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Danielle Hochman
1 year ago

i miss you so much. everything makes me think of you. it never gets easier. 12 years and it still feels like yesterday. you should be here. i graduate from culinary school in 16 days. i know you’ll be there. i hope i’m making you proud. i hope your watching over me with the biggest smile. thank you for keeping my reo safe. i know you were there with me. i love you more than anything. send me signs please????????

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Danielle Hochman
3 years ago

Please don’t ever stop sending me signs that you are watching over me, it makes me so happy.

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Danielle Hochman
3 years ago

10 years. 10 years and it still feels like it was just yesterday. 10 years and I still cry myself to sleep wishing you were here. I miss you so much. I would do anything to have another conversation with you, to bake with you one last time, and to have one more hug. It doesn’t get any easier. It only gets harder. I just turned 21. That’s 10 birthdays without you. I wish you were with me to celebrate. I wish you were here for everything. Life isn’t the same without you here. I hope I’m making you proud. I love you so much

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6 years ago

It’s been 7 years and i miss you more everyday. Nothing is the same without you. I’m graduating in 17 days. I saved you a ticket, because you promised you would be there, in person. Part of me still thinks this a dream and that your gunna show up and take that ticket from my hands. Part of me thinks that i’m gunna look at at those stands and see your face. I wish this was a dream. I miss you more everyday. Not a day goes by where i don’t think of you. This is really terrible you know. I don’t like living life without you. I wish you could be here and everyone else. I would give anything just to bake with you one last time, or to hear your voice, or to hung you. anything. I love you so much gaga. xoxo

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8 years ago

I miss you more and more everyday. Life without you is not the same. I keep thinking that this is all a dream, and that maybe Ill wake up and you'll still be here. But I know that wont happen. I miss baking with you and spending time with you. I miss your hugs and your voice. I love you so much. <3 xoxoxoxoxo

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Jorge Gonzalez
10 years ago

Happy Birthday Momma. I love you so much. I just wanted to thank you for looking after your new grandson, I can feel your presence guiding us through these difficult times with Jorge, Jr. I miss you so much. I am sending you tons of kisses and hugs on your birthday, and I love you with all my heart.

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11 years ago

i miss u so much momma, i just want u to know that i love u w all my heart

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11 years ago

Well another bday for both of us is coming up and just wanted to send you a big hug and kiss that I hope reaches you in heaven. Love and miss you....Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with the angles.

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11 years ago

i miss u so much mom.. i wish u were here

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12 years ago

Hi Tia, well I can not beleive it has been a year already since you left us. I know you know I think of you often and miss you lots. I hope you have been free of pain and enjoying all of God's promises and heavenly gifts. Keep us all in your prayers and continue to be the guardian angel you have been to all. May you continue to rest in peace and God Bless you always. Love, Cristy

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12 years ago

I dont know where to begin or wat to say.. i just know that every time that i get discouraged or however much i fill myself up w doubts about u being out there guiding me .. you reach out to me and remind me that u are there to provide me with courage and strength and love. . I wish there was a way i could thank u. Love u and miss u tons momma

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12 years ago

Well the Holidays are here and I know you are with us in Spirit. Thank you for all the ornaments you made for me throughout the years. I am proudly showing them off on my tree. Love and Miss you Tia!! Merry Christmas!!!

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12 years ago

I am so thankful for your last words of encouragement when I saw you Easter Sunday even while you were in so much pain my dear Dana...they help to keep going on, focusing on HIM who loves us the most. I can hardly wait to see you again. "Blessed Assurance" ! Love you! Miss you!

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12 years ago

My Dad's b-day just passed and it of course made me think of you and how even though it was hard for you to make at times due to allergies you always made it a point to make my dad his favorite apple pie. Thank you for always thinking of him. I miss you so much and it is so sad to see how people in life sometimes take everyone for granted and discover how much that person meant to them once they are gone. I love you Tia and please keep an eye on us from above and protect us.

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12 years ago

Hi mom, i cant believe its been 5 months... i miss you so much, i think of you every day, i wish you were here. i would give anything, i would give absolutely everything i have just to see you again, even if it were just for a brief moment, theres so much i wish i could tell you about and so many things i wish you could see, i think you would be proud .... btw marissa had her 7th bday party the other day and I couldnt help but think of you the whole time, although it was diificult not seeing you there, deep down i know you were there the whole time ... i love you

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12 years ago

Mrs. Gonzalez, even though these words will never reach you, I wish I could've let you know how very grateful I am that you helped me keep my sanity as an elementary student at Mains School when you were the school's psychologist there. You truly believed that there was something you could do to help me, and you did. You saw beneath my fake smiles and my "everything's ok" and I couldn't fool you, you knew inside, I was overwhelmed with all the chaos going on in my life. .. and there you were, always trying to help me and make me feel loved. I'm sorry I never told you how much it meant to me. :(

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12 years ago

We are all missing you and we love you!!!

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13 years ago

Just thinking of you. Love and miss you :(

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Yanira Callu Lopez
13 years ago

Tia Dana, estoy sin palabras... Que rapido pasa el tiempo y nosotras aqui nos dejaste con tus bellos consejos, recuerdos y dichos. Todos te extranomos mucho! Nunca te olvidare y siempre te llevo en mi corazon! Que Dios te bendiga ahi en el cielo junto con mi Papa.. Descansen en PAZ! Te quiero, Yanira Callu

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Claudia R. Sanchez
13 years ago

Siempre con una sonrisa en tus labios, siempre contenta, siempre tan alegre,, asi te recuerdo, fuiste una GRA MUJER. Bellos momentos que pase a tu lado junto a mis primos y Tio Chuy, nunca te olvidare y siempre te levo en mi corazon!! Dios te bediga en donde estes!! Te quiero Tia Dana!!! Claudia R. Sanchez

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13 years ago

My Dear Sister Dana~ The comfort of knowing you are free of pain and suffering and "well" gives me peace and rejoice with the blessed assurance that you are delighting yourself in Our Heavenly Father and Saviour Jesus! We all miss you so very much, and miss everything about you. Thank you for all you did for each one of us in your unique ways. Summer also brings numerous memories... even as far backas very special days in Davis, when at the time it was only precious Mano :) (Manolito then :). Little did we know then that Our Lord would later bless us all with so many more beautiful children through our "growing" years. We both love our children so much, I love yours as my own and you always did the same and bragged about them too :) !!! I love you Dana, and "Yes"... you will always be my beloved Sister!

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Lupita Stuckey
13 years ago

I miss you my dear Dana, my forever Sister, I know you are dancing with Your Savior Jesus... thank you for your little notes and cards..and crafts, and memories..they keep me going. And I know tears are healing, and I rejoice in the blessed assurance of everlasting life with Our Lord & Savior, the only way to Our Father in Heaven, but it is still very difficult here without you ....however, His grace is sufficient, for when we are weak, He is strong.... I can hardly wait to see you, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE... I am so emotional and reading Georgy's letter has totally touched my heart...His Word will not come back void, just as He promised...Jesus Christ has definitely said it to you my sister,"well done my faithful servant", your children and grandchildren are your testimony, you have done it right, you have done it well, you have been faithful! Today's Daily Bread says...Good behavior should always be and act of worship. Resist temptation, forgiving, serving, and loving each other are all opportunities to tangibly express our love for Jesus – not to get a star next to our name or a pat on the back. When was the last time you did something “good” out of love for Jesus? ~ Joe Stowell For many, love is just a word. A passing phase, a brief emotion; but love that honors Christ Our Lord responds to Him with deep devotion. ~ Hess - Love in deed is love indeed!

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13 years ago

Just wanted to take the time and let you know I am thinking of you today. I can not belive it has been a month already. Tia please keep us all in your prayers and be our guardian angel from above. Te quiero mucho. Cristy

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13 years ago

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12 years ago

I remember this like it was yesterday...

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13 years ago

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Jorge Gonzalez
13 years ago

Hi mamita. My heart is heavy and the tears continue to run down my face, but I know somewhere out there you are reading this. I want you to know that I love you and I miss you terribly. Although you are gone from this place, you are still in my heart, you will always be. I will never stop loving you, never. You were everything; my heart, soul, and life. You showed me how to live, how to forgive, and how to love. You were so much more than my mother. You were my light, my rock, my guide. No matter how many times I fell, which was a lot, you were always there to pick me up and guide me, with your unconditional and unyielding love and support. I owe everything to you mom, I would be absolutely nothing without you. You gave me life, you gave me never-ending love, and you gave me three beautiful siblings which I love with all my heart. I love you mom. I always will. You were a perfect angel. No matter the trials and tribulations that life threw your way, no matter what the challenge, you never wavered, you never broke. Your will and spirit were never broken. Never. I will always admire you for that. You always put others first and you loved and helped others to love and live, no matter what. You went above and beyond, and you loved even those who were not even your family members. Your life was lived to help others help themselves to love and be happy. Your funeral was a testament to that. I was totally blown away, absolutely amazing. Even at the end, when your body began to fail, you still loved and cared about others first. I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing that is. You were an impressive person and a perfect model of a life lived to its fullest, lived in family, god, and love. Even though you were one of a kind and irreplaceable, I aspire to be like you. You had a heart of gold and you will never be forgotten. I will miss your beautiful green/yellow eyes, your golden hair, your words of wisdom, you’re your ability to love and be positive even in the most difficult of life situations. I thank you for your commitment to loving your four children absolutely equally. I will miss the sears/jc penney xmas catalogue lists, your little surprises and gifts, your attention to every last detail, our family trips, your socks with huge giant holes, your pancakes, your desserts, your canastitas, your two finger pokes, your stern looks -- “the eyes” -- when I or anyone else was out of line. God works in mysterious ways. Little did I know when I quit my job to move back home two years ago that this would happen. But I thank god, because those times were special. I got to see you every day. I am so thankful. No matter how many times I felt like I had made a mistake and squandered everything and wanted to quit, you were there to guide me, keep me going and motivate me. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you were proud of me. It meant the world to me mom. I thank god, because you were able to see Marissa so much during that time, and you imparted your love to her. Even though you were in immense pain, you always were able to muster the strength to make her feel welcome and loved, with the morning pancakes, the little art projects, the Saturday trips for burgers and a movie. I can’t even express how much that meant to me. You gave her the same love that you gave me and for that I will always be thankful. I want you to know that for 35 years I was the luckiest guy in the world. I could not have asked for more. I can truly say that I know what it was like to be loved unconditionally by my mother, every request and every prayer was answered. Thank you. In the end, although I am sad to see you go, I take solace in the fact that you are in a far better place now. I want you to know that I still feel your love and you standing by my side. I feel your presence everywhere I go, guiding me and loving me. I am so proud to have been your son. I only hope and pray that I can live my life in the vision you had for me. I love you mom, and one day I will see you again. I love you. Your son - Jorge

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13 years ago

Just wanted to tell you I am thinking of you today, hope you are having fun running and dancing in Heaven. I love and miss you.

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13 years ago

Tia, I am so glad I was able to see you recently. There are no words that will ever express the love I had for you. You were part of my village of family that raised me. I will take with me all the memories. Thank you for loving me so as if I was one of your own. I can hear your voice always greeting me Cristina Chula.You always protected me from the monkeys when they would tease me and say how much you loved me and for them to be nice. Thank you Tia for everything. I know I will see you one day again and that gives me peace. I am just comforted that the pain is gone. Rest in Peace Tia Chula. Te Quiero Mucho.

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13 years ago

Tia, I am so glad I was able to see you recently. There are no words that will ever express the love I had for you. You were part of my village of family that raised me. I will take with me all the memories. Thank you for loving me so as if I was one of your own. I can hear your voice always greeting me Cristina Chula.You always protected me from the monkeys when they would tease me and say how much you loved me and for them to be nice. Thank you Tia for everything. I know I will see you one day again and that gives me peace. I am just comforted that the pain is gone. Rest in Peace Tia Chula. Te Quiero Mucho.

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Deb Strong Whalen
13 years ago

I met Dana Sue in '83 when I started working at Rockwood where she was the counselor. We spent our lunches and breaks laughing, debating, and laughing again all within a the lunch hour about social and spiritual issues and how we could make a difference. I remember how she painted her drab room a brilliant yellow and added flowers to the walls. Kids would enter her room sullen or tearful and leave with a look of hope, often with paint or clay under their nails. She held herself and us accountable. I loved her, and I will miss her.

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Retirement Party
13 years ago

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Joyce Richard
13 years ago

I met Dana-Sue thru her sister- in-law, Lupita. She impressed me as a dynamic person with flashing aqua green eyes, so beautiful. She had an awesome mind, yet when I met her she was on empty spirtualy. Then not long after that first meeting a metamorphous...a transformation happened to Dana-Sue...she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior and became filled with the Holy Spirit!! What a glorious day that was! She was a prayer warrior, her unconditional love for her family, constant cocern for others and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in action. So, Dana-Sue, my SIC(Sister in Christ) I quote Matthew 25:21 "Well done good and faithful servant: enter in to the joy of your Lord"..In Jesus mighty and Holy name.....Joyce

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12 years ago

:) ... this is one of my favorite pictures ever

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13 years ago

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Dear Tia! Thank you for always being such a loving aunt. I have so many memories of you. You always made the BEST carrot cake in the world! I am so happy that we got to see you at Ana's Birthday party and we got to enjoy your cake one last time. Nobody will ever make it like you. As a child you always took the time to check on us kids, make sure we had food, snacks, toys and were safe. I loved going to your house to play with the primos (aka make a mess in their room). I also loved that you and Romy (my wife) got to bond over marrying into a "Mexican Family" ..... specially the Gonzalez clan: always late, always slow, but always fun! You are now with God, eternal life in heaven surrounded by past loved ones. One day we will all be re-united. Lots of Love from Sobrino Carlitos.

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Dear Tia! Thank you for always being such a loving aunt. I have so many memories of you. You always made the BEST carrot cake in the world! I am so happy that we got to see you at Ana's Birthday party and we got to enjoy your cake one last time. Nobody will ever make it like you. As a child you always took the time to check on us kids, make sure we had food, snacks, toys and were safe. I loved going to your house to play with the primos (aka make a mess in their room). I also loved that you and Romy (my wife) got to bond over marrying into a "Mexican Family" ..... specially the Gonzalez clan: always late, always slow, but always fun! You are now with God, eternal life in heaven surrounded by past loved ones. One day we will all be re-united. Lots of Love from Sobrino Carlitos.

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Christopher Stuckey
13 years ago

I love you so much and miss you terribly. I have so many memories of being at your house and you having to deal with Ana and I bickering about little things, like the time she wanted me to "go back to Valencia!" But you always managed to work things out for us. And I'll never forget breakfast at Tia Dana's. You made the best pancakes ever! I take comfort in knowing that I will see you again someday. Until then I will always remember you Tia. Love, Chris the Chick Poptart :)

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