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17 years ago

Heath, honey... It's such a shame we had to let go of you so early. But angels are only borrowed to us for an unknown period of time. I loved you Heath, your smile, kind face, friendly dancing eyes and big heart swept me off my feet. And now I bid you farewell, rest in peace my sweet! I pray that God be with his family and friends, and his dear little daughter... And Michelle, I pray you'll have strength to, raise a child without a father is tough. God be with you!!!

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17 years ago

may god caress matilda and michelle and all his family with his loving touch i watched one of heath's movies last nite and i cried i just think that it is devastating

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17 years ago

Goodnight, not goodbye Heath. You were a fantastic actor and will be missed greatly. Take care wherever you are. xxxx

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17 years ago

I've been a fan for as long as i can remember. watching his talent grow sronger from 10 things i hate about you up to broke back mountain, i admired lots of his works. . . i loved watching his movies seeing his smile they bring a tear to my eye everytime because i saw his inner beauty. its a shamed what happend and things will never be the same without him. R.I.P Heath ledger a loving father and an extrememly talented actor.

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17 years ago

Just a moviefan mom who saw his star burn out too soon. My family and I admired his work. I thought he was like magic and was excited to see eve new role her played. Such a warm smile.. We'll miss it. My heartfelt prayers with his family, daughter and friends.

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17 years ago

was always a fan i was in hossy havin my baby an next day midwife woke me up and put the telly on an news was on an first thing i seen across telly was dat he was dead i was upset n shocked he was gud actor an was very cute he wil b sadly missed my heart goes out 2 his family an his little girl x x x rest in peace heath u shud stil b here x x x love paula n ellie liverpool uk x

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17 years ago

ive been a fan since a knights tale he was a very good actor and will be missed deeply

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17 years ago

To a wonderful man with immense talent may you rest in peace

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17 years ago

I have always been a fan, I learned of you through my teenage daughter. People could see your inner beauty just as much as your obvious outer beauty. Your talent is amazing. I say "is" because fortunately we have the wonderful treasures you created to keep forever. Your love for Matilda was so obvious even in still photos. People say it is so sad that she wont have you in her life anymore. But I know you wont let that happen. Neither will her family. I am sure that little Matilda has an extremely handsome , caring and gentle angel with her at all times.

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17 years ago

Such a awful shame,a terrible waste of talent and of a human in peace

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17 years ago

I didn't know you but I feel really affected by your untimely death. A great talent who I am looking forward to seeing as The Joker! I hope you are at peace and that your family can also find peace. Thank you for giving us such entertainment, so sad that we won't get to see the full potential realised, but at least you will always be there immortalised on film for us to see any time!

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17 years ago

Im still in shock. Heath's death has devestated so many people around the globe. The world has lost a truely gifted actor & amazing young man. However, Heaven has gained an angel. RIP Heath. We miss you. xxx

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17 years ago

Some talents are not realised until they are lost forever, rest in peace, and THANKYOU

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17 years ago

Some talents are not realised until they are lost forever, rest in peace, and THANKYOU

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17 years ago

The world is like a mirror, Reflecting back to you. Whatever you have given it, whatever is your view..... So if your thoughts are cheerful and a smile's on your face, you'll find the world is beautiful, a warm and happy place. Hoping the Heavens will always be a happy place for you, because you are a special person who made the world a happy place for others.

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17 years ago

This terrible loss has hit me harder than I thought it would - my heart felt sympathy goes out to Heath's family & freinds - I truly feel great sorrow about the loss of such a talented and genuine guy - I hope his daughter grows up knowing how much her father loved her and what great talent & gift in life he had - god bless

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17 years ago

Health was a very good actor.I'll miss him.May he rest in peace

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17 years ago

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17 years ago

I have watched alot of these tributes to Heath. They are all very thoughtful and help me grieve, but this one touched me so deeply. Well done. I love that song, who sings it and what is the title? Please email me at witht the info. Again, thank you for this beautiful tribute to this most amazing man. Bean

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17 years ago

I also love this song! And the video really touched me. If someone could email me the name and singer of this song I would love to know!! Thatnks RIP Heath and Love and BEst wishes to little Matilda, May she always remember her DADDY! (

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17 years ago

Kim Richey, A Place Called Home Well, it's not hard to see Anyone who looks at me Knows I am just a rolling stone Never landing anyplace to call my own To call my own Well, it seems like so long ago But it really ain't you know I started out a crazy kid Miracle I made it through the things I did The things I did Someday I'll go where there ain't no rain or snow ‘Til then, I travel alone And I make my bed with the stars above my head And dream of a place called home I had a chance to settle down Get a job and live in town Work in some old factory I never liked the foreman standing over me Over me Oh I’d rather walk a winding road Rather know the things I know See the world with my own eyes No regrets, no looking back, no goodbyes No goodbyes Someday I'll go where there ain't no rain or snow ‘Til then, I travel alone And I make my bed with the stars above my head And I dream of a place called home

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17 years ago

where did you get the photo after the short spot where heath is the joker? i would like to get an answer at thanks.

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17 years ago

We will always love you Heath. You`re still great actor and we know that world will never forget about you.

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17 years ago

Such a tallanted actor. A great loss to everyone. May he rest in peace.

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17 years ago

A devastating loss. Not only a wonderful actor, but Heath Ledger also seemed like a nice, sensitive, private person which is strange today in Hollywood's "me me me" fixation.

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17 years ago

Heath Leadger was a very gifted talent that we lost well to soon. the best way to completely honor his life and not just my loss but the loss of this world is to take care of ourselves in the best way possible opening up and letting the people around us know when we are overstressed, never overtaking prescription drugs and finding natural ways of destressing. Money hungry doctors are the reason we lose so many members of young hollywood and society as well. Maybe if we all tried things a little differently, his death wouldn't be in vain.

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17 years ago

Not a day has gone by that you and your family were not on my mind-thinking of your unused talents and praying for your hurting family. Just the thought of your beautiful precious little one and Michelle living without you. My heart is so heavy for all of you. God give you all peace and help you work through this accident.Blessings to you all. JG

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17 years ago

Ten things I Hate About You really showed Heath's sweetness!

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17 years ago

My condolences to Heaths family, to Michelle and to little Matilda. We only know of Heath from movies and interviews. But, Heath seemed to have an innocence about him, and he seemed to be genuine. Even though there may or may not have been drugs people and media need to have respect for Heath's family and stop reporting the negative. Let him and his family have peace. Media needs to learn respect even though it is their job there are boundaries. Rest in peace Heath and may god always be with Michelle, Matilda and Heaths family in Australia. God Bless!

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17 years ago

"Not a day goes by that a song or a clip of a movie you made come on and reminds me what a loss this world has endured, what your family has endured this past month. God love ya Heath and your family, you will be missed far more than you ever knew you would be. From: Denise

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17 years ago

You are a great actor and we will not ever forget you. Rest In Peace I have watched all of your movies and I feel the same way you did when you past and I am sorry for your family and your baby.

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

I miss you and your great smile, I know you are in a better place, I know you are with Tommy in Heaven. RIP Heath

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17 years ago

My heart goes out to Michelle and Matilda and Heath's family. The world loved Heath for his wonderful talents, but his family loved him for just being himself. He will be missed.......

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17 years ago

Heath definitely had a charisma. I keep wondering why no one was able to help him and even his family seemed unaware of the deep pain he was in during the 2007 holiday visit. I think that Heath kept his pain to himself but if you love someone it is so important to reach out to them and try to get through so that person can let go of the pain. Heath, this world seems a little less of a good place without you in it.

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17 years ago

Heath you were a very talented and gifted actor. I enjoyed all of your movies. My favorite one was Brokeback Mountain, it takes a strong man secure in his sexuality to take on a project like. You were wonderful, and will not be forgotten.

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17 years ago

18/02/08 - i had a dream of u ....i couldnt see ur face but i knew were u....u were just there and i could hear a lil unknow song.....i just woke up feeling good and with the song in my head....i recorded it with my voice to remember this dream.....i hope ure ok....wherever u are.....peace

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17 years ago

Heath was a gifted and talented actor. I am still shocked and sad about god taking from us so sudden. I believe God has better plans for him and that he will be watching over his daughter and sending love from above. Rest in Peace my friend. You will be sadly missed. " Cindy "

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17 years ago

I've never been so disgusted! This is a sacred site for people who loved Heath Ledger. You have a right to your opinion, but NOT on here. I would think with the hardships you've gone through, you would have a little bit more compassion. Instead you are obviously an embittered old man. The beautiful thing about Heath was his compassion , which shone through from his soul in his interviews and roles in movies like BBM. Have some respect man, and stay out of this type of site. Would you walk into a funeral and do this? No!! So dont do it here ! Anyone who makes the type of statements you make just pats themselves on the back and think they are better than anyone else. So before judging anyone else, I suggest you go and judge yourself, because you dont paint a very pretty picture of yourself! And dont give me any of that crap about your loss. That should have only made you more compassionate towards humanity. I lost my husband, partner and best friend of 14 years through accidental drowning, so I know what loss is, thank you very much !

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17 years ago

I am still in shock at Heath's passing, it's so sad, my heart goes out to his beautiful daughter Matilda and Michelle and his family, may he rest in peace....R.I.P Heath.

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17 years ago

Eras um actor e um homem fantástico. Foi uma grande perda.

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17 years ago

I still cant believe he is gone! He touched so many in his short life. I will miss you !

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17 years ago

I'm still in shock over Heath's death. He was an amazing actor. Like a chameleon, he looked different in every film. My heart goes out to his family and friends, he will be missed by many. Rest in peace Heath.

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17 years ago

He was... great. He looked... great. His roles was... great. I'm missing ... R.I.P. Heath KTC

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17 years ago

Heath Ledger byl krásný člověk a velice charismatický a nadaný herec! A byl také otec! A já si přeji, aby jeho dcera měla na něho jen ty nejkrásnější vzpomínky! V našich vzpomínkách zůstane skrz filmy, které natočil. Sbohem Heath!!!

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17 years ago

I still can't believe he's gone .He left behind a beautiful baby girl. I know I will see him again. And I can't WAIT!!!! I will always never forget him. I loved his accent and there would never be another Heath Ledger. He will always be in my heart. R.I.P Heath. You are in a better place now.

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17 years ago

Me and my children watched their favourate film yesterday a knights tale!I know it sounds silly but i had a bit of a cry and thaught what a waste of a lovely man and fantastic actor good bye heath x

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17 years ago

For all of you that are her to say bad things about Heath get out . this is for Heath and us to get over the shock of his death.say nice thengs as he wood of you.I love and miss you HeathR.I.P

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17 years ago

I have to say that I am still in shock after his death I loved all of the movies that Heath played in my favorite was A Knights Tale and Brokeback Mountain.....he was far too young to be taken so heart goes out to his family espically his young 2 year old daugter Matilda....I too am a parent and couldn't imagine my 2 1/2 year old with out her dad.......I think this will be a prime example of what can happen, when u think that your are invinceable, because you are not....I hope people will soak this in because it does not only happen in the industry world it happens in life.... Rest In Peace Heath Ledger, my prayers will be with you....

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17 years ago

I don't know why your passing has affected me so...I keep feeling as though this is all a huge mistake and I will wake up from a very bad dream. I'm praying that your family heals with time. I also hope that Michelle and Jake are supported by those close to them and that they focus on all the wonderful moments they shared with you. I also think of Matilda Rose, what her questions will be of her father. I am so sorry. I wish I could stop crying, but it just hurts. I guess there is a genuine honesty in you that shows in the interviews and films that I have seen that has enabled me to connect with you on some level. As painful as this has been for me, I can't even wrap my head around the pain your loved ones must feel. I will continue to watch your films. Sleep peacefully Heath Ledger, I will look you up when I get to heaven.

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17 years ago

It's been about a month since the world lost Heath Ledger and I'm still in shock. He was a good actor. I don't care what anyone says about him portraying a gay cowboy it didn't mean he was gay in life. It is very sad that Matilda has to live without the man who loved and cared for her very much. I still can't believe he's gone. Rest in Peace Heath.

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17 years ago

I'm just so's such a loss. It's nearly been a month and I can't stop thinking about the fact that you're gone.

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17 years ago

to say im gutted is an unstatement, he was a fantastic actor and such a good looking guy. he will be so missed, i really loved him. sleep tight heath xxx

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17 years ago

i cant believe this has happened u were so fit im gonna miss u in ur filims luv u lots man by jiggy

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