the last time i got to see him was chritmas of 07 was kinda fun just kinda sad cause i was upset cuz i never got to see him and this chritmas had a new gf and it was weird i knew she was trouble the moment i saw her but that didnt stop him from doning what he did
he skrewed up his own life and he left me to hurt

I have just been sitting here thinking alot. I realized I have forgotten the old Dale. I think maybe because I said goodbye to him a long time ago. But now all those memories are coming back. Like the night Jennifer was upset with her dad about not getting a birthday party. I called Dale he came to get her so she could spend time with Austin & Allison. That helped her forget & put her mind somewhere else. When I really needed him he was there. This is the Dale I plan on remembering. Hope we all can do that.

after I had Dakota & was almost time to bring him home Dale helped out so much,he cleaned my house :) I was so thankful for that, after going back & forth from the hospital to visit Dakota that so much off me.