You may have disagreed with his politics, I certainly do on issues, but, he proved without a shadow of a doubt that people can stand on our own two feet in this world without a need for constructs to hide behind if they have taken the time to understand and come to terms with themselves and their own ideologies.

Christopher Hitchens was a legend. I am very very sad tonight that he is gone. He stood up against the illogicality of religion, its hypocrisy, its brutality, its falsehoods, its homophobia, its arrogance, its advocacy of child genital mutilation, its self-righteousness, its ignorance, its protection of paedophile priests. I am so sorry you are gone. Rest in Peace Mr Hitchens, Rest in Peace.

I feel sadder about Hitchens' death than, logically, i am entitled to feel. I sense many others feel the same. I didn't know him, but he symbolised something that is important to me. His detractors on these comment boards are snapping at his heels, peeping between the legs of the Colossus, they will never soar like he did.

A free and independent spirit has died to soon. You will be sorely missed Christopher. RIP where ever you are.

April 4, 2009 - Craig vs. Hitchens Debate from Biola University.

A report on Christopher Hitchens and the 2011 Texas Freethought Convention. THIS VIDEO IS "FAIR USE" COMMENTARY OF NEWSWORTHY RESEARCH VALUE. IT'S USE FALLS UNDER THE CATEGORY OF NON-COMMERCIAL FREE SPEECH. (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.) No Copyright Infringement Intended

Christopher Hitchens gives a talk in Canada on Free Speech in November 2006. This is the end of the twenty minute speech originally from One Good Move: Hitchens is right that religion should be treated with ridicule, hatred, and contempt.