I have only just heard the news of Gerry's passing. Gerry was my guitar teacher while he was living in Drummoyne in 2007-2008. His passion for music was infectious. Gerry had an amazing ability to engage with his students by catering lessons to what the student wanted. I am extremely appreciative of what Gerry had done for my guitar playing. I pass on my deepest condolences to his family and friends.

I have only just heard the news of Gerry's passing. Gerry was my guitar teacher while he was living in Drummoyne in 2007-2008. His passion for music was infectious. Gerry had an amazing ability to engage with his students by catering lessons to what the student wanted. I am extremely appreciative of what Gerry had done for my guitar playing. I pass on my deepest condolences to his family and friends.

Regrettably I only found this sad news recently through a Facebook search. Gerard and I were good friends, we shared many good lunches over philosophical chats when we both lived in Northcote, Melbourne. We had our own home-grown barter scheme, we would trade peaches, silver beet or whatever was in harvest. We drifted apart when he moved to NSW but I never thought I'd not see him again. Life can run away from us, I wish I had made more effort to stay in touch. He is sadly missed and very fondly remembered; easily, with his sweet smile.

Regrettably I only found this sad news recently through a Facebook search. Gerard and I were good friends, we shared many good lunches over philosophical chats when we both lived in Northcote, Melbourne. We had our own home-grown barter scheme, we would trade peaches, silver beet or whatever was in harvest. We drifted apart when he moved to NSW but I never thought I'd not see him again. Life can run away from us, I wish I had made more effort to stay in touch. He is sadly missed and very fondly remembered; easily, with his sweet smile. Kaye

Regrettably I only found this sad news recently through a Facebook search. Gerard and I were good friends, we shared many good lunches over philosophical chats when we both lived in Northcote, Melbourne. We had our own home-grown barter scheme, we would trade peaches, silver beet or whatever was in harvest. We drifted apart when he moved to NSW but I never thought I'd not see him again. Life can run away from us, I wish I had made more effort to stay in touch. He is sadly missed and very fondly remembered; easily, with his sweet smile. Kaye

Just did a Google search to find out what Gerard was up to after all these years and now find hes no longer around.
I knew Gerard for a short period in the eighties in Melbourne, we jammed a few times with some other acquaintances and tried to form a band, which didn't eventuate. He moved out of Melbourne up north, and I lost contact with him.
Gerard was such a nice guy, had an well honed intellect and was a great guitarist. I lost two good friends last year and now hearing about Gerard (now in mid 2012) saddens me more. But its very strange, somehow I sensed before doing the search that he had died.

I wanted to contact Gerard as Christmas was nearing and was shocked and saddened to find this tribute page for him. A few years ago, Gerard was my guitar teacher and also taught jazz piano to my daughter. He was an amazing guitarist who could make even the simplest tunes sound beautiful. Rest in peace, Gerard and thank you for the music.

Sitting on the side of the road next to a burnt out Combie we discussed the meaning of Entropy I was 20 & Gerard 23.This was the 2nd month into a journey around Australia and a treasured memory for life. Gerard wrote in his book, 'Beyond the nuclear Age' in 1985 page 53 (the last sentence on the last page)." I want no part of this megalomanic quest, but to choose to live in the brief but brilliant sunshine of my mortality and imperfection." I hope the sunshine was brilliant because his life was brief ... I wish we had got together just one more time.Together we grew and lived out some ideals our time was brief but the impact huge. Never forgotten and always lov

Gerard was my first guitar teacher. All up had over 5 years of lessons with him before I moved State. I'm proud to say as well as a teacher, he was a friend. He was a great guy and a truly inspirational guitarist

I played in a band in Melbourne in the late 80s with Gerard. I'm just shocked at learning of his passing. I had renewed contact with him last year by email.
He was one hell of a nice guy, a wry sense of humour, a great musician, so easy to get along and work with. I'm so sorry to hear this news and my sympathy is with his family and close friends.

I did not know he was a jazz/blues guitarist. I only knew he wrote an excellent tongue-in-cheek article about 9-11. Gosh, the guy was born after I was and he's already gone! WTH?
For his musician friend's, the first sentence of his bio, "Passed away peacefully on Sunday in Sydney..." fits very well sung to "Waterloo Sunset."
Sad he's gone--we need more people that can speak truth with a light heart, and need more artists.

Gerard was a good friend, a fellow researcher and an amazing spirit that ALWAYS stood by his principles no matter what. An amazing Quality person that has sadly gone to the great guitar shop in the sky.I am saddened to just find this out today and offer his friends and family my heart felt condolences as I belatedly share their grief and sorrow to hear this news.
This is one guy that shook the world up with his intellect and joins the ranks of William Cooper being a forerunner in areas where most always feared to tread. I am gonna miss the big guy.
Steve Johnson

Rod White
His wry smile, His uncanny way of dissecting everything, His friendship,
I wish I could have got to know him better.

I never met him face to face, but I had the privilege of corresponding with him by e-mail and discussing 911 issues with him often, in varoius chatrooms and forums on the WEB. Holmgren was the most powerful thinker i have known in my life, with an amazing mastery of detail and rock-solid logic. He really taught me how to validate and analyze evidence, how to formulate testable hypotheses, how to recognize rhetorical tricks of deception and how to expose logical absurdities.
His research methodology was inspirational, and has become a model for me when it comes to understanding reality and seeking the truth..
He was my teacher and my mentor. He will be greatly missed
Lynn Ertell - the saigirl

Gerard started teaching me guitar this year. I learned so quickly off him, he gave me such confidence to keep playing and didn't laugh or ridicule, at me being a newbie, a true teacher. So sad to see him get ill so quickly and pass, I believe I must have only spoken to him a week or so before he died.
I am buddhist. I hope his next rebirth is a light and happy one.
Peace Gerard and to his family and friends

As a child I knew one great friend, someone who lead me on from his early years with his maturity and individuality. His path was then his own, he amused us, he challenged and frustrated us, but we always knew that somehow he would be different. From his alter-ego 'the punching panting pudding man' to his one man dramatisation of Just William Gerald was always fun. Those memories are as strong today, farewell old friend,

Gerard - rest in peace.
My deep sympathy to David and family.
David Butcher

Gerard, third child of Jack (died 1976) and Venie Holmgren, brother of Jenny and David, brother in-law of Su Dennett and uncle of Oliver. We may have failed him but we did love and respect him and his work. A man of passion, conviction and creativity in music, words and activism who maintained his passion and humour despite incredible adversity over the decades.
David Holmgren