I know u aint here but your always in my heart today is not the same not sending a card but i never forgot me and andy put flowers up at the grave for u with a small card on it you will always be missed gran i still am finding it hard to get over u gone but one day we meet again love your gran children mechelle and andy and ur great grandaughter ciara xxxxx HAPPY BIRTHDAY XXXXX

papa that has been 5 years since u past away we miss u everyday time has flew by but every minute of the day we think about you always will u will never be forgotten and then gran it has only been two months since u past away we still find it difficult to get over u both gone u was a great gran and papa and u will never be forgotten till we meet again rest in peace gran and papa love ur gran children mechelle and andy and ur great gran daughter ciara xxx

i so miss you dad it hurts as you were one of the best you were always there for me i know my mum was very heartbroken without you and she was lonely too i so wish we had spent more time together i always remember the time i was up the ladders painting tthe hut and you said margaret will u come down out of there and i just laughed it was an honour being your daughter i am going back to spiritualist in sept i am hoping you will be there to talk to me i know u are happy to be together again love u loads cant wait till were together again xxxxxxxmargaret your one in a million

these are some old photos i put on here

papa i miss u loads each day not a day goes by i dont think of u but know i know my gran is with u and u be happy together i alwas remember when u used to give me a couple of pound when my gran was not looking it was funny i will always remember all the good times me and andy had with u and gran rest in peace till we meet again love ur granchildren mechelle,andy and ur great grandaughter ciara xxxxx

Please accept my deepest sympathies.
I lost my mother in 2004,-and I still miss her,-so now when I look up at night and see the stars,I look for the brightest and think of her.

mum remember the time when my dad run us up in the car when i stayed in rosyth and u had andy sat on ur knee and all of a sudden he was sick and it went through to ur underwear and when u got out of the car u couuld hardly walk as it had went everywhere i could hardly do anything for laughing and u said it wasnt funny I cant thank u enough for what u done for andy and mechelle you were a great gran ITS WAS A great honour to call mechelle after a great lady and that u were

MY memories of my mother will linger on she was my life and my soul and i remember her saying your mother is your bestfriend and youll know about it when i am not here and its so true to everyword i never thought it would be so true I will never get over you were one of the best NEVER mind we will be together one day then i will be happy and we will resume our baking and have a long chat ANYWAY i know u have got ur wish to be with my dad as you said u were very lonely it was a long time to be with somebody and not miss them you were a wonderful person and people say i am so like u and that is a honour i will always miss u loads night night xxx

I just want to say gran that i hope the angel u to wear on your neck is taking good care of u up there hope u are on your best behaviour up there and u are not hitting the whisky with my papa i will always miss u u be in my heart forever night night


She was the best mum any one could ask for she means the world to me she was good to me and my children mechelle and andy i always remember her baking cakes and especially thoughs christmas cakes they were the best i will miss her alot she was in a lot of pain and always said she wanted away with my dad as he died five years ago and she never got over it but now she is pain free and at peace hope she has found my dad and aunties and uncles up there and she is happy night night mum tll we meet again love margaret xxxxx

my memory of my gran was all the happy times we had together baking cakes looking through old photos she was always there for me and my brother you will always be in our hearts gran miss u loads life will never be the same without you love your gran children mechelle,andy and your great grandaughter ciara xxxx