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17 years ago

I remember going to see A Knights Tale in the theatre with some friends. when i saw Heath i was aww struck, his dedication to his role was amazing! I was totally enammored by his viberence. Even being totally straight, i knew that he was way sexy in armor and totally perfect for the role. His presents would light up even the darkest of movie screens and theatres, and his award winning personality was one to behold, he was a true man among men. Though i never met you Heath, i will always remember you and miss you. You are one fallen star that everyone in the world saw, most wished apon, many admired, and all will miss

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17 years ago

Sentirei muito a sua falta em novos filmes mas felizmente tem-se outros para lembrar de ti. Seus sorrisos são um calmante para a minha alma, sua voz um prazer. Nunca vou te esquecer. Amo-te demais. Lembrarei sempre do divertido Verona, do sedutor Casanova, do calado Ennis, do guerreiro Gabriel, do sonhador Jacob, e outros. Amooo-te.

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17 years ago

al escuchar sobre tu muerte quede en trance y si no tuviera a mis hijos lo seguiria estando. tu sonnrisa la tiene uno de mis hijos y eso es causa de alegria y tristeza a la vez, oh que buen actor eras yo te consideraba entre los talentosos y se que a ti no te gustaba la pelicula 10 things i hate abou´t you, te dire chico que a mi me encanta, yo espero que alli donde estes encuentres paz esa que no encontraste aqui y siempre estaras en mis rezos. Chiquillo nos desgarraste el corazon al irte. descansa en paz.

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17 years ago

The smile that lit up the screen. Amazing lips to create the perfect words for a character. Wish I could have known you. you mesmerized on screen and captivated an audience with your charisma. Bless your daughter Matilda and Michelle, stay strong and of good courage.

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17 years ago

I was very upset when I heard about Heath's passing. It took me two days to get over the shock that he was gone. He was one of the greatest actors and I will never forget him. I know that Heath's family will let Matilda know what a wonderful person her father was.

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17 years ago

Still In My Mind, Forever...

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17 years ago

I've been deeply saddened about Heath's passing. He was a brilliant actor. He was a beautiful boy. Anyone in the media who attacks him should be ashamed of themselves. People struggle in life even stars. They are people like us. I don't feel at all he chose to leave. Just looking at him you can tell he was a sensitive beautiful man. I wish I could have met him. Losing a child is the worst. I send my prayers to his parents. Matilda how sorry for you to lose your dad at such a young age. Thank God you know he loved and adored you. Every morning and evening I google Heath - It deeply saddens me. This is so tragic!

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17 years ago

When I heard of Heath's death it hit me hard for a couple of reason's. One of them is thinking oh my he is the same age as me and that I have a daughter the same age as his. You inspired alot of people in so many ways and you will never be forotten. My thoughts and prays go out to your family, little girl, Michelle and friends. Your memory will live on through your movies and the people that were closest to you. My you rest in peace now.

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17 years ago

So sorry to hear about the death of Heath Ledger. I was a big fan. He accomplished so much in such a short time. Rest in Peace HEATH!

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17 years ago

hai saputo emozionarmi sullo schermo.......non ti dimenticherò mai......hai lasciato un tuo sorriso ....per sempre nel cuore.......

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

Você nunca morrerá em nossos corações

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17 years ago

Você continuará sendo amado e admirado...

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

He was so cool:(

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17 years ago

"Spieszmy się kochać ludzi, tak szybko odchodzą" ks. Jan Twardowski Te słowa mówią nam jak ważna jest miłość do drugiego człowieka. Nigdy nie wiadomo kiedy nadejdzie koniec. Śmierć Heatha była dla mnie ogromnym szokiem i w dalszym ciągu nie mogę jej zrozumieć. Staciliśmy człowieka wyjątkowego, przed którym było całe życie. Przerwał je sen..... Śpij spokojnie......

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17 years ago

Yes, it was easy to feel connected to Heath Ledger. He was ordinary, but still he wasn´t. He was pure and authentic. He had charisma. If he did drugs, what ever?! It´s not important. What´s important is that he moved so many souls and he left footprints that never will disappear. If he did drugs I feel sorry for him, because he himself had a troubled soul meanwhile he made so many other souls so happy! He was one of a kind and he will be truly missed.

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17 years ago

I liked your marvelous voice,Roar,!0 things,Patriot, Knight & look forward to seeing what I haven't seen! I feel you were the real deal not a narcissistic type! I loved your laugh and your sensitivity! I hope you are having fun in Heaven and enjoying watching us down here on Earth seeing just how much you were loved and how much people miss you already. Remember Heath you can reach your Daughter & Mother in the dream state! Much love to all your family too and death isn't the end!

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17 years ago

Najlepszy aktor na świecie. Odszedł od nas tak nagle...

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17 years ago

The very first time I saw Heath Was in "10 things I hate about you" and I fell in love with him right away and have loved him ever since. Heath will truly be missed. Heath is an tremendous lose to the world. Love you Heath!!!!! Good Bye!

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17 years ago

Heath, may you rest in peace. Your were a wonderful actor and person. I did not know you but I cannot even express how devastating this has been. We have lost a great talent. To his family and friends, our thoughts are with you and may Matilda know that her father loved her and was a good man.

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17 years ago

I too, lost a son, four years ago and it is the most awful thing any parent can endure. My son was 10. But it doesn't matter the age of your child a parent should never outlive them no matter the circumstances. Please know I loved Heath in all his movies and am very sad for your loss. I light a candle every night for him.

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17 years ago

May your soul eternally rest in the Lord's loving arms, Heath and may God bless your family, Michelle, and Matilda. You were a wonderful gift to your fans as a compelling, sensitive actor. We will remember you fondly.

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17 years ago

My favorite performance of Heath's was in "!0 Things I Hate About You." I've never been one to go for the tough guy, but he definitely would've been the exception to that for me. From what I can tell in the media's accounts, he seemed to be a wonderful man and heart goes out to Michelle Williams and her little girl as well as his family and close friends. I don[t know where Heath's heart was, but if it was for the Lord, be at peace that he is in heaven. God bless.

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17 years ago

It hurts so much to know that you're not here anymore. I didn't know you personally but I would of been extremely happy to have met you, now it's not possible... I can't accept it. I'm so sad about Matilda. You loved her so much and now you can't be present in her life, but I know you're her guardian angel and you will always be with her in her heart, her dreams. We loss an amazing person, and it still hurts, one day I hope we can all cope with losing you. I pray for you every day. I remember the first time I saw Brokeback Mountain, that same weekend I saw it 6 times! I love you. I pray to God that you are with him, in peace, resting of all the stress and all the sleepless nights that you had. I hope you can see all your loved ones and all of us that love you. You will never be forgotten, you always will be in our hearts, memories and prayers. I love you Heath, my beautiful Angel.

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

Te admiro y me robaste el corazon el Brokeback Mountain. Paz y luz para ti.

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17 years ago

He left us because he was too good for this place. He had other things to do, other marks to leave in other places. That's why they say, "Only the good die young", he was already too good. Be free my friend! Thank you for gracing us mere mortals with your angelic presence!

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17 years ago

Heath was a great actor and he seemed to be a great dad, so everyone who asumed he was on drugs and abuesed them need to leave him alone! Not every actor is a drugy and should not be acused unless you know for sure!! Rest in pease Heath!

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17 years ago

It was easy to feel connected to Heath even though I did not personally know him. This is just very sad and he will be missed. Rest in peace Heath. From Pat, Waterbury,CT

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17 years ago

Heath, my regards to the angels - don´t let them fall because of your smirk and glittering eyes. You did so much on earth to so many people on such a short time - what will you achieve in heaven??!! I really hope there is a heaven, because I want you to be there and look down on everybody who loves you. You will never be forgotten!

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17 years ago

God bless you heath you are in good hands now you are an angle loved your movies great guy. By Charles

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17 years ago

Jamais te esqueceremos, você foi e sempre será nosso Ennis del Mar... Desejo a você o descanso eterno. Que Deus o tenha.

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17 years ago

Even though I never personally knew you, I feel that I connect with you through your movies and just seeing and hearing your voice... I know now why your dad cries to hear your voice, its so sweet and pure. I have cried and cried and still when they show you on tv, my eyes tear.. I feel like I know what you were going through only because I have been there, with no sleep, on the same medications that took you from us, and needless to say it wasn't easy, but I am clean now and I'm rasing my 3 children alone and I hate that you can't be here to raise Matilda, but you will always be by her side and watch over her. Maybe we will meet one day when I leave this world. You are an amazing man that has lost his life too soon... Love Brandi and Rest In Peace....

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17 years ago

My prayers and sympathies go out to Heath's daughter, family and loved ones. May you all find peace at this time.

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17 years ago

My prayers and sympathies go out to Heath's daughter, family and loved ones. May you all find peace at this time.

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17 years ago

the moon is fading, the sun, not as bright, torn from our world, as we are left here only to wonder why gone before your time a promise left undone our hearts are aching our souls are breaking, and then.. we remember your smile we hear your voice and we realize that you are not so far away.. forever in our hearts, you shall remain

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17 years ago

He will always be remembered as a Knight by me. He was truly a great actor, in every role portrayed. I will think of him every time I drive by Stadium High School, and know that there will always be a part of him here.

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17 years ago

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

this is not goodbye its till we meet again xxxxxx i misss you heath rip

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17 years ago

this won't be a goodbye its just for now for we will meet sometime in heaven soon. xxxxx RIP ~you are forever missed~

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17 years ago

i miss you heath rest in peace love when i die the only person i want to meat is u so untill i die... big hugs and lots of kisses miss u to the end Cassie :,l

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17 years ago

You are the most amazing acror to ever walk this earth ! R.I.P Heath Ledger ! Keep looking down on your loved ones ! We will never forget you xxxxx

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17 years ago

I hope to see you in heaven someday. I pray every night for your family because the pain us fans feel is nothing compared to what people who actually knew you are feeling. It must be unimaginable. I hope your little angel Matilda will grow up feeling your love from heaven.

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17 years ago

evey aspect he appeals

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17 years ago

Heath helped me through my Mom's death by watching his movies & bringing a smile to my face when I needed it. Heath was very talented & humble & I am sure he is looking down on us while entertaining the angels above. May you rest in Peace Heath. You are my angel as you always have been. I will miss the roles you may have done in the future but am happy you graced us with your talent in the small amount of time you were here on earth. You will be greatly missed. xoxoxo

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17 years ago

he produce the grimm brothers *O*

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17 years ago

This celebrity death has hit me hard for some reason.Maybe because I also have a 2yr old girl. I'll miss that sweet face on the screen.Rest in peace Heath.

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17 years ago

Nunca te olvidaremos Heath, siempre tan apasionado en tu profesion. Te queriamos con pasion por todo lo que hacias, por tu personalidad, tu sonrisa inolvidable y tu profunda mirada, siempre te tendremos con nosotros , te querremos siempre y para siempre, te echaremos demenos , que Dios vendiga a su familia y a Michelle y su hijita. Yo personalmente me quede sin padre a los dos anos y medio de edad y ahora incluso con treinta y tantos que tengo nunca lo pude olvidar y me fue dificil vivir sin el con que para esa ninita que dejaste mi profundo amor y esperanza de algun dia tanto ella como yo volvamos a ver a nuestro padre querido. besos Mathilda desde Espana.......

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17 years ago

though i never met heath, he seemed to be such a wonderful and sweet guy....i love and have all of his movies.....he will be missed alot

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17 years ago

He plays a death-loving schizophrenic and cannot keep the Knight from his mind when he returns to his fourth-floor soho apartment. The cacophony of dialogue from the celluloid product frays his sweet mind; pillls for sleep; americans believe in pills. The split is there -- dream and reality and respiratory pneumonia from too many airplane cabins. Sweet man of perth where were your aussie mentors? Hollywood has none. He didn't know. He was twenty when he ventured out the hero from his mother and sisters, four of them. Sweet young man of perth returned all four feathers. What drives the best toward the flame? Are you watching Jake and Ryan? Sweet young man of perth-- in the raw with no roots. Turn your head and gaze at your daughter-- at truth and goodness. You have left without the rose; without Matilda's embrace. Your afternoon sank into eternal silence. Our loss follows you in deep sadness.

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17 years ago

Though I never met you I watched all your movies and thoroughly enjoyed them. My heart is still broken but will mend in time. May you find peace and hurt no more. You will be missed by all. May your family eventually find peace and understanding and remember all the good times of your life.

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17 years ago

Jamais je ne pourrai oublier cet incroyable sourire, et ce talent infini... Ton passage sur terre a été bref mais tu nous laisses de beaux souvenirs...

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17 years ago

I will never forget Heath Ledger! I loved everything about him....his personality, his acting, and his smile. We will always love you in East Texas. God bless his family, Michelle, and their daughter.

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17 years ago

I enjoyed your movies emensely. You touched my spirit. I will always remember you. Let perpetual light shin upon them, grant them eternal rest O Lord. TN

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17 years ago

Estou triste...por ele ter ido embora assim.Mas o que deixou ficará aqui encerrado em meu coração, como legado de uma grande pessoa.Agradeço a vida por te-lo conhecido e assim poder ver um grande homem por trás desse inesquesivel artista.E sei que algum dia nos veremos..

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