U Wer So Pretty wen i first met you,
U Wer So Funy Wen u Played Wif ray xx
R.I.P Darlin,

we are so sorry for the loss of your angel! may god help you to go through this......

yes a little princess . but will always be missed love ria paul kids

Hey princess, I bet you're playing with the other little angels up there right know, giving your best smiles ever! All my thoughts and support to your family... xxx

I am so sorry for your loss. She was a very beautiful little girl, now a very beautiful little angel. May God Bless you all and help you to use the wonderful memories you have of and with her to keep you going until such time as you all meet again.

Beth Your ibn a good place only meet you a couple of times but that enough. i see you eating the burger with ketchup and cant get the picture out of my head
my heart is with you and your family
your everyones beautiful princess but your my speacial princess

little Bethany, sleep well little love!
you will all ways be remembered in the hearts of your family and friends, when the sun shines down every day it will remind us of the bright little girl you all ways were!
rest in peace princess xxxxx

An awful tragedy to face a loving family. The pain they must be feeling. Children are not suppose to go this young. May she rest in peace with all the little angels.