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I was the last one to post, last year. Today marks 5 years the world has missed Anthony. Our loving, fun, and care free brother. We love you with all our hearts, and not a day has gone by this last week that I haven't been anxious thinking about today, and what it means to so many people.
He will continue to touch lives and stay in our hearts forever.
We miss you so much Ant,
Love, Ali

I don't know if his mom still checks this, but today is the 4 year anniversary of Anthony being gone. My sister and I are Anthony's sister's best friends. We have known Cindy and Anthony for 8 years and Anthony's passing was a major hit to all of us. We miss him every day and I know he's watching over Cindy's two beautiful children, and everytime I see his neice, Angie, I see his face. We all miss his smile, laugh, and humor. Anthony was like a brother to me, and we will never forget him. His grandma says she can still see his tech deck sliding across the dresser top.
I love you Ant, missing you every day. I know you're watching us, and that makes our worlds at peace. We'll see you again soon little brother.
- Love always, Ali

Love is gentle caring a quiet concern deeply hidden in the heart.
everyday, every minute, every hour. Love is a gentle embrace between
body and soul. A quiet touch of the hand a soft hug by warm arms a caress of two soul. LOVE is great passion between hungry hearts. The intimate exchange between mind, body and soul. Love is always caring always growing always being there. Love is a wonderful gift shared blessed souls experiencing Heaven on Earth.... LOVE mom

I'm know it from the start
you would break my heart
but you still i had to play this painful
part you wrapped me round your
itty-bitty finger
with you magic smile you kept me hang in on
a lovers cross a while you put your spell on me
took my breath away but there was nothing i could
do to make you stay I'm gonna miss you all the love
i feel for you nothing could make me change my point of
view oh boy I'm gonna miss you
baby boy

Anthony Dean Rea June 23, 1992- April 19, 2008

Anthony was a very close friend..He was always so happy..even when we would get in trouble in class. he didnt care. he was always smiling and laughing. Him and I got really close our freshman year. I didnt hear about his passing untill the next day. It was all over myspace and aim. I was in such shock. And i didnt know what to do. For about a week i couldnt go to my 3rd period because just the thought of going and him not being there was unthinkable..R.I.P. my brother...I will always remember those last few words i said to you before i never got to see you again..." I'll see you later..." I will never forget that. I love you bro. I'll see you when its my time. Right now, tomorrow, in 10 years..Doesn't matter. I just know ill be seeing you..Skate it up. Show ' em how its done!! I miss you Bro. I'll see you when i get there...r.i.p ADR....ALWAYS LOVED, BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN....

Anthony was a very close friend..He was always so happy..even when we would get in trouble in class. he didnt care. he was always smiling and laughing. Him and I got really close our freshman year. I didnt hear about his passing untill the next day. It was all over myspace and aim. I was in such shock. And i didnt know what to do. For about a week i couldnt go to my 3rd period because just the thought of going and him not being there was unthinkable..R.I.P. my brother...I will always remember those last few words i said to you before i never got to see you again..." I'll see you later..." I will never forget that. I love you bro. I'll see you when its my time. Right now, tomorrow, in 10 years..Doesn't matter. I just know ill be seeing you..Skate it up. Show ' em how its done!! I miss you Bro. I'll see you when i get there...r.i.p ADR....ALWAYS LOVED, BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN....

I don't know Anthony but here is what I do know. My brother was Michael Bulnes who died the same way as Anthony in San Bruno on those damn train tracks! But everything that I have been reading sounds so much like my Mikie. i would just like to give my heart out to the family that is grieving because I understand how much it hurts. I miss my brother so much! I just hope that you hold on to eachother and remember the good times...as hard as it is I know that it helps.....my heart goes out to u and I hope that they are happy together in heaven!!!

He makes me proud to say I am a skateboarder. It makes me feel happy and lucky to have gotten to know Anthony and it is with tears and a broken heart that I have to say good by to him. He may be gone but he will never be forgotten. Anthony will truly Roll Forever - not only in my heart but in the heart of skateboarders and skateboarding. I miss you Anthony. I can only hope i will see you again soon.

He was a very cool cousin to look up to. He would ride his skateboard and try to scare me by stopping in front of me doing tricks. When I would look up to him I would remember when he was about 10 year's old we were trick or treating with his friend's and I were only 6. he made sure I got candy because all the other kids tried to steal it from me. At the end he gave me some of his candy. When I last saw him which was at the San francisco beach we were riding our skateboards and telling jokes and such.I would laugh and he would laugh.

dam i member that one time u me gus n bruno were kikin it that one nite that was the first day i met u bro n like i felt like i known u 4 hella long!!! we did hella haha!! member? in the alley under the apartments?? jus between u me n gus n bruno dam dawg after that we headed ta his spot and his parents knew rite away!! yee!! dam dude that was the best they buffd it tho erytime igo in that alley its remeniscn dude dam n the scary stories!!! wow we were all huddled up 2gethr dam ima never huddle w a guy that close again!!! lol but we was scared like little babies!!! n we "thot" we saw things yea rite n wat was scarier the dog staretd to bark!! dam i swear aftr that i couldnt sleep alone 4 weeks dawg i slept w ma bros 4 weeks!! but if i did i always thot i saw sum i know u did 2!! n that mornin we all woke up n went ta my spot n i left 4 a sec n u n dam gus broke ma bed!!! haha ima member that tho!!.............the 19th..........ima never 4get that ppl were telln me sumone jus died n iwas like dam the last thng was i never thot itd b one a my bois,,,,,,i got the news 4rm gus n i got goosebumps rite away dude i saw him cryn n he didnt hesitate rite away jus said......anthonys dead........real talk i aint ever got that much goosebumpz!!! n i wantd ta walk w him but he jus wantd ta b alone n i couldnt bear ta leave hm but i did i cried hella dude it was way to unxpectd.....but we miss u know n we r gna until we have our kikits again wen the time cums welle c eachother bro u know it WE MISS U *KrA1S OnEr:"+ member ur already crowned!!!

i remember how i would get butterfly's in my tummy.cause I'd see you.8) haha. those were the daaaayyys. & it was funny cause my brother really like your sister to.haha.crazy.remember that.....i remember playing at recess & playing basketball with you && how i would laugh at anything you say or do ha && you'd say."my gosh you laugh at everything ! =)"hahaha & we just both laugh some more... hahaha GOD. . . . . i remember getting a phone call from a friend saying anthonys dead...& at first i didn't know who it was cause it been so long.i mean elementary & just 6th grade, l kinda forgot. & my brother telling me its cindys little brother..................................oh. & it hit me ,it hit me so fast & so hard. & my mouth was so dry. i broke down sooo fast.& i just couldn't believe it. i just wanted to know so much..how.WHY?! & when it was your viewing.ohhh i just could handle it...when i seen your face.in that suite. it was something id seen in a move.so unreal.. i didn't go to the funeral cause i just didn't want to see you go under ground & get berried. i just told myself. .not like this.i just cant.i love you anthony.=) allways allways.we all do. im gonna miss you. & i'll NEVER forget you...k.. rest in peace & skate your heart out.hope to see you in the next lifetime. GOODBYE ANTHONY.8)
love angelica

In behalf of my family and me, we would like to thank all of you for joining us here in this moment of sorrow, please bear with me for any hesitation. This is a very unexpected day for our family. I like to take a few moments of your time to let you all know how much my nephew Anthony means to me and the family. He was so special to us and we missed him dearly. I wish I had a chance to tell my nephew Anthony how much he meant to me and how much I love him so so much I sometimes regret that I didn’t make it to his funeral so I could tell him that his Tita Emily loves him and that I miss him so very much. But, hopefully he knows that he will always be my Lil Angel who is watching over his mom, grandma, me and the rest of his love ones that he left behind. R.I.P My Dear Anthony. You are our Lil Angel now. We will never ever forget your beautiful smile that make us love you even more and more. You were the sunshine of our day. You have warmed our hearts all those 15 years you were alive and now that you have left us our hearts has not been the same. We all of your family and friends love and miss you with all of our hearts.
God Bless.

Sitting here thinking about you,
I here you call my name
Tita Emily, Tita Emily, Tita Emily
As I turn to see who's calling me
I see no one, only hear your voice.
I glance across the room,
To see if anyone else hears it too.
But no one seems to notice the look on my face.
I miss you so much,
I keep telling you,
But you don't seem to hear me.
Still you're calling out my name, only louder,
As the tears rolled down my face,
I glance around the room,
And see you amongst my family, and friends
The look upon your face says you're peaceful now.
I realized it was time to let you go.
Although I will always love and miss you.
I turn my head to see if anyone notices you.
Then I turn back, and you're gone.
I hear you, so very gently say,
"I love you", "Good- Bye!"
"Bye", I said . . .

why did this happen to Anthony ? he was a good kid, i never really saw him upset. he brought life in my day. when i used to go over his house&&see him, he'd always say or do something to make me laugh like crazy. im going to miss those times i shared with him. even though he's gone forever, he'll stay in my heart forever too. i love you baby boy, dont you forget it! im always here for your family, looking out for them&& helping them through their day. watch over EVERYONE okay ? thanks babe<3
love always,
Hannah Conk.

When I am alone, without my son Anthony Rea I cry, I change, I am alone again without
anyone to love, Love is the most valued posession, Without my son I am nothing, but I am
relieved, without my son Anthony Rea I feel free to go and come as I please, nothing to hold me down, Nothing to hold me back from anything in my day, Because I am without my son
Anthony Rea, The sun doesn't seem as bright and trees don't seem as green, Without
my son A pain in my chest is getting worse as I feel as though I can't breath,
skipping breathes, and now I can't catch my breathe,
Because I am without my son son I can't sleep, then I sleep too much, I hardly eat
my world is upside down, Because I am without my son, I am dieing the slowest of
deaths, Because I am without my son Anthony Rea....

I know your pain,I lost my beautiful daughter March 2006 .I run a child loss website and forum [free of cost] For more support please visit
Again I am so sorry.Your son is beautiful
Louise Lagerman

rest in paradise
16 years agoi didnt really no him at all but he was my cousins friend and i used to go to the same elementary school as him and i remember seeing him around. i dont no why but i feel that i really know him and he keeps appearing in my dreams.it would be him and his friends skate boarding. rest in peace anthony!!! i miss you!!! =[