Remember when we laughed until we cried? Wasn't that fun? I'll miss that.
Remember looking at stars from boats?
Fun, Lots of Fun.

Goodnight, where ever you are, my friend.
I think about you often,

2 long years since you left this planet. I love you and miss you every day, you are always in my heart and thoughts.
Love you .
Ma xxx

thinking of you today

Unique ... and i miss u

was a bone shaped dog biscuit and a teabag
wish you were here

Shittiest year ever!!!

I miss your smiling face, I miss your laugh, I miss your voice, I am lost without you, I love you so much. Ma xxxxxxx

I miss you, my friend.

There is never a minute of the day or night when I am not thinking about you, you are in my heart and soul forever. your loving Ma xxxxxxxxxxxxx

You are so missed by so many people. P

I miss you so much,

Dear Brett, It is time for me to say a final goodbye now. I'll see you later. your heartbroken friend Peter

I hate that I will never see you again. I miss you

7 long months tonight, I think about you constantly, you are never out of my mind, day and night, I miss you so much, i miss your smile, your great sence of humour , you always could make me laugh when I was trying to be serious, what a special person you are, sometimes when I think about you I feel really sad, and other times I remember your smile and I smile. Love you forever Ma xxxxxxx

What a life! And to think that you packed it all into approx. 1.5 billion seconds! I hope you are 'having a laugh' where you are. Love Peter This is how long you were with us: ( Date difference from Nov 22, 1965 to Jul 2, 2010 The total number of days between Monday, November 22nd, 1965 and Friday, July 2nd, 2010 is 16,293 days. This is equal to exactly 44 years, 7 months, and 10 days. This does not include the end date, so it's accurate if you're measuring your age in days, or the total days between the start and end date. But if you want the duration of an event that includes both the starting date and the ending date, then it would actually be 16,294 days. The total time span from 1965-11-22 to 2010-07-02 is 391,032 hours. This is equivalent to 23,461,920 minutes. You can also convert 16,293 days to 1,407,715,200 seconds.)

Another sad day New Years Eve, I remember how happy we all were last year. I hope and pray that you and Mum are together. Brett it is now 6 long months since you left ,and Mum 1 month I miss you both so much. You will always be alive in my heart. Your loving Ma and daughter. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Another saddest day of my life, Christmas Day and the two people that I love the most in the Universe are not here. I remember how happy we all were last Christmas Day.
My only consellation is that you and Mum are together. Give Mum a big kiss and cuddle for me.
I miss you both so much.

Dear Brett, It's Jon Burns from whn we were at school together in Hunters Hill. Brett I Have been searching for you for many years and when I find you, we have lost you. You have been with me in a way all these years. Brett and I were best friends from year 7 to year 10. We skated together every weekend and holiday and stole milk money together on midnight skateboard runs. Betty those colourful ball like skate wheels you bought him were great for this. Very quiet, ha ha. I tell this story because Brett was fun, a friend and full mof imagination. we were in the Diving team together and Brett was the team mate you would hope for. We were at youth group together in Hunters Hill and shared many many great times together. He was a huge part of my life and as I have started skating again with the guys that Brett and I skated with I was trying to get us together. A crazy bucket list thing I guess. A piece of my foundation past when you left us Brett. I could never find you on the net and yesterday I got the feeling to look again and there you were. I the way we grew up together you are still here. as for the reunion, mabe they skate in heaven. See you then. For now my heart if full of memories of our pranks and fun and from looking at the impact you have had on others and your family they agree. I never met your children, but a message from me to them, your Dad was a great kid, a bit of a hero really. i think of him and the rest of the guys do to. Rick slater and Adam Woodhams. I am married now Brett to a fantastic lady from Ethiopia and we live on the Northern beaches. You would like her. Thanks mate for being a part of me. All I can write right now, to much flooding back. try again later. Jon

It has been 5 long months since you died, i miss you every day, Mum died today at 4am, she said a couple of weeks ago that she was going to see Brett soon. I know that Mum is with you, I said to her last night please give Brett a big kiss from me and tell him that I love and miss him when you see him.
I have now lost the two people that I love most in the world in a very short time. I know that you will look after Mum. I Hope to see you and Mum soon. Lots of love Ma xxxxxx

Which is why you had such beautiful eyes because you have such a beautiful soul Whatever corner of the universe you are in right now, I know that it is brighter and more technicolor because of your presence I am happy for that particular corner of the universe but I am sad for ours it just seems less colorful less vibrant less fun now you have gone God, that really sounds like I am pissing in your pocket. (Whichis a funny expression to equate being complimented with pissing in someone's pockets) I actually tried to tell a busker once how much I liked his singing by urinating into his coat pocket he got angry but I meant it as a compliment he probably would have preferred loose change see u again one day P PS: If you are able to, from wherever you are, to bring all the people who love you together again, please do.

Full moon is rising
at 4:40 it will set
while we're all sleeping

Happy Birthday Brett,
This is the 44th time that I have said this, sadly I cannot say it to you in person, I hope and pray wherever you are that you are happy, and you know that I will never forget you. Happy 45th Birthday. I love and adore you and miss you every day. Lots of love MA.XXXXXXXXXX

My thoughts and love are with all of us that love you, but especially Betty, Nanna, Debbie, Vaughan and Jasmine.
Happy Birthday, Brett,
Since you went, It has taken quite some time to get the concept of your passsing into my brain. Now this knowledge has gone from an intellectal concept to a deep pain on a cellular level.
We will all miss you today, but we will all celebrate your amazing life.
A teabag and a dog biscuit to you my friend,
love you
miss you

4 long months tonight since you died,
I miss you every minute, I try to sleep, but It is impossible ,I can not stop thinking abot you . Night and day you are never out of my mind.

15 long weeks. Love you Ma.

Thanks for the visit ( only us 2 know what that means) Love you forever Ma.

14 long weeks since you died, I miss you and love you so much, Ma.

Nature boy
There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy
And sad of eye
But very wise
Was he
And then one day
A magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

12 years ago today you and Debbie were married, I have been thinking about your wedding all day. What a beautiful wedding it was and a perfect day, and how happy you and Debbie were.

I struggle to get through each day without you, but somedays are worse than others. Father's day was a very very sad day for Vaughan , Jasmine and myself.
Now another day has arrived which I need all your strength, to help me get through -Our Anniversary.
26th September, 1998
Swiss Grand Hotel, Bondi
We have had so many fantastic times together, but today was one of the happiest days of our lives.
You looked so handsome and no-one could wipe your beautiful smile from your face.
We left the reception and walked into the pub across the road and everyone in the pub said. "What's this fancy dress?", to which you said. "No, we just got married!!",. The pub roared and they stood us up onto the tables, everyone started singing and buying us drinks, it was fantastic. We would have stayed there all afternoon I'm sure, but Tim came across to the pub and after having a couple of drinks with us he siad, "You must go back to your wedding as everyone is looking for you both",.We never did like to play by the rules, did we baby !!.
Sadly, we never got to renew our wedding vowels in Vegas like we wanted to. We have celebrated this day in so many places and countries and we always partyed hard. Unfortunately, this year we are apart and it is killing me to be without you. All I ever wanted since I was 15 years old was to be with you.
It is heart breaking because, what was once one of the best days of our life has now become one of the most painful for me. The wedding vowel, "Till death do us part", does not apply for us, as I know our souls will never part.
I sit here today as I do everyday with tears rolling down my face and remember all the wonderful times we have shared as a couple and as a family. They will be forever locked in my heart .
"Happy Anniversary Sweetheart"
I will be in love with you for the rest of my life.
You are the only one who will ever have my heart. and soul.
Love You xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tonight, 12 weeks ago at 3 minutes to midnight, I was told you were dead. I ask myself every minute, every hour, every day , why did you have to die. I miss you so much and the pain does not get any easier. You are always in my thoughts.
I love you. Mum. (or Ma as you liked to call me).


miss you

so sad

Darling Betty, Debbie, Vaughan and Jasmine,
We all thought about you yesterday as it was Father's Day and the memories of your beloved Brett will be with you forever. Nothing can take your pain away but the memories of Brett are always in our hearts. Please take some comfort in knowing that we are always thinking of you.
Love Kate and Family xo

I know you wish you could have been with your family today.
Love to you, mate.

Baby, I know you would want me to be stronger, but the harsh realization that you have left me forever has hit me quite hard.
I struggle with the fact that I will never be able to hold you in my arms,
look into your beautiful blue eyes , or kiss your sweet lips again.
Not being with you is tearing me apart.
I walk around lost, in a world without love.
The stars no longer sparkle, the moon no longer shines,
and the sky is always grey.
There is no light at the end of my tunnel, I will be forever lost in the dark.
I wish I could wake from this nightmare !!!!
I will always be in love with you and my heart and soul are forever yours.

That it was your dream to ride a kids scooter down bulli pass.
And speaking of dreams, you told me that your favorite dreams were the ones in which you flew. You said you thought that you were astral traveling.

I don't remember the year... come to think of it, there's a LOT I can't remember, it's called : 'alcoholic brain-damage" I believe. Anyway, this particular day, it must've been in spring or summer, because you were wearing one of your ubiquitous "Hawaiian" shirts, the blue one, I think. You were driving. I think it was the beeetle, but it could equally have been the ill-fated Triumph stag. We pulled up into the side street, next to KFC in Drummoyne. Of course, back then, it was still "Kentucky Fred Chicken". Simultaneoulsy, police car with two coppers in it parked a couple of cars closer to Lyons Rd and on the other side of the road. We got out, a little jittery. We'd been smoking too many of the B& H "Sterling's" I smoked at the time and I think there must've been some sort of pronblem at the factory for this batch, or maybe it was the bamboo pipe we were smoking them in, but we were both a little "agitated" or "nervous". Anyway, you strolled straight over to the cop car, leaned into the driver's side window and said "Do you guys want me?". Startled and suspicious, the copper replied "No. Should we?" Unfortunately, the coppers were also going to KFC and we spent the next, very uncomfortable, 12 minutes and 17 seconds standing under blazing flouro lights, waiting for our order of greasy chicken, with two knuckle-scapers standing right behind us the whole time. Paranoid? Why'd you ask me that? What are you looking at? Stop staring at me!

That's funny Bruce.

On the 16 August 1977, I met you at school in the afternoon you were 11 , I knew you would be upset, you came running out crying and said 'Elvis is dead' I said I know daring but Elvis will live forever in peoples hearts, you thought about it for a while and then said to me, 'do you think I could change my name to Elvis' , I said I think Brett Michael Sullivan is a great name. Years later you named our first cat Elvis then the next Priscilla and the next Sam. Brett like Elvis you will live forever in peoples hearts. Love you so much Mum.

you were my elvis

It was love to see how beautiful Debbie was and how handsome Brett was.
What a great day that must have been.
(I could only watch the first ten minutes, too many tears. I will try again today.)
Thank you Betty,

He was 100% unique!

I just watched the video of the service that Betty sent me. Thank you so much Betty. I miss you all really badly and I am sorry I left. He meant so much to so many. Thank you Brett

I'm not coping with this

My memories of my beautiful son, there are a million and more,and it breaks my heart that I will never be able to talk to or touch Brett again. I now know what it is like to have your heart broken. It just gets harder every day.<br />
I love Brett so much. Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

See You.
14 years agoI happened to thinking today also about the beautiful wedding video I saw. Didn't know it was 12 years. Love to Brett, Debbie , Jasmine and Vaughan. love Peter