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Ashley Laschon
13 years ago

I never met you but I feel like I knew you. I see you everywhere I go, I think of you often. I cry when I hear details of your death. My heart aches but I hope that you're in a better place. You are missed by so many, sweet Caylee. I lit a candle for you at church. I'm praying that you finally get to rest in peace soon.

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13 years ago

caylee you sweet and precious angel, we all love and miss you very in peace now that you are with the angels, you are safe and will be in our hearts now and forever.

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caylee i've never met u but you are a beautiful little girl u deserve better then wat u had gotten but seeing ur pictures on tv and the shocking news behind it led me no forther but to tears and whoever did dis i want them to be put behind bars for the rest of the're life because u didn't deserve it and how angry i am now i'd rather for them to be sentence to death you did'nt deserve it they do.

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13 years ago

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lissette rodrigues
13 years ago

beautifull i know that is true .

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Courtney Thomas
14 years ago

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Courtney Thomas
14 years ago

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Courtney Thomas
14 years ago

Caylee I never met you. I met your Grandpapa and Grandmama and Lee. Caylee I bet you are singing and dancing in Heaven. I have pictuers of you little Caylee Anthony. We all Miss you so Much. RIP C M A: 2005-2008

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Courtney Thomas
14 years ago

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Lisa Raab
15 years ago

i love u

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Barbara Landsaw
15 years ago

Kaylee we love you!!!

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16 years ago

With millions of others, I watched your story unfold before me. I never knew you, little precious, but every time I saw pictures of you and saw the sparkle in your eyes I always prayed you'd come back to your Grandpa who misses you dearly. God needed another angel, precious Caylee, and entering you into His heaven made it possible for all the other angels to come forward and rejoice! I cried when I heard about you not being in this world with us, I continue to cry when I see the video of you jumping on a bed with your ballerina "tu tu" with the song "Gone Too Soon" playing in the background, it makes me feel so sad. There are so many people in this world who would have loved to have you in their lives and would have cared for you, sang with you, and loved with you! I will continue to pray for you and continue to hope that justice will be served and that the horrible monster that has done this to you be given the sentence the jury sees fit to give. Continuing lies from your Mom, or any other family member will never resolve anything, those who know more than they appear to be need to come forward . I join many others who hope and pray that justice will prevail and whoever did this to you will TRY to feel remorse for what they have done. The individual who took your precious life away, took away a huge amount of "Sunshine". Rest in Peace America's little Caylee!

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Maria Shene
16 years ago

I have a 2 year old little girl and i can't go the day with out seeing her. Caylee, from the first day you were on the news i hoped and prayed for your safe return. Now at this time i hope that justice is served. We all will miss you that have been following your story. Now that god takes you under his wing and sings you to sleep, remember that he loves all the little children. You have a place in everyons heart now. Even if you dont know us...Miss you little angle

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Valerie Valentine
16 years ago

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ellen carr
16 years ago

i just dont understand when i logged on i thought i could say something but im really at a loss

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Valerie Valentine
16 years ago

I wish you were here now and always will be, you need to be there for your grandpa and grandma, this has been very hard on your loved ones. Especially your Grandpa who needs to know you are alright.

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stacie pirtle
16 years ago

Kaylee, I didn't know you actually but when you came missing and after watching the t.v. everynight praying for your safe return home I feel like you became a part of my life. You are a precious lil angel and I hope that justice will soon be surved so that you can rest in peace...God bless you little princess and Rest In Pease Angel....Love you Kaylee

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Jenny Baldwin
16 years ago

Caylee baby girl, You were a child of innocence and love. Your Family-Your Grandparents,Aunts&Uncles and your friends around the Country were touched and became connected to the love we all had for you. Little child of God's you deserved so much more than what your little life ended up with. When I look at you,its like looking at my Grandchild. Holding and laughing,and spending all my days and nights not ever letting you out of my sight. Filling your life up with lots of Hugs and Kisses. Having a child like you,is truly a Gift from God Almighty. You are a Beautiful Child that is now in The Father's House! Nobody will ever hurt you again. Sweet Caylee through the spirit I speak to you: That it is said in this world that : " You dont know what you;ve had, until you've lost it" And low and behold who ever did this to you, they will have to be accountable in front of God one day. I will pray for your mama. We are not to Judge. Jesus said to pray for our enimies and to have forgiveness. So, Caylee I will go to church and lift your mother up to Jesus! So Sweet Child have fun in Heaven running and playing with all the other children of God. Tell Jesus we send our Love. We will see you again. Love You Angel!

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Gloria Shaw
16 years ago

America's precious little darling. I wish I could bring you back to your family. I wish I could have protected you. You were such a vulnerable beautiful child. It hurts my heart that you had to leave us so soon. I feel you were my precious little girl. I would have loved to have a little girl, especially you. You were brought into the world and taken away so young, you touched my my heart in a way I cannot put into words. May the good Lord give strength to your family and friends and may you rest in peace. In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.

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16 years ago

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16 years ago

I too have been drawn to you and your family. Calley my little sister, your earthy life is over, and my prayers have reached our Father's ears and our Great God, has let us find your body and bring you home to your Grandparents. In my prayers for them and you, I have felt your love; love for family, love for me, and love for your mother. It was hard for me to understand at first your love, but I think I do now. You are at peace, with everything. You are home, in Heaven, with Father. Father too is a God of Love. He loves all of us no matter what we do. That does not mean he forgives our every action. He alone is the ultimate Judge and he knows all things. He will hold all of us accountable for our lives and our actions. Each of us have to learn to pay the price of our actions. Father is the Judge, and it is enough for me. I pray for your famlly and I look forward with them to a future day when we will renew our relationship little sister Calley. God Bless Us All.

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christine strong
16 years ago

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christine strong
16 years ago

Caylee you are gone but will never be forgotten. You are sadly missed.Everyone loves you,you touched so many in America.I watched all this from the start to finish and i will be there watching the trial.

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16 years ago

While you're here, there's another wonderful tribute to little Caylee to visit. It has a beautiful video that will absolutely touch your heart: Rest in peace, sweetheart. We all love you and won't forget you!

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16 years ago

Oh Caylee, you are so beatiful. Gone too soon deffinatley. you'r spirit will live on and you'r memories will last forever. You have touched so many of lives many of which you never knew. I know you are in a bigger better more beautiful place then i can even amagine . Some where i once read that children we give birth to are not really ours. we are just privledged to care for them by God. And when god is ready for you'r return he will bring you back home. You'r grand parents here on earth will miss you desperartly. so be there for them when they need you most. This is such a said said story. I know it's not up to us to judge so i leave my comments to myself. And i'll believe that God will take care of the evil, disturbed ,unbalanced,creature who hurt you in this way..Caylee you go on and live and enjoy you'r knew life. Be happy just as you looked like you were here on prayers go out to you'r earth family, but my heart goes out to you. I'm looking foward to meeting you one day...stay as beautiful as you are..keep smiling, singing, dancing,and bringing love to those you left behind, and those around you. bless you little one. good-bye, for now.....

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16 years ago

I watched your memorial today Caylee. I was filled with tears as songs were sang and pictures of you were shown. You touched my heart and soul. I know you are in God's loving arms and he is holding you strongly. Your life here on earth was not in vain, because you touched so many lives and made so many hearts grow with love. Whenever I see the sun shining brightly I will know that it is you making Heaven even more beautiful. America loves you Caylee, and we carry you in our hearts forever.

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16 years ago

How did it feel Casey? Your Parents doing EVERYTHING and you not doing one thing...When your Mother said that Caylee was her "gift" how did you feel?I hope that you got your message from Lee...we all know he wasn't talking "CMA" for was for you. The service was really nice that YOUR MOTHER had to do and your DAD just getting out of the hospital...ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF? Making your Family go through your selfishness? How could you call your DAUGHTER a "SNOTHEAD"? I have raised my children, brothers, foster children, and grandchildren and not one of them EVER heard me call them a name. GOD now has Caylee and you can stay in JAIL!!!! Use your money sparingly, I doubt if you get anymore from people that were stupid enough to send it to you anyways. They should had sent it to the Lady that you ruined and her children. You had it made Casey, and look what you have NOW!!! I only wish I could tell you what I want to but I will be nice... I do wish your Daughter would had been there at the service like the Pastor said, but to tell EVERYONE who did it to her... She is better off with her Heavenly Fay=ther, at least she can call him "FATHER"...

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16 years ago

I got a few of my own lil angels in heaven. Maybe you all can play together. RIP. Such a shame. You was truly a beautiful lil gurl.

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16 years ago

Caylee, For the thousands of lives you've already touched, shows just who you truly were. A sweet little Angel who's brought many together and will continue to be in our thoughts for many years to come. It's sad how others will take such a beautiful little girls memory and use it for blame when its dedicated to someone so pure and so innocent. May those who seek hatred remember this is a day, to remember the most precious little girls arrival back home and remember just who Caylee Marie Anthony was. She is the most loved little Girl across the nation who will be forever remembered till eternity.

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Beverly R.Jackson
16 years ago

Dear Anthony Family,My Heart Goes Out To The Entire Family.Caylee You Have Been On My Heart From Day One.You Are Truly In Heaven Now.May God Continue To Bless Those Left Behind.George My Prayers Are With You.Cindy God Never Gives Us More Than We Can Bare.Lee Stay Strong The Family Needs You.My Life Is So Touched By Caylee.Her Love Can Never Be Replaced.As George Said A Kiss Are Hug From A Child Means So Much.God Has Truly Brought This Nation Together.We Love You.Your Friends In Copperas Cove,Texas Sincerely Beverly Jackson

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Shadae Wallace
16 years ago

She is going to be miss....she looks so happy in all her pics she is gone to soon but she is gods angel

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16 years ago

It breaks my heart everytime I think of you, but I know you are flying with the angels and resting in Gods arms, never to be harmed again. Be happy sweetheart as one day you will meet all the people who love you and miss you. Everyone is so thankful you will never have to see your so called mom again, as she will NOT be going to heaven one day!!!!! I will remember you always, Love Pat xxxxoooo

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Kandi Matamoros
16 years ago

God bless you Caylee, Though I did not know you sweetheart, I love you. I know your in heaven with our Lord. He will care for you. You will never hurt again. You have touched so many people all over the world. You will live forever in our hearts. I felt compelled to write a peom in your memory. To the Anthony Family I pray for you daily,may God heal your wounds..... Caylee America’s Little Angel Such a sparkle in your eyes, a look of trusting innocence. Your smile could light up a room in an instance. Caylee, America’s little angel….. Your gentle voice that sang so sweet, your beautiful, precious, little face. Now you’re in a better place, one that’s filled with holy grace. Caylee America’s little angel….. You were here for a visit, but not to stay. You’ve left on a journey far far away. Caylee, America’s little angel…. To a place were angels trod, and our Lord will hold you in his loving arms. His love and kindness is what you have eternally, no more pain, tears, or harm. Caylee, America’s little angel….. So short was your life here on Earth, but forever your angelic face engraved in our minds. You’ve ask God to bless all those who cared, and to let the world be kind Caylee, America’s little angel…. So many love you ,Caylee, you are our sunshine. The Lord knows in heaven you will be fine. Caylee, America’s little angel….. No one can ever take your sunshine away again God bless and care for Caylee, Amen. Caylee, America’s little angel……. By: Kandi Barnes Matamoros Goliad, Texas

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16 years ago

Come see a video made for angel Caylee! I am still crying over it! We all love you little angel!

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Melissa, MO
16 years ago

Caylee, I did not know you in life, but ever since I learned about your story, not a day has gone by that I don't think of you and say a prayer for you. Your story just breaks my heart. You were so you and sweet and innocent and just full of life. You had only just began to live and had such a bright future filled with dreams and journeys ahead of you. Instead you were caught in the crossfire of some monsters ignorance and jealousy. You did not deserve what happened to you. No young child deserves to pay for another's mistakes. I hope that you are safe now in God's ams and that he is protecting you from all harm and hurt. May you run free and play with all the other children and just laugh and live with no fear. May you feel no more pain or discourage. The day is coming where justice will be served and the world will hear your voice. Someone will pay for the horrific crime they committed upon you. Just know that all of America is on your side and that you truly are "America's Daughter." You have touched the hearts of so many Americans as well as people all around the world. I have a daughter that is just a few months younger than you and so full of life. It sickens me to know that someone took all that away from you. I am just a year or so older than your mother and would never ever think of doing something like that to my own fleshing blood that I brought into the world. In closing my dear sweet Caylee may you rest in peace and fly high with all the other guardian angels we have around us. Remember that we all love you and will never forget you and those big beautiful eyes and huge smile that could light up a room. IN LOVING MEMORY OF CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY 2005-2008

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16 years ago

Caylee, I know you are with Jesus now and you have been since this awful incident happened to you. You are a beautiful little girl and I am sure Heaven is a brighter place with you there--although for your family it is a darker world without you. I pray for your family, especially your grandfather who so obviously loves you very much. I also pray for your mother--although I am so angered by what she has done but God calls on us to pray for all persons. Ask God to send His angels to comfort your grandfather and help him heal. His family needs him. Mr. Anthony, if you ever read these--remember this is not your fault and though your heart must be shattered--your life still has value and meaning. Caylee is safe now--it is not the same, I can only imagine how you must feel--but she is with Jesus and all of the other little children who are taken from us. There is nothing you can do now but help yourself. My prayers are with you Sir. I mean that with my heart. I have been praying for your family since I first heard about your situation and though it was obvious from the start--something terrible had happened--we all, as did you, held out hope we were wrong. Please don't let this end your life--there are people who need you to be strong--this happens to other people too--sad as it may be--there are other families dealing with the same loss and often, the same circumstances. I mean not to minimize your anguish--you are fully validated in your feelings--just remember God loves you and He did not want this to happen--but He will help you through. God Bless you Sir, and may God keep you and have His face to shine upon you.

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16 years ago

We should all honor the memory of this little girl that died for no reason at the hands of her own mother. REST IN PEACE CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY BELOVED GRANDDAUGHTER AND CHILD

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16 years ago

There is the most beautiful video for Caylee! I have to share it: It is just the perfect way to remember such a special little girl. Fly high with the angels little one - we won't forget you!

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Cheryl Hayes
16 years ago

Florida's Princess, thats what you were. Now you are in the arms of the angels. Watch over Gramma & Papa's hearts as they have so much pain. The journey ahead for them is going to be so sad and their hearts will break more. They need you to guide them now and keep them safe and strong. We had you only for a minute and you left a nation so full of compassion, we will never forget your short time here. Your purpose here was complete. Fly on Little One. Watch over them and protect them until you can sing for them again, Forever Loved, Forever Missed.

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16 years ago

My daughter and I have watched this case since the beginning. I have cried a million tears for this baby. God is holding this sweet little girl in His arms now and no one will hurt her again. I truly believe that there is a certain punishment for those who hurt or kill children that no one can lie or escape their way out. Justice will eventually be served.

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Bonnie Rojeck
16 years ago

Caylee you will never be forgotton,the world has fallen in love with.My heart goes out to The grandparents.I am also a grandmother who has had my daughter and 5 year old granddaughter living with us since her birth.I am so sorry for your loss Cindy and George,May God Bless your Family,and your beautiful Caylee.

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Margie Anagnos
16 years ago

Kaylee, may you rest in peace with the lord. You are an angle who will alway shine. My heart aches for your grandparents who loved you so very much. I have a precious grandson who I love more then life itself. I will think of you always and I'll pray for nana and papa who were your world. How dear God could something like this happen to Kaylee Marie? Kaylee you had your whole life ahead of you, Jeasus will make you the brightest star to shine so brightly. Your spirit will live on in the hearts of so many people that never met you, but loved you!

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Kimberly Kelley
16 years ago

Hey sweetie I'm so sorry things ended up like this i have been following the case since the begining and was praying that they would find you alive and safe! RIP little angel!

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Rebecca Marie
16 years ago

Caylee it has been over a month since you were found, and I still think of you daily. I cry still when I think of what has happened. My heart breaks for you and I never knew you. The only comfort is knowing you are safe in heaven. I am sure you sing You R My Sunshine with the Angles, I say let the heavens ring with your voice. God will forever hold you in is loving arms. One day you will be reunited with your PaPa, Great Grandpa and Grandma. They will rejoice when they see you baby girl. Rest in Peace Angel Baby.

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Joyce C. Smith
16 years ago

Little Caylee is now in heaven sitting on God's lap singing You Are My Sunshine to everyone in heaven. She had the sweetest singing voice for a two year old. God Bless her little heart. May God be with here grandparents Cindy and George and her Uncle, they will truly miss her. She will always have a place in my heart...Thank You Mr. Kronk for finding this little angel and doing the right thing.

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Joyce C. Smith
16 years ago

Little Caylee is now in heaven sitting on God's lap singing You Are My Sunshine to everyone in heaven. She had the sweetest singing voice for a two year old. God Bless her little heart. May God be with here grandparents Cindy and George and her Uncle, they will truly miss her. She will always have a place in my heart...Thank You Mr. Kronk for finding this little angel and doing the right thing.

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16 years ago

Even though I never met you, you have captured my heart. I helped pass out flyers for your safe return home. I met your grandparents, Cindy and George, they love and miss you so much. I prayed everyday for you to return to them safe and sound. Now you are in God's arms, and you will be forever in my heart. I have had a star named for you. You will never be forgotten, I now pray everyday for the Justice you deserve. Rest in Peace Sweet Angel...

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16 years ago

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sending a candle lit with love,just for you in Heaven above xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Ramona Downing
16 years ago

All thoe I did not know this little angel she has touched my heart from day one. I do not know the family. Just a person that has watched everyday since she had gone missing. With my thoughts and prayers everyday for a safe recovery. I am saddened that she has left this earth in the most horrible way. I will always remember this little angel of God. I only wish you my dear child will rest in peace.

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Ramona Downing
16 years ago

All thoe I did not know this little angel she has touched my heart from day one. I do not know the family. Just a person that has watched everyday since she had gone missing. With my thoughts and prayers everyday for a safe recovery. I am saddened that she has left this earth in the most horrible way. I will always remember this little angel of God. I only wish you my dear child will rest in peace.

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Lara Family
16 years ago

Although we never met you, we feel like you took a piece of us with you.  Our twins are the same age as you.  Your tragic story hit so close to home.  You are such a beautiful little girl who was so full of life.  We know you are safe from harm now in the arms of your Father in Heaven.  So many people prayed for your safe return, but we now know that He took you from the ones who harmed you.  You will never hurt again. 

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16 years ago

When I first heard you went missing, my heart sank because I have a 3 ear old daughter too, I cried every night and prayed for you, that where ever you were God would keep you safe, now that your with him baby girl you'll always be safe. There are so many such as myself that didn't get to know you, but you touched our lives so deeply. May you rest in peace and your mother pay for what she did. I love you Caylee

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16 years ago

Even though we have lost a beautiful child at least we know she is once again in her fathers arms.

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