Yesterday, I bought the DVD The secret of Brokeback mountain, and I didn't know that Heath Ledger was dead. I have a thought today for him and his family ...I am gay and I am very indignant at the reaction of an American baptist Church...

A great young man never to be forgotten. You will be sadly missed forever

It happened too soon.
We'll miss you and your work.
Great actor. Great man.

You were taken away too will be missed greatly.

A great lost...I'll be missing you.

I'll miss you... thank you Heath.

Hi Cowboy, we'll miss you!

tears drop from the sky as it won't shine so bright with out you bright and shinning star

Heath, my dear, shining were one of my favourite actors, I just wanted to say I will never forgive you...I can't believe you're with us no more, with Matilda and your family. Goodbye, my dear friend.

Se tu avessi potuto leggere tutti questi messaggi prima, avresti capito di non essere solo. Muore solo il corpo, attraverso i tuoi film non invecchierai mai perchè sei divenuto immortale! Addio Heath

Your My Shining Star!!! I'm still trying to believe it but it will probably be forever before I can actually accept it. God has his reasons why he took you away at such a young age, my sympathies to the family and to Michelle and your lil girl. Surely she will always know how beautiful and sweet you were. Love you ALWAYS. I will miss that big SMILE.

You Suddenly Take Away Him-a memorial poem to Heath Ledger
You suddenly take away him
Leaving no note to tell me
You suddenly take away him
It really hurts us
A brilliant, excellent actor
A caring, loving father
A remarkable fag
A responsible dad
You suddenly take away him
Saying no good-bye to him
You suddenly take away him
It really hurts me
-----Wilson H Lau

Words don't come easy..I just wanna say that I'll miss you..I'll miss your talent,your cuteness,your great passion for love,family and work..But you'll stay here..I know that you'll stay here..Thank you for all the good memories..Great Actor,Great Dad,Great Guy...Ciao!

You will be deeply missed!
Sorry word are not coming easy for I am still in shock and the truth is I belive there are no words to discribe the way we all feel.. The best I can do is this... SAUDADES!
Thank you for the joy you gave us!

Heath, your passing has caused a great disturbance in the force. Your incredible talent and the gift you shared with all of us every time you performed only makes your passing all the more difficult to accept. Your absence will be sorely missed for a long time to come. I am grateful that you pursued your passion and graced us with all that you gave to the art of acting, it always showed. It makes the time you did spend on this earth all the more precious. My condolences to all of your family, I can only imagine their grief, they knew that an angel lived among them.

Thank you for giving us your talent,your beautiful smile,your eyes full of love for life and for your little angel,Matilda.
Thanx for giving me so many emotions,your flame has burned so fast..But it is enought to enlighten all those who have met, known and loved ..
Thanks for letting permission to love you..
No matter what the other say or what's happened,you will remain in our heart and mind..
Grazie per aver illuminato le nostre vite e per averci insegnato a provare emozioni profonde attraverso i tuoi film!Ti abbiamo perso troppo presto!

why so serious? Heath. why so serious?. I miss you.

Le parole non sono sufficienti in questi momenti... è stato doloroso venire a conoscenza del fatto che anche Heath, a soli 28 anni, va ad aggiungersi alle vittime del male di vivere umano. Uno sguardo e un sorriso meravigliosi, un talento artistico considerevole..non saranno dimenticati... Addio.

Il étais un grand acteur, je l'aid'abord vu dans 10 bonne raison de te larguer, pauis dans chevalier, il jouait super bien, mel gibson a bien fait de le prendre dans le patriot, j'ai ete tres trsite quand j'ai appris son deces j'etais sous le choque, je me demandais comme une grande star comme lui pouvait mourir, cet année aurait ete celle de sa vie, il me manquera bcp dans ses film . Heath tu etais qql de formidable qui savais super bien jouer. Tu va tous nous manquer

So many memories, so many great performances . As the song say's "bring him home, he is only a boy". His family are suffering the most horrible pain that any parent could never imagine.....the loss of a child.

i'm so sad..i can't believe this really in peace,walk on the clouds,angel'll be on our hearts...forever...with love...wally.

Just a little note to tell his familly and his relatives how close I feel to them, and especially because I lost my Mom in this terrible beginning of year...
Words are so few to such a pain but our thoughts and our prayers are the best we can give to all the persons who suffer of such a loss.
Rest In Peace heath and thanks for all the happiness you have given to us during your short life on Earth.

I miss you .................

Juste un petit mot pour dire à sa famille et ses proches combien je partage leur tristesse et ce d'autant plus que j'ai perdu ma Maman en ce terrible début d'année...
Les mots sont si peu face à une si dure épreuve mais nos pensées et nos prières et les façons de les transmettre sont les meilleures preuves de soutien que nous puissions donner aux personnes qui souffrent.
Repose en paix Heath et merci pour tout le bonheur que tu nous a donné lors de ton trop bref passage sur Terre

Que sait-il passé? Pourquoi? tu étais tellement doué pour faire rêver les gens!...J'aimais ce que tu faisais... C'est d'ailleurs fort dommage que certaines personnes ne sachent qui tu étais! Adieu... On ne t'oubliera jamais!...une petite pensée pour ta petite fille Matilda rose!

merci Heath!! sache que tu as marqué de ton empreinte le grand cinéma!
Tu nous quittes si vite... mais on se souviendra toujours de toi! t'es un grand...

Nie mogę uwierzyć w to co Ci się przytrafiło, dla mnie pozostaniesz Legendą Wielkiego Aktorstwa

Ti porteremo per sempre nei nostri cuori così come tu, recitando, hai fatto nei confronti di Jack, il tuo grandissimo amore scomparso prematuramente..
Forever with You, Dear Heath, in my heart.
Pierluigi B. - Italy.

I saw you in your movies,I dont known you, I never meet you, but your death comes too early. I m sad for your girl. Richard V.

Sentimos muito a sua morte. Você realmente marcou muitas pessoas com seu trabalho. Um grande ator concerteza estara marcado sempre em nossos corações.

Nie moge uwierzyc... Heath bedzie mi Ciebie brakowalo. Byles wspanialym aktorem, wspanialym czlowiekiem. Wiele po sobie zostawiles choc teraz tylko smutek w nas. Rzeczywistosc jest tak zaskakujace. Nikt sie nie spodziewal Twojej smierci i ciezko sie z nia pogodzic. Kochamy Cie za to jaki byles. Spoczywaj w spokoju. [*] [*] [*]

Eramos muito fãs desse maravilhoso ator. Ficamos muito tristes com a noticia de sua morte. Descanse em paz querido Heath Ledger, você estara sempre em nossos corações! Adeus

i am really sorry about this. God bless his family and friends

Heath Ledger, foi realmente um jovem ator muito talentoso. Infelizmente morreu cedo demais, deixando muitos fãs indignados e tristes. Sentiremos muito a sua falta!

Foi realmente um acontecimento terrivel, foi um choque. Um otimo ator, muito talentoso e jovem nao merecia morrer.
Todos lamentam muito.

i can't believe he's really dead..i don't know him personally,but i will miss the sweet Ennis..i hope that one day, watching one of your films, i will feel that you are still alive

Heath Ledger s'en est allé et une partie de ma passion s'est envollée avec lui...
il laisse une petite fille, des amis et une carrière incroyable mais il part avec toutes les pensées de ses n'y a rien de plus beau alors continuons a soutenir sa famille, ses amis et ses films...
adieu celui qui nous a tous fais pleurer dans son role d'ENis Delmar

he was such an amazing actor !!i'm going to miss him and his acting ! sad that he died and at such a young age he will be missed many many may you be able to rest in peace ( you will live on in your movies ) may you never beforgotten ... you were such a cutie ! my heart goes out to his family and friends

Heath... Adeus e obrigada pela sua passagem por este mundo. De alguma forma vc nos inspirou em seus filmes..

I wrote a tribute poem for Heath...
Here it is:
I hate 22 January 2008
I hate that I gave up on my faith
I hate that I will never see your smiling face
I hate that you are the idol I can't replace
I hate that my tears are streaming down my cheek
I hate that you were so uniqe
I hate that one last deadly pill
I hate feeling the way I feel
I hate that I can't catch my breath
But most of all I hate that you died Heath...
R.I.P. HEATH [*]

Heath, je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai toute ma vie ! Tu resteras à jamais dans mon coeur comme celui qui me redonnait goût à la vie quand je l'avais perdu. Tu nous as quitté trop tôt, Matilda, ta famille, tes amis, tes fans et moi ! Tu était vraiment l'homme idéal, beau comme un dieu, gentil, généreux, un papa formidable et un acteur exceptionnel. Je t'embrasse et pense fort à toi. Repose en paix

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I miss you on movies!!!
You were one of the best actors in Hollywood!!!!
So Young and now you're's so unreal...
God bless you!

Talented and an amazing actor, a loving and caring father and devoted, my heart and families heart reaches to you and your family. You and your family will be in my prayers everyday.

What a tragic i am so sorry and all my prayers go out to your little girl and the rest of your family may u you rest in peace and may all of your dreams you had for your little girl come true.


I will miss him he is someone who i thought was a very talented actor and now i will be whatching his movies over and over in memory of him
we love u and always will

What a tragic loss to the world! My heart and prayers go out to your daughter and those who loved you most!!!
May they find god's peace in knowing that you touched so many lives and will never be forgotten.

He was such a fine actor and man. He will be missed greatly!
17 years agoi will miss you i wish you still wtih us but you are in better hands god blees you