz irmão... um dia, acredito eu, terei um autógrafo seu... Bem aà onde você está, no paraÃso.... Abraços cara

Juste parce que tu me manques, tu nous manques. Tu es gravé dans mon coeur. Je sais que tu n'es pas bien loin... A très bientôt mon cher Heath <3
Mélanie (Belgique)

I know everyone still loves you Heath as much as I do and it looks like when we all meet again it is going to be a joyous time for all. You will be surrounded by all the ones that have sent you messages here and have loved you since Ten Things. My favorite is Knights Tale and Patriot. You will forever live on in the face of your beautivul daughter Miltada. I'm sure you are watching over her all day long. Keep her safe. You are my Guardian Angel and I will never forget you and love you always. You was the greatest. No one can take your place ever. Forever in our hearts and minds. Miss you always. R I P

Such a tragedy! Mr. Ledger was definately one of my favorite actors of all time even before he did "TDK". He had such an infectious smile and charm that radiated off the screen! I remember the first time I saw him in "Ten things..." and I fell in love! I knew then he would always be a star and would watch anything he was in. My deepest sympathy goes out to all of his family and friends who were luck enough to know him personally. God Bless you Heath and thank you for touching my life with your talent! You are greatly missed!!!!!

When i knew you left i tough that wasn't true...everything was going well...you will be the Joker and that will be amazing, because the movie will be a success and everybody was happy for you and waiting to see you there, in a Batman coolest movie ever! But, you know, like then say "God want the best people in this Earth beside Him"...and He have you now looking at your extraordinary and beatiful eyes and calling you "My son"...we gonna miss you forever and ever dearest, for us you will never die and one day i'll see you and tell you how much i like and respect you and we will talk for a long time about the heaven!!
You're immortal Heath, you're immortal!

Hello sweetheart 7 miserable months have past 2day by since you left, it does not make sense, its so so sad, theirs emptiness in my heart, how i wish you were still here, miss you and love you, can't wait to be with you.

I meant to say Enigma, not Engima, sorry Heath!!

So many months after his death the people who say he should n't be remembered should read these tributes, he obviously affected many people in his short life , as an actor and a person. Its very strange to still see how affected everyone is, myself included. I wish I could've met him, maybe there could've been a way to help him sleep better.... it reminds me of James Dean in a way... sorry he died , wish it was different. Its not fair.

So many months after his death the people who say he should n't be remembered should read these tributes, he obviously affected many people in his short life , as an actor and a person. Its very strange to still see how affected everyone is, myself included. I wish I could've met him, maybe there could've been a way to help him sleep better.... it reminds me of James Dean in a way... sorry he died , wish it was different. Its not fair.

So many months after his death the people who say he should n't be remembered should read these tributes, he obviously affected many people in his short life , as an actor and a person. Its very strange to still see how affected everyone is, myself included. I wish I could've met him, maybe there could've been a way to help him sleep better.... it reminds me of James Dean in a way... sorry he died , wish it was different. Its not fair.