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17 years ago

I finally saw Candy last night. This is probably Heath's most amazing role. He was so touching. I can't wait to see him as the Joker. It may be his greatest work ever, but it's just so sad that it may have contributed to his death. I still miss you so. I love you. Patti

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17 years ago

Bedzie nam Ciebie brakowac, tak wspaniałe role filmowe zagrac mogles tylko zobaczenia kowboju po tamtej stronie, wszyscy tam kiedys trafimy...zawsze pozostaje jednak smutek jak odchodzi tak mlody aktor

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17 years ago

You were one of the most beautiful men i've even seen with that big smile and those inviting eyes. I don't blame god for a second for taking you so soon. My hearts go out to Michell and that pretty little girl of yours. You'll be forever in my heart, and will always be missed. R.I.P Heath

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17 years ago

Rest in Peace Heath. You were taking from us too soon. I watched Ten Things i Hate About You last night and cried threw the whole thing.:( You will hbe missed..God Bless. My heart goes out to your family.

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17 years ago

in our memory.. forever..

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17 years ago

God Bless you, I was so sadden by the news of your passing, my oldest son favors you so much. You were taken before your star could shine it's brightes. You will be missed by both Family and fans. My prayers go out to your Family. You are truely missed.

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17 years ago

Dla Heath'a aby wiedział że zawsze będziemy o nim pamietać i zawsze będzie wielką gwiazdą .... dla wszystkich :-(

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17 years ago

Taken from this earth far to soon. I pray for your sole and your family. My heart goes out to Michelle & Matilda. You live on in our memories and in our hearts! Rest knowing you are loved

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17 years ago

Someone should disgrace Nancy Grace with her biased and iresponsible reporting. Following his death she began her show , an anchoe for CNN, with a rolled up bill to her nose indicating his illegal drug use. This was before the autopsy. this was a slap in the face to his family and all those who loved him.

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17 years ago

Heath, you were such a warm friendly character. you had that something special. a natural kindness. was stunned to hear the news. I will always remember 'A knights tale' Sweet dreams mate Dermot

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17 years ago

Hey there ! I will always remember you Heath ! I had the hugeist crush on you when i saw you in 10 things i hate about you ! Im going to name my son after you ! Heath Ledger you were the greatist and you will always be missed and loved . All my love xxx

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17 years ago

Hey babe, 44 days and i'm still counting, i fear death no more,i find it comforting to know that when it comes,then i'll have the chance to see you again,until then my love.....

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17 years ago

Isaiah 38:14 I cried like a swift or thrush, I moaned like a mourning dove. My eyes grew weak as I looked to the heavens. I am troubled; O Lord come to my aid! Psalms 138: 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me. Heath I truly belive that I already knew you in another time....your death has touched me in a way I can not describe. I will see you again...."Old Man River"

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17 years ago

You had the most beautiful smile and the most inviting eyes.You will be missed dearly by all whom knew you or was just a fan.

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17 years ago

I was fortunate enough to meet you on the set of "Four Feathers" when you were filiming in Morocco.. You were so friendly and respected by all the cast and crew. My thoughts go out to your family and friends. The world have lost an amazing actor and man. God bless and rest in peace.

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17 years ago

It has been a pleasure to watch you grow in the same way I have watched my own husband grow.The two of you are the same in many ways.You are the only actor who had any impact on me.I wish you knew that we could feel the story through you.You are the best , Thanks for sharing.

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17 years ago

Amazing actor with the most beautiful smile I ever seen. I still can't belive. I will never forget you, Heath. You will be always in my heart. Rest in peace.

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17 years ago

I will always remember you Heath as one of my PogoNutty friends. You always had a"Hi,Love" greeting for me when I saw you. You touched my Heart and all of us at the Nuts miss you so much, especially on Hotshot days!! And Winston misses you too. Rest in peace, Heavenlyme05. Prayers to your family and especially little Maddie.God Bless..BgoodPogo

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17 years ago

Heath, I still to this day, lQQk for your pogomails to me...I miss you so much. Your memory will stay with me forever, as well as your screen name. I will never take it off. Sleep in "HEAVENLY" peaceXOXO Love, RI1015Red

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17 years ago

I saw the movie 10 things i hate about you on tv and i thought the film was new but then when i read on the internet i saw the film was many years old. I d really liked you in the film and then i read that you is dead! :( Íts weird that life can be so short.... and you should nt have been gone yet....:( even if i dont know you i get so sad.....

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17 years ago

I still can't belive that you're gone. I'm sure that many people in this world will never forget your beautiful smile. A piece of my heart died with you.

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17 years ago

I had a son who pass and I cryed he die very young and I looked at Heath like he was a son that I did'nt know the best in world and now hes gone and cry again because I feel I lost a son

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17 years ago

Heath, your memory will live on in me forever. I know I never knew you, but I wish I could've. Your passing has just crushed me. If I, a fan, feel this much pain, I can't imagine what pain those close to you are feeling. I pray for your family to get through this difficult time. You have touched me with the roles you've played, and I will never forget that. I know you were going through a difficult time with the separation from Michelle and Matilda. I wish I was there to help bring you through the pain. Fate had a cruel plan, and it always gets what it wants. A true artist was taken from us. I know you didn't want to leave the world, but you are at peace now. You have charmed us on Earth; charm the Heavens. I will miss you terribly. I love you.........

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17 years ago

You left a hole in the hearts of so many people you've touched. You will forever live on in our hearts. Rest in peace Heath !

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17 years ago

Gone but never forgotten! without you in this world, it will be a sadder place. My love and thoughts go out to Heaths family, friends and beautiful little girl.

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17 years ago

You will sadly be missed and I hope you find peace in your finally resting place. We know your daughter will now have her own guardian angel

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17 years ago

I pray for his daughter Matilda, his family and for Michelle. How tragic that an amazingly talented actor, a seemingly good father and talented young man would perish much too soon for our world to understand and embrace such a devastating loss. May he rest in peace and may we have insight to the answers we are all in need of. God bless Heath and all the lives he touched.

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17 years ago

A wonderful actor, so handsome & charismatic, talent just oozing from him, with so much more to give. I am old enough to be his mother, how devastated his family must feel. I did not know him, yet I think he had that quality which allowed all of us to feel we did and that is why he touched so many of our hearts. So sad his mini-me daughter Matilda will grow up with out her Daddy. Hearing the stories of sleeplessness & racing mind remind me of myself after a surgery a few years back, it was depression. I did not even know they were symptoms until I was a walking zombie. You are so exhausted, just dead tired, but you cannot fall asleep, as your mind is in over drive. Sleeping pills barely put a dent in it at first, I am so sad that evidently no one told him how dangerous mixing some of these aids might be. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and Michelle and especially little Matilda. Sleep tight our sweet prince...

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17 years ago

He was a great actor, gone before his time. For days it was like I had lost a part of my family. You can't quite put your finger on it but it was like I wanted to tell his family how sorry I was for them and his little girl. She looks just like him. He wasn't one of your typical actors, he never wanted to be in the lime light, he just wanted to left to his life with his family. Rolling Stone magazine wrote a great article about him, and summarized just how I'm sure lots of us felt when we heard the news of his passing. You were great Heath Ledger, and I myself will never forget you. God bless your soul, and may He bless your family and little girl.

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17 years ago

you maybe gone from this crul world but your still there. your body maybe whithout a sole but your still there. you maybe be gone forever.... but maybe your still there in our hearts forever.... your not gone to me

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17 years ago

Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the softly falling snow, I am the gentle showers of rain, I am the ripening fields of grain. I am the morning hush, I am in the morning rush, Of beautiful birds in circling flight. I am the star shine of the night. I am in the flowers that bloom, I am in a quiet room. I am in the birds that sing, I am in each lovely thing. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there,I do not die Rest In Peace Heath

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17 years ago

Heath Ledger was so young it's a shame he died...there will never be anyone like him... the world will miss him!!!!!

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17 years ago

my memory is of a knight whom charmed his way into our lives. especially mine. he just always left you wanting more. i envy anyone whom was close to him. matilda is a very cherished memory of him. i pray that she will grow up and maybe finish some of his dreams. i really just ache for the family and friends. i would have given anything to have met him. course i have a son his age whom is so much like him in looks and character. my daughter called me one day and said "mom you have to see a knights tale. heath ledger is a dream." so i did and she was so on target. we have loved heaths movies so much and will watch them forever. my heart goes out to the family. i pray to god for comfort for them and for me. what a talent lost..... forever in our hearts.

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17 years ago

I remember the first movie I ever saw Heath Ledger in...I thought he was soooooo HOT...he was a inspiring actor and my role model

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17 years ago

Heath was a exceptional actor and person- he was a person you come accross once in a lifetime. He will be so greatly misses by so many people-but also remembered by a greater number-rest in peace-we love you- god be with your family. By: Tina Newman

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17 years ago

its a shame that he died so young he was an amazing actor and so handsome and good looking he will truly be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!andyny

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17 years ago

The only truth that we - as human beings- know for sure is that we do not know the real truth - not about why we are here on this planet - or where we go when we leave it. On top of that, we do not know why death takes one person at age 2 another at 28 and yet another at 100. The amount of years that we spend on this planet can never be determined by a human being to be the best or worst. What we think and what is the truth are two entirely different things. Thus, a person who leaves the planet after 28 years can be the best thing. Again, we do not know the truth and we will never know the answer. So, that having been said, my thoughts are with the survivors who do not know the why's. Rest in peace Mr. Ledger while the rest of us await our own fate.

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17 years ago

his best role ever was in brokeback mountain.the most challenging role i ever seen him in.god bless you and the best of love from heart.your sadly missed.xx

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17 years ago

i was in shock when my mum called to say that heath ledger had died i put the news on and just sat and young and an amazing actor the world feels a little more empty now with out him. i am going to miss him so much and my heart goes out to all his family and friends.he is a better place in peace heath.xx

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17 years ago

heath ledger was a great actor and he was one of the best looking man Im gonna miss his movies and most of all heath ledger.

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17 years ago

heath ledger was a great actor and he was one of the best looking men out im gonnamiss him alot

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17 years ago

Heath was the best actor ever and he will never be forgotten he deserve to be able to REST IN PEACE, he is in a better place where he can watch over all of us and more importantly his daughter Matilda he loved her so much now he can watch her grow up and she can learn about her daddy and what a caring gentle soul he was we miss you HEATH R.I.P

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17 years ago

Heath I Miss you ever so much why did u have to go and leave so many people to mourn for u i promise to u Heath even though i didnt meet u in person i will pass the word of u to every one of my children and their children and so on u will never be forgotten. curse the day that someone forgets u .u are the only actor that ever took my breath away. That will never be replaced. What a terrible tragedy for all of us. I am so saddened every time I see a picture of u. We will miss that smile and voice greatly.

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17 years ago

It real hurt when I heard the bad story, Heath was a great actor which led him being the joker in the upcoming batman film, I already know he will be great in that film. the guy seemed a geniune person he was not billy big time and truly humble. he will never be forgotten in my eyes. R.I.P MATE

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17 years ago

I don't know why i feel so moved by the passing of our Heath. I don't know why since he died i have been wondering where is he at? is there a heaven? because if there is one i am sure he is there watching for his daughter and mommy. I just don't understand why his life was taken away. He just wanted to rest and he never woke up again. It is sad to see this happening to such a beautiful genuine soul. He was great in movies. I am his age and i feel that i have a lot of years to come but i am sure that Heath felt that way also. I am sad for Heath's departure and i know it sounds silly because i never met him but i feel sorry for him to leave this life without completing his dreams and leaving behind his daughter. Heath rests in peace and someday you will be reunited with your loving ones... you will be missed... Miriam. Trujillo-Peru.

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17 years ago

Heath, u were my soulmate but we were non-existint to eachother i only got to see u in movies but u were everything i loved to see in The Brothers Grimm i only watched u b/c u caught my eye others say wake up but i say no Heath is perfect, when i had found out that u had passed away and i didnt know u at all i cried for 3 weeks i never talked for 3 weeks i barely ate for 3 weeks all i thought of all that was on my mind is how did this happen, why did this happen ecspeacially to a talented man such as u i miss u Heath. Now ur with my mom in heaven watching over us and i hope u can hear me as i say Heath, i can't wait till i see u in heaven for the first time.

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17 years ago

You are the only actor that ever took my breath away. That will never be replaced. You have a beautiful family, and you live on through them. What a terrible tragedy for all of us. I am so saddened every time I see a picture of you. We will miss that smile and voice greatly. Love to your family and friends!!

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17 years ago

This was a truly great actor who went his way to the limit in showing his great acting skills,such skills as in his latest movie the dark knight. He also showed his funny side which I liked in the movie 10 things I hat about you. I never realized him until now and come to note the fact that he was the future of the movie bussiness and theirs none out their that can compare to what he has done. And I think many of these upcoming actors and actress should look at what he has accomplished not only as a man but a movie star.

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17 years ago

This was a truly great actor who went his way to the limit in showing his great acting skills,such skills as in his latest movie the dark knight. He also showed his funny side which I liked in the movie 10 things I hat about you. I never realized him until now and come to note the fact that he was the future of the movie bussiness and theirs none out their that can compare to what he has done. And I think many of these upcoming actors and actress should look at what he has accomplished not only as a man but a movie star.

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17 years ago

Heath you were such a good actor and you were such a nice person. I never really achknoledged you untill a year ago. When I heard you died i cried all night. I will miss you forever. Love, Rachel

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